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Preview Completely fucking nuts: a Molyneux article

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Tags: Fable: The Lost Chapters; Lionhead Studios

Yes, I know. It's not the best title for a newspost, but it's really hard to come up with something better after reading this <a href=http://games.kikizo.com/news/200708/015_p1.asp?id=nn#>article</a>, featuring Peter Molyneux and Fable 2.
<blockquote>"Stupidly, the ambition on this thing [Fable 2] is I want you to measure this against any fighting game. It's amazing for a role playing game, because <b>most role playing games are shit!</b> Oblivion was a great game, but the combat was rubbish; we all talked about it being rubbish. So imagine you had a great role-playing game and really, really good combat system."
Molyneux explained that <b>games today are mechanically too hard and too difficult</b>, and that to reach his goal, some careful thinking will be needed. Lionhead's ambition, he said, is to make a "truly great RPG". And how will he quantify the success of this ambition? "As a designer I want as many people to enjoy my game as possible. I'll put a number on that: the number is five million; that's pretty ambitious, and to do that I need to innovate."
"...I've got to innovate combat. And the problem is an enormous number of games you see are totally unplayable for the vast majority of the population. Give Halo 3 or Call of Duty to a casual gamer and they will just run away screaming, they wouldn't have the first chance. But, hardcore gamers are getting so demanding now, they're requiring ultimate balance, enormous depth, and love experimenting throughout the whole of the game. Those are polar opposites, on one side accessibility, and on the other, depth. <b>How can I create a combat system that combines both together?</b>"
"I am certainly suggesting that a good proportion of [casual players] can't even control a character, and get stuck, and we're spending a lot of time getting that right. I could say draw your sword and they wouldn't even have a clue what we're talking about. But if you say push forward and <b>just push the button more</b>, they could get through the whole game like that. It would take them a lot longer, and the hero would look atrocious by the end of it, and wouldn't be nearly as powered up as 'your' hero, but they could finish it. And I want to do that, because I want more people to play the game."
Initiating a fight in the game, Peter starts with some 'button mashing' - hitting the button without any coordination or rhythm, involving little skill. "You would think button mashing would be one thing I'd want to get rid of, but I don't. For some people, it's what they want to do." The idea, he explained, is that the depth comes from getting more out of doing cooler things.
"How can I reinforce that?" he ponders. "With another new thing, which is using music, and effects, and camera cuts. I want you to think of the sword as a conductor's baton. As you're fighting, we'll be introducing different musical elements, the more successful you are. And we'll be upping the tempo of the music, the more abilities that you unlock. So you not only get more of a score, you get a cooler soundtrack. This is literally unlocking different musical instruments that are in there, which makes me feel more engaged with the combat."
"<b>Remember, this is a role playing game; all the different weapons have different music sounds and give a very individual feel to the combat</b>."
"Death... is rubbish. It makes me feel bored and it's tedious. We've got to think of another way to make combat feel like it means something. As we saw in Fable 1, the world reacts to what you're like; if you walk down the street and look heroic, people will greet you, but if you look evil they'll run away. And this is our answer to death. Very simply put, when you're fighting anybody and you see your hit points go down to nothing, your hero collapses, but instead of the screen going black, we keep the camera on the hero. The baddies will come in and start laying in to you - kicking him, punching him, slashing with a sword - and <b>it's quite an emotional thing to see that with everybody laying into you</b>.
What actually happens is your hero is getting permanently scarred all over his body. And those scars will never go away. The more times you die, the more you get scarred, the more ugly and disfigured you will look, and the more the world will react. We tested with loads of kids, and most people loathe looking like it, and the interesting thing is how that makes you feel. If you're willing to <b>pay 500 experience, you can get up immediately and not be scarred at all</b>, and continue the battle from where it was. The longer you wait, the cheaper it costs to get up.
That actually works; it makes combat so much more impactful, because the cost is not tedium any more; the cost is your look and how cool you are as a player, and that <b>coolness is very important</b>."</blockquote>...
Thanks, Lestat.


Jan 31, 2005
This guy is so fucking retarded, his accomplishments need to be removed from history. From now on I will remember populous as a pile of shit I played for 15 minutes before crushing with a hammer. To wikipedia! We must set history straight.


Jun 23, 2006
I'm suddenly confident that Fable 2 will turn out to be the greatest RPG ever created, putting both Fallout and Planescape to shame.

You guys are looking at this interview the wrong way. This is Molyneux interview. Everything he said is undoubtedly lies or hype. IF Moylneux repeatedly claims in interviews that he's going to create the world single most retarded and challenge free RPG ever he will eventually deliver to us an RPG magnum opus.
Nov 7, 2006
This can't be true. It's worse than my first posts...

Molyneux explained that games today are mechanically too hard and too difficult, and that to reach his goal, some careful thinking will be needed.
Like it or not, combat is at least half of a role-playing experience, probably more like 70%
Fallout obviously is not a role-playing experience. It's a great adventure game though.


Jan 30, 2007
psycojester said:
I'm suddenly confident that Fable 2 will turn out to be the greatest RPG ever created, putting both Fallout and Planescape to shame.

You guys are looking at this interview the wrong way. This is Molyneux interview. Everything he said is undoubtedly lies or hype. IF Moylneux repeatedly claims in interviews that he's going to create the world single most retarded and challenge free RPG ever he will eventually deliver to us an RPG magnum opus.

Hey that's right!

Molyneux never delivers what he promised!

So he promised a beat 'em up with weapons, nearly no death penalty and no depth.

There is no way to get lower with my expectations... So you must be right, the only way is up! :D


Aug 26, 2004
Perpetually lurking
I love how many RPGs are shit EXCEPT Fable.

Hopefully this man is the only person who ever believes his bullshit hype is true. I really believe he needs to be on antipsychotic medications due to his delusions.

How long has it been since he contributed a truly innovative title that didn't suck?

Deleted member 7219

I actually really, REALLY hate Peter Molyneux. If I met him I would like nothing more than to punch him in the face and knee him in the balls.


Aug 27, 2006
I don't mind 'The Movies'. However, I believe he wasn't actually around during its development.

I may be wrong of course.

This interview was something else thats for sure...


Mar 12, 2007
I remember back when, my dad was a casual gamer and the only game he would play was Cesar III. I think if you go to gamespot and see things like system wars it is becoming apparent that the hardcore gamers are the ones whdo are retarded and start the whole grafix trend. I mean you have to be both harcore and braindead to spend 100 hours in Oblivion.


Mar 16, 2007
Tampere, Finland
Codex 2012 Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
o.O... now... what the... O.o.... Holy fucking shit!

Armageddon has begun.

At first, I didn't know if I should laugh or cry....
I knew, though, after THIS made me laugh so loud, my dog walked into my room and had this "WTF?!"-expression on it's face..

"Remember, this is a role playing game; all the different weapons have different music sounds and give a very individual feel to the combat."

xedoc gpr

Sep 26, 2006
Those are polar opposites, on one side accessibility, and on the other, depth. How can I create a combat system that combines both together?

Nothing wrong with that statement.

Well, until you read what his idea of depth is:

Give Halo 3 or Call of Duty to a casual gamer and they will just run away screaming, they wouldn't have the first chance.

So what is accessible, then? Pong?


Jan 9, 2006
so the game is rated M (at least fable 1 was) and he wants to make it for 0-5 year olds? How does that make sense at all??


Jan 11, 2006
The White Visitation
It's clear he's trying to break into the Yahoo! Games, Minesweeper, maybe The Sims type crowd and if you look at it in that context what he says makes sense. It's just the basic concept that is so insane - that 5-year olds and Minesweeper players are going to buy an XBOX 360 just to play Fable 2.
Apr 12, 2007
Matt7895 said:
I actually really, REALLY hate Peter Molyneux. If I met him I would like nothing more than to punch him in the face and knee him in the balls.

I feel the same way, but my kick punch kick combination would be different.


Apr 26, 2007
In newly annexed Canada
Peter Molyneux said:
The whole of your body, except for your private parts, can be scarred.

Sorry, but that's the deal breaker right there. I WANT MY MOTHERFUCKING TESTICULAR DAMAGE!

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