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Editorial 2011: The Year in Review


ass hater
Jun 13, 2011
I don't know anything about Black Cat, but the front page of an RPG site is not the place to post about her brutal rape and subsequent coma.

Some people can't help but brag about their achievements.
This is a wretched thing to say. Seriously reconsider how you treat people.

Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
Sometimes such notices fall on deaf ears, cboyardee.

I don't know anything about Black Cat, but the front page of an RPG site is not the place to post about her brutal rape and subsequent coma.

But that's kind of the point, yeh? The Codex' identity isn't just "an RPG site", it is "an RPG site with a free and open forum that has lead to it being populated with crazy and traumatized people". I dunno if it's necessarily frontpage article material, but it is a part of the identity. Yeh?


ass hater
Jun 13, 2011
But that's kind of the point, yeh? The Codex' identity isn't just "an RPG site", it is "an RPG site with a free and open forum that has lead to it being populated with crazy and traumatized people". I dunno if it's necessarily frontpage article material, but it is a part of the identity. Yeh?
Sure, RPG Codex is made up of a diverse group (of neo-nazis) but the front page isn't a billboard for us to advertise their personal tragedies. We shouldn't post about BLOBERT's ongoing divorce or 1000 other members' girl problems, first because that's sensitive, second because they can be identified by it (as has happened in the past) and third because it acts as an invitation to the kind of people we probably don't want posting here. I can't imagine you'd like it if there was a front page article that casually dropped at the end that your mother died or something.

Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
I can't imagine you'd like it if there was a front page article that casually dropped at the end that your mother died or something.

You're skipping a step. That would require me first sharing something like that on the Codex. Which I will never do.

Not saying anyone has to like it, but y'know, it a public forum. If you're going to share things on it, those things will be public.


Formerly M4AE1BR0-something
Jul 6, 2011
Why not? News forum is one thing, GD and random harmless meme inside jokes in the gaming forums are another, but then again I haven't been reading all this

though apparently you guys got the "O.K" to do this so there's not that much point in disputing it


Mar 7, 2005
I decided a while ago, not take anything said around here as real. I hear some of the regulars have at least 5 accounts, each with different personalities, so its all just role playing to me.

Naked Ninja

Oct 31, 2006
South Africa
I lol'd, but slight correction : The battling card game was (is) planned to take 6-12 months. 6 months was the most optimistic estimate (we all know how those go, right?), but I budgeted for up to 12 months, figuring that the best laid plans of men and mice...

The SoW website came down because it was time for the annual renewal payment and I figured that it is stupid for an indie to split traffic to multiple game-specific websites. Rather do what Spiderweb does, have one studio site with sub-pages for your individual games, so people who come looking for one game might browse around and spot another they want to buy too. This is, of course, for the long-run, when I've got more than one game to sell. ;)

New site will be up shortly, once The Man finishes processing my company registration papers and I've registered a proper domain. For now, my personal site hosts my game ramblings along with other stuff. New site would have been up sooner except, fuck it, I'm lazy with paperwork. Sue me.

Appreciate the mention, even if it was just as "indie vaporware". ;)


Jan 10, 2007
Searching for my kidnapped sister
be thankful for small favors, chap. IF, around these prestigious and obsessed places, they mention "gareth who?", you will know that you have fallen completely out of people's minds. For indie game dev, that's worse than death.


Aug 13, 2011
I decided a while ago, not take anything said around here as real. I hear some of the regulars have at least 5 accounts, each with different personalities, so its all just role playing to me.

Full party creation sucks! I want to emotionally engage with my one character.

Mother Russia

Dumbfuck Queued
Jan 6, 2012
Codex 2013
Wow, the rant at the end of the article was....just don't know what to say.

Let me just say DU and possibly other admins as well have been well and truly trolled. Victory for the troll I say. The Codex, one of the most troll immune websites on the web has been vanquished.

It is beyond my understanding how someone who has been here for 10 years can be so easily trolled.

Blackcat was trolling. She could not 'win' the argument with Vaarna, so she resorted to cheap tricks like 'ololololo I was gangraped and put into a coma. Now this statement alone would be extremely suspicious, as the type of people who would be attracted to this website, aka RPG players, especially JRPG players, are not exactly in the rape bracket for obvious reasons (people who can afford latest consoles in a shithole like Brazil live in 'gated communities' and do not hang around rapists. Also, rapists do not target them because people in thirdworldia who are in the top tier have connections and can get away with anything they want)

Second: Blackcat has made numerous conflicting statements. First she says she is super popular numerous times. Now, I dunno about you, but someone who was gangraped, and now becomes a gibbering wreck whenever some stranger passes by her among other bullshit, does NOT become popular, especially not in highschool. They get made fun off, sure, they get pitied, true, but popular? No way. Note that BC ignored me solely because I questioned her 'popularity' claims. That was it. Others who made rape jokes, swore at her, etc did not get ignored. That speaks volumes right there.

Third: Blackcat claims to be friends with really violent ppl. I mean, she said that she was friends with this dude who broke the arm/fingers of a pianist because he said something nasty to BC. Now THAT is disturbing, and very obviously a fantasy. No one in their teens, who is in the elite of the nation (and I assume this because this dude went to the same school as BC, and BC is upper middle class, so it makes sense the dude is upper middle class) breaks someone else fingers. They are not brought up that way. They may hire someone to do it, true, but never themselves. Not in their teens. Unless if he is an ex-militia member of good ol' Kony's brigade.

Then ofcourse, you have this right hand left hand bullshit. So, this super fighter badass dude is also a sorceror in training. :hmmm: Does that not seem weird to you? Recall your own teen years, did any of the fucking new age weirdos in your highschool look like they could harm a fly physically, much less break bones of another male?

Anyhow, I could go on and on. BC is full of bullshit. She is most likely an immature, ugly loser with no real friends save for the ones she makes online. And we all know how 'real' those are. She larps a character who is super popular, super thin, a sorceress with mystical powers, and friends who are bad ass warriors and real men who destroy anyone who looks at her wrong and who want her sexually but she declines because she doesn't want to ruin the bond they share.

Seriously, doesn't the above sound like the kind of fantasy millions of loser hamburger helpers have in their youth?

Also, she is not the only one trolling. Only Prosper is the one IMO with real mental issues IMO, and he only needs to be moderated because he posts grammatically unprocessed shit that is a literal pain to read, and spams those shit pictures of his art. And yeah Satori also had issues, but he was under medication and he is fine now and is a bro.Apart from that, the people declaring people of a certain religion/race/nation should die horribly etc etc should also be watched closely (mondblut for example, who I am 100% sure is NOT trolling or joking when he says shit like he does)

Israel is the exception ofcourse, as it is a nation of murderers, tyrants, oppressors, and satanists and deserves to be annihilated in an orgy of thermonuclear flames. And Georgia ofcourse, for being a nation of dumbfucks who think they are Europeans instead of Russian. :troll:

Lastly, it really boggles my mind when people who have been on this shithole for 10+ years take everything people here say as the absolute truth. Wow, a fool IS born every day. Also, what you call mental problems, are actually the real views of people that only come to the surface and are outed when they know they won't be banned for it. That is it. The world is full of such people. Don't believe me? Read Jewtube comments. GD is the fucking HQ of Political Correctness compared to Youtube.

And ppl actually believe I am from Pakistan? You think someone from Pakistan played crpgs back in the day when not even most ppl in the west had computers??? :lol:

You need to go read Andhaira posts from 2008, when Andhaira first joined. I'll unlock them and make them visible using my mod account. :salute:


Feb 3, 2008
I now bow to Andhaira's infinite wisdom in this here thread. It really had not struck me, some of the obvious points he makes.

Of course! He has a point. When was the last time a new age weirdo possessed the kind of strength to brutally savage someone in a fight? We are talking about a dork or a misfit, and not someone who will spend time on a constructive activity, like building himself physically?

I am not saying BC is a 100% liar, or that some of the ghastly details leaked about her life are entirely false. But I am now starting to get the feeling that there were serious exaggerations being made.


Jan 6, 2004
Glorious Vaterland
In my (arguably limited) perception Black Cat writes interesting things about games I've never heard of before. As far as I am concerned, that's pretty much all I care about. Bonus points to her if she came up with a fictional persona to spice things up little (cf. Plinkett, Blobert, etc.). This *is*, among others, an RPG forum after all.


May 28, 2008
I now bow to Andhaira's infinite wisdom in this here thread. It really had not struck me, some of the obvious points he makes.

Of course! He has a point. When was the last time a new age weirdo possessed the kind of strength to brutally savage someone in a fight? We are talking about a dork or a misfit, and not someone who will spend time on a constructive activity, like building himself physically?
First, overpowering a violinist doesn't take too much, second, here a new age weirdo, by your own definition:


Formerly M4AE1BR0-something
Jul 6, 2011
BC isn't brazilian. FFS andhaira Argentina isn't even in the same continent, are you really that fukken retarted or are you just trolling

oh man it's going to be DRAMA HEAVAN if BC decides to take that seriously and disprove him

also how do you speak the muslim/pakistani moonspeak andhaira? or you don't? what about "your" co-workers? Heh I knew something was up with that


Formerly M4AE1BR0-something
Jul 6, 2011
Wyrmlord said he's probably pakistani before a few times, though

he also posted from the US a few times, didn't he? I don't know, I think the moderators and others would mention the country he's posting from more often

Captain Shrek

... but the forums are?

I kind of agree with that sentiment. It is a bad idea to put it into the editorial.


I really respect you DU, whether or not you believe it, for reasons you probably can't suspect.

I am not sure whether BC is a girl/Brazilian/victim or etc. Its just that at the minimal level of civility we do not make such things public or at least we should not. That is my opinion, although of very little value outside my mind.

Should it have come out in the forums? If I were BC/her friend etc it would not have. But I am not. Things outside your/mine control put them there. Should they REMAIN there, that is up to you. But at least GD/retardoland are not accessible to non-members. However, the Editorial is. It is a bit shameful, for me at least, someone's personal details of this magnitude being publicized like this, when they can obviously be traumatic to them, if true. In that respect I would not put them there if I were you.

But I am not. You are you. I just hope that the decision you take turns out to be the right one.

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