President Spartacus
Haha, this thread has not yet begun to get retarded! 

I'll admit, I am being deliberately harsh on hiver here (because I'm pretty sure he's dense) but I hope out of that a few points are coming across:No matter how many retards I discourage, they still find a way to hang around and post.
What do you want me to do here? Nuke the place? Because that's the only option left. But the sad thing is, that even if I did, you'd all just find somewhere else to be retarded. You'd retard up Facebook or Twitter, or the BioWare forums. It turns out that human beings are simply just fucking retarded.
No offense DU, but maybe the really bad ones are so bad that's all your seeing thus your lumping us all into the "retarded" category? Some of us stay as far away from GD as possible and actually like discussing cRPGs... yeah I know pretty amazing huh?Yeah, this place can get pretty bad but the actual cRPG discussions/ debates are interesting and informative with many having great insights or opinions I never thought of or considered. I can self-censor posts I read to ignore the trolls, I don't need or want a nanny admin (yes to free speech, open ideas and all that stuff). Long live the CODEX!!
You're such a good janitor DU...I'll admit, I am being deliberately harsh on hiver here (because I'm pretty sure he's dense) but I hope out of that a few points are coming across:No matter how many retards I discourage, they still find a way to hang around and post.
What do you want me to do here? Nuke the place? Because that's the only option left. But the sad thing is, that even if I did, you'd all just find somewhere else to be retarded. You'd retard up Facebook or Twitter, or the BioWare forums. It turns out that human beings are simply just fucking retarded.
No offense DU, but maybe the really bad ones are so bad that's all your seeing thus your lumping us all into the "retarded" category? Some of us stay as far away from GD as possible and actually like discussing cRPGs... yeah I know pretty amazing huh?Yeah, this place can get pretty bad but the actual cRPG discussions/ debates are interesting and informative with many having great insights or opinions I never thought of or considered. I can self-censor posts I read to ignore the trolls, I don't need or want a nanny admin (yes to free speech, open ideas and all that stuff). Long live the CODEX!!
- One person's retard is another person's perfectly acceptable post.
- Trying to sort out what is retard and what isn't only seems to result in more retardation (just leaving it alone seems to work better).
- It doesn't really matter what we try and do, retards will still find a way to be retarded.
- Once the retard is out of the box, it's very hard - or in fact impossible - to put it back in.
- I am pretty certain that everyone is quite retarded. And I have to confess that probably includes me as well.
So continue being retarded, and let everyone else continue to be pissed off about your retardation. Because no matter what happens or what we try and do about it, something, somewhere, is going to get retarded. You may as well embrace it.
my favorite hobby... cRPGs.![]()
my favorite hobby... cRPGs.![]()
That means you probably got mental problems.
I'll admit, I am being deliberately harsh on hiver here (because I'm pretty sure he's dense) but I hope out of that a few points are coming across:No matter how many retards I discourage, they still find a way to hang around and post.
What do you want me to do here? Nuke the place? Because that's the only option left. But the sad thing is, that even if I did, you'd all just find somewhere else to be retarded. You'd retard up Facebook or Twitter, or the BioWare forums. It turns out that human beings are simply just fucking retarded.
No offense DU, but maybe the really bad ones are so bad that's all your seeing thus your lumping us all into the "retarded" category? Some of us stay as far away from GD as possible and actually like discussing cRPGs... yeah I know pretty amazing huh?Yeah, this place can get pretty bad but the actual cRPG discussions/ debates are interesting and informative with many having great insights or opinions I never thought of or considered. I can self-censor posts I read to ignore the trolls, I don't need or want a nanny admin (yes to free speech, open ideas and all that stuff). Long live the CODEX!!
- One person's retard is another person's perfectly acceptable post.
- Trying to sort out what is retard and what isn't only seems to result in more retardation (just leaving it alone seems to work better).
- It doesn't really matter what we try and do, retards will still find a way to be retarded.
- Once the retard is out of the box, it's very hard - or in fact impossible - to put it back in.
- I am pretty certain that everyone is quite retarded. And I have to confess that probably includes me as well.
So continue being retarded, and let everyone else continue to be pissed off about your retardation. Because no matter what happens or what we try and do about it, something, somewhere, is going to get retarded. You may as well embrace it.
Actually your name came up a few times in various places about being retarded and possibly needing discouragement.
... and yet you're still here.
Discussing it.
Ok, so let's assume you're completely fucking retarded then.
Here's the current process:
User decides they want to share information about themselves or another person on an internet forum.
User posts that information.
Consequences ensue and lessons about life are learned.
Here's what you want me to do:
User decides they want to post something.
User posts information.
BUT WAIT! What they've posted is completely retarded.
Admin now needs to come along to make judgement call about what said user posted.
That means we need enough admins, reading everything that's ever posted, to ensure that it's not inane drivel.
That means we have - with 800 users active per day, making 1,500 posts per day - probably somewhere around 8 - 16 admins needed to read and monitor everything (and I do mean everything) that's posted.
That means we've got 8 - 16 people all making decisions about what's retarded and what's not, deciding whether to delete threads or not.
Given this place - an RPG forum devoted specifically to cRPGs - can't even fucking agree on what an RPG is or isn't, I don't believe it's unreasonable to assume that the admins themselves would get into disagreement about what is and isn't retarded and worthy of action being taken.
More fun ensues.
More staff -> More judgement calls being made -> More disagreements -> More bullshit -> MORE RETARD
You have seen all the drama that gets generated whenever we ban someone, right? I mean, you have been paying attention?
Didnt i just tell you in previous post im not even remotely talking about babysitting anyone... especially me... you imbecile?I'm not your babysitter because you're a fucking grown adult.
As a grown adult, I believe it's reasonable to assume that you have a brain and that, given you have a brain and survived long enough into adulthood to learn words, I don't believe it's unreasonable to assume that you should know how to use it and be willing to bear the consequences of your actions.
... but let's assume we don't take the steps needed to stop the retardation before it gets out and causes too much damage. Let's instead use the current system, where once retardedness is posted, some good samaritan reports it to the admins as being retarded.
Here's the problem with that: The thread is usually on page 15 before that happens.
In other words: The retard is already out. Everyone already knows. Much like Dicksmoker when I deleted his thread, plenty of people decided to post his real name and various images in other topics. I have better things to do than to be cleaning that all up, everytime this happens, because you're fucking retarded.
Yes, Andhaira incidentally - who's been fucking banned and stuck in the moderation queue for months now. So here's a classic case -
That's the point, you complete dumbass. I am not fucking God. Despite popular myth and what my username might suggest, I am not in fact, omnipotent.
And even then, here you are, discouraged, and yet you're still clamming up the forums with your retardedness. It turns out that no matter what you try and do to stop the fucking retards, they're too retarded to get the fucking message.
That judgement that you wanted me to make has already been made hiver. The verdict is in: You're a fucking retard. Can you fuck off now please?
You even have your own god-damned thread in GD about you. 34.1% of posters think you're a shitposter. 14.8% wonder why you haven't been banned yet. Only 35.3% think you're "good for what it is" or "a true bro". 48.9% of people think your time is up. In fact, if we remove the KingComrade results from the poll, it splits 58% against you.
Ok, I have labelled you a shit. Does that make things better? Does this mean you're going to leave now?
You don't have to tell me about it. I'm talking to one of them right now.
No, no, you're
Is that SO? hmm!But retards... retards never learn.
And no matter what I do, the retards still find a way to keep posting. THey register a hundred and fifteen alts, they hang around even when they're discouraged. It turns out retards really are quite thick.
hiver? Discouraged. Keeps saying he doesn't want a discussion. Keeps making a discussion.
Digs up a dead discussion that the admins have been talking about moving to Retardo Land because it just won't fucking stop with the retard.
No matter how many retards I discourage, they still find a way to hang around and post.
What do you want me to do here? Nuke the place?
Because that's the only option left. But the sad thing is, that even if I did, you'd all just find somewhere else to be retarded. You'd retard up Facebook or Twitter, or the BioWare forums. It turns out that human beings are simply just fucking retarded.
oh... youre imagining you are harsh!I'll admit, I am being deliberately harsh on hiver here (because I'm pretty sure he's dense)
Semantically? maybe not. But it does mean you don't WANT to talk about it. So you are, in fact, doing something you explicitly said you don't want to do. Masochist.The sentence saying "im not looking for argument or discussion about it", in fact DOES NOT MEAN : "I will now stop talking."
'k... i thought about futility of posting this answer... (because youre so stupid you wont anderstand half of it)
then i thought about pitying you... because youre fucking stupid so not all of what you say is entirely your own fault...
and then i thought about other things which are much more interesting and worthy to think about.
And of course, ive been busy.
But in the end.... all things considered, all angles taken into account : go fuck yourself.
- also, remember what you told St.Toxic ...? That it had to be done "because this is codex?"
Well Greg... guess what?
wtf is this.... shit...
Actually your name came up a few times in various places about being retarded and possibly needing discouragement.
You dont say?
"Various places" eh?
What a vocabulary... Sounds like a talk given by some under secretary in a psychological drama of some kind.
... and yet you're still here.
Discussing it.
I have some incredible news for you!
The sentence saying "im not looking for argument or discussion about it", in fact DOES NOT MEAN : "I will now stop talking."
Amazing but fucking true!
I know... its crazy!
I see you will have to take it on my word for now.
You will just have to trust me when i say those two sentences are actually NOT THE SAME! Because i see you cant get that difficult distinction yourself!
Ok, so let's assume you're completely fucking retarded then.
Just because you say so. And i already told you that just making statements dont make things true. Du-du.
Or, lets objectively dissemble your post instead and see if you are a retard, based on facts!
In a sudden twist!
Here's the current process:
User decides they want to share information about themselves or another person on an internet forum.
User posts that information.
Consequences ensue and lessons about life are learned.
Here's what you want me to do:
User decides they want to post something.
User posts information.
BUT WAIT! What they've posted is completely retarded.
Admin now needs to come along to make judgement call about what said user posted.
That means we need enough admins, reading everything that's ever posted, to ensure that it's not inane drivel.
That means we have - with 800 users active per day, making 1,500 posts per day - probably somewhere around 8 - 16 admins needed to read and monitor everything (and I do mean everything) that's posted.
That means we've got 8 - 16 people all making decisions about what's retarded and what's not, deciding whether to delete threads or not.
Given this place - an RPG forum devoted specifically to cRPGs - can't even fucking agree on what an RPG is or isn't, I don't believe it's unreasonable to assume that the admins themselves would get into disagreement about what is and isn't retarded and worthy of action being taken.
More fun ensues.
More staff -> More judgement calls being made -> More disagreements -> More bullshit -> MORE RETARD
No shit? Is that a fact?
Whatever you do ends in MORE RETARD? Wheeel the fuck...eh?
Who would have seen THAT ONE COMING EH?
my, my... what processes we have here! All but diagrammed!!
All its missing is a powerpoint presentation!
And such a accurate list of "WHAT I WANT YOU TO DOOOOOOOO!" Right after i told you directly i dont give a fuck about you or what you will or not do.
Its like youre not even reading what im writing but inventing some fANTASTIC plot as you scan over my post with synaptic miasmas circulating in your head.
Such telepathy!
Such fucking pinpoint accuracy!
You have seen all the drama that gets generated whenever we ban someone, right? I mean, you have been paying attention?
Is that "paying attention" by someone who just said he cant be bothered to read his own forums and police the threads and whatever the fuck?
Didnt i just tell you in previous post im not even remotely talking about babysitting anyone... especially me... you imbecile?I'm not your babysitter because you're a fucking grown adult.
As a grown adult, I believe it's reasonable to assume that you have a brain and that, given you have a brain and survived long enough into adulthood to learn words, I don't believe it's unreasonable to assume that you should know how to use it and be willing to bear the consequences of your actions.
In what fairy land are you living actually?
Did Aborigines start poisoning all of you or something or are you all so dumb down there on lack of hanging upside down all fucking day long?
It fucking starts to look more and more like Neverland to meee!
In other words.... thats just another cheap excuse you make for yourself, your choices and the way you run this place.
Its a lie. A lie you say here publicly and a LIE you say to yourself with the only end goal of keeping your own stinky ass clean.
What the fuck... is this.... shit:
... but let's assume we don't take the steps needed to stop the retardation before it gets out and causes too much damage. Let's instead use the current system, where once retardedness is posted, some good samaritan reports it to the admins as being retarded.
Here's the problem with that: The thread is usually on page 15 before that happens.
In other words: The retard is already out. Everyone already knows. Much like Dicksmoker when I deleted his thread, plenty of people decided to post his real name and various images in other topics. I have better things to do than to be cleaning that all up, everytime this happens, because you're fucking retarded.
Yes, Andhaira incidentally - who's been fucking banned and stuck in the moderation queue for months now. So here's a classic case -
That's the point, you complete dumbass. I am not fucking God. Despite popular myth and what my username might suggest, I am not in fact, omnipotent.
I dont give a fuck about your excuses or how moderators and you jerk off whole day instead of reading forums and doing something constructive but, instead complain to each other all fucking day long about how hard it is to moderate the forums!
And even then, here you are, discouraged, and yet you're still clamming up the forums with your retardedness. It turns out that no matter what you try and do to stop the fucking retards, they're too retarded to get the fucking message.
That judgement that you wanted me to make has already been made hiver. The verdict is in: You're a fucking retard. Can you fuck off now please?
Oh, sure. because Im actually tinkerbell and i exist only to fulfill all your wishes....
Just because some asshole that thinks making statements is all it takes.
As opposed to judging that very asshole - by the very post he wrote where he fucking repeats things i already told you im not even fucking talking about!
Lets DO!
You even have your own god-damned thread in GD about you. 34.1% of posters think you're a shitposter. 14.8% wonder why you haven't been banned yet. Only 35.3% think you're "good for what it is" or "a true bro". 48.9% of people think your time is up. In fact, if we remove the KingComrade results from the poll, it splits 58% against you.
I have a god damn thread in GD.. OH MY! WHAT AN UNUSUAL AND TELLING EVENT!
AHHH fuck off... dont play some clueless cnn reporter to me, you fucknutt.
Its not like you dont know exaclty who made it and why. You mean that stupid poll Ulminati made to his internal disgrace as a very stealthy attempt of getting some pathetic revenge after he started an argument and then got butthurt in it.
Stick those percentages so nicely wrapped in IGN presentation and bloom in your asshole and jump on them.
Fucking threads in GD... for fuck sake...
Tell me more how retards and shits can vote and decide on how things go here!
Ok, I have labelled you a shit. Does that make things better? Does this mean you're going to leave now?
It means shit.
Because youre fucking stupid.
You don't have to tell me about it. I'm talking to one of them right now.
NOOOOO SHIIIT!? What a discovery! I Should start calling you Christophor one of these days! Because you keep discovering these new lands and awesome stuff!
You wouldnt have read it just in my previous post, now would you???
Nah... i would never think anything like that!
It must be some sort of super spectral intellect that curses through you, discovering and illuminating these things no one other but you could have possibly anticipated or considered!
No, no, you're
No U?
Is that what you come down to here? No U - insults?
Couldnt you have... just fucking googled something better?
Is that SO? hmm!But retards... retards never learn.
And no matter what I do, the retards still find a way to keep posting. THey register a hundred and fifteen alts, they hang around even when they're discouraged. It turns out retards really are quite thick.
Riiiiiiight! - and amazingly so... this same specific problem can be seen on all other forums and sites too.
They also cant get rid of retards and prospers and Andhairas!
hiver? Discouraged. Keeps saying he doesn't want a discussion. Keeps making a discussion.
I explained that little detail above. Just trust me.
I see you cannot fathom it yourself... but it really is like i said it is.
Besides that, if this stupid discouragement is causing anything - then it is causing people to go and make alts.
Digs up a dead discussion that the admins have been talking about moving to Retardo Land because it just won't fucking stop with the retard.
Eh what? Eh what the fucking ... what?
What dead discussion? I dug up a... what the ffff......DU?
Wait a fucking minute here!
:Hiver looks around and up and down this very thread:
In this thread? Youre telling me, in this thread that you made, with that report you wrote... that i dug up ... a dead discussion?
Me? ... Have your pots gone completely bonkers?
No matter how many retards I discourage, they still find a way to hang around and post.
isnt that amazing...?
What do you want me to do here? Nuke the place?
Yup! Thats exactly what i told you I WANT YOU TO DO! Youre so goddamn telepathic Greg. Maybe you should go and work in a circus!
Because that's the only option left. But the sad thing is, that even if I did, you'd all just find somewhere else to be retarded. You'd retard up Facebook or Twitter, or the BioWare forums. It turns out that human beings are simply just fucking retarded.
Look .... dumbshit... .... Generally speaking!!
You can be considered a proverbial captain of this shit covered, slimy, diseased, fecal depository of a proverbial BOAT of Codex that sails the proverbial SEAS OF THE INTERNETS.
(and dont even get me started on how weirdly and funnily symbolic this story already is by some weird chance, with me with my crocodile avatars and BC and her philosophies about left hands-..... and you, Greg. ).
This BOAT of Codex,... sails from port to port, country to country... some people get off, new ones get in, there are arguments, discussions, fights and brawls. Officers change, crew changes. Passengers are herded below the decks, confused and desperate. And not one of the crew can really know another.
Some adapt to circumstances, some become addicted, some disappear suddenly never to be seen again, some are banned from the ship, the walk the plank and some fall over but continue to swim after the putrid trail the Codex Boat leaves behind it, like garbage eating, stinking diseased sharks....
- and whatever other stupid fairy tale you want to spin out of it to massage your shit slurping egoes -
And - as a captain, its your fucking general responsibility and your general fault for every little fucking thing on the boat!
Thats what being a captain, proverbial or less so, proverbially - means!
Sure you can blame specific things on specific people making some specific mistakes... but when the whole of the Codex Boat is measured... all that is wrong with it - is the captains responsibility.
Thats how the things roll... and no amount of excuses, charted lists of diagrames and actions, spinned fake percentages or anything else is going to cut it.
Thats just the way it is! You can argue against it, you can scream, cry, deny, rage, disagree, try to escape, pretend to be blind, deaf and stupid....
It makes no difference at all.
This place is like it is - because you made it so capn.
It looks like this:
And in fact, Du... by all observable evidence presented RIGHT HERE BY YOURSELF.... youre definitely a retard.
look... it would take too long to me to explain things to someone as fucking stupid as you so let me put it in this way:
Imagine i just hit you so hard i broke your jaw and most of your teeth, and then just turned and walked away, while you were left on the ground trying to say words like "Why, what...what? what did i do?" (wouldnt be clear at all with a broken jaw and no teeth but just go with the flow here, mkay?), while people around watch you scoldingly.
Of course, being an ego feeding shit retard you are, you wont be able to understand this. Just trust me, some people will and this is written for them since an opinion of such a human turd as you are is very far from being relevant, generally and especially to me.
oh... youre imagining you are harsh!I'll admit, I am being deliberately harsh on hiver here (because I'm pretty sure he's dense)
HAHAHA! ...What the ...hahahahaha... you think thats harsh?
and youre pretty sure too eh? i wonder why... is it because you read my posts and my arguments with scum around here and you saw how it all went and stuffies?
or, much more likely, youre just stupid and stupid people like to feel sure and secure in their stupidity.
:sprinkles fairy dust over himself - floats up in the air and starts making small circles above the capn, smiles a crocodile smile and then flies away:
... i thought about futility of posting this answer... (because youre so stupid you wont anderstand half of it)
hiver said:
Could someone please translate hiver's post from retard to english? Thanks.