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Preview Fallout 3 'addicting as Jet sprinkled on an Iguana-stick'


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
Tags: Fallout 3

Apparently <a href="http://rpgcodex.net/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=25313">you can't play a game for 30 minutes and say it sucks</a> but <a href="http://www.gamingshogun.com/Article/1930/E3_2008_-_Fallout_3_Impressions.html">you are able to tell people</a>:
<blockquote>I was one of the purists who believed that a Fallout FPS would not be nearly as effective as the isometric games we are used to. Well, I am man enough to admit when I am wrong and I tell you now: I was wrong. During that half hour, not only did the first or third-person perspective increase immersion into the Fallout universe, it also gave the new combat system a much more approachable interface.
In this gamer's opinion, if you have not pre-ordered the Fallout 3 Survival Edition from Amazon, you are wasting precious time. Fallout 3 is as addicting as Jet sprinkled on iguana-on-a-stick!</blockquote>
Immersed in 30 minutes and a definite pre-order. In the first 30 minutes of Doom 3, I think you get to play with the shotgun for a bit. Meanwhile if you want to play the original Fallout, <a href="http://www.joystiq.com/2008/07/22/fallout-irradiates-gametap-this-thursday/">it'll be available on GameTap this Thursday</a>. In other previews, <a href="http://www.gameshark.com/previews/3378/E3-2008-Fallout-3-Preview.htm">GameShark say</a>:
<blockquote>Within five minutes of leaving Vault 101 and confronting a few enemies, it was crystal clear that Bethesda has crafted an amazingly intuitive, highly inventive combat system.</blockquote>
Crystal clear in just five minutes! If you want more head on over to GayGamer where "<a href="http://gaygamer.net/2008/07/e3_0_hands_on_with_fallout_3.html">Fruit Brute and I got a few tightly-scheduled moments with Fallout 3</a>" and <a href="http://www.tomsgames.com/us/2008/07/21/e308_fallout3/">tomsgames tells you how sick he was of Fallout's original combat</a>:
<blockquote>I loved Fallout 2 as much as the next PC gamer but some of the early fights, like when you're beating rats to death with a stick, get a tad tedious using turn-based combat. Tedious? Actually I found them to be soul-destroyingly boring. Thankfully, this won't be a problem with Fallout 3.</blockquote>
From soul-destroyingly boring to "not a problem". My how much Fallout has changed.
Spotted @ <a href="http://www.duckandcover.cx">DAC</a>, <a href="http://www.nma-fallout.com">NMA</a>


Jul 3, 2007
Note how on Beth's list of reviews on their site there are only links to cock-sucking reviews including these ones but no links to Wired or Frog's Eye.

I also like what GaymingShitgun did there. Actually yet another "oh I was one of those true fallout fans but Beth opened my eyes - so those FO fans are pussies and I am a man and see. Quickly preorder the most expensive game version NOW!!!"

I wonder if those guys ever touched Fallouts with their dirty hands, jizzed over by Beth cock they stroke so outrageously.

User was nabbed fit

I was one of the purists who believed that a Fallout FPS would not be nearly as effective as the isometric games we are used to.

This guy is lying through his buck teeth and should shove a stick up his ass and twirl.


May 14, 2008
Only 5 minutes with a combat system and you can tell me it's perfect? Fuck off. That's not even enough time to tell if one is complete shit.

Also, I am already tired of the VATS system and I have watched no more than 15 minutes of gameplay videos. The only way a sane person with an IQ above 85 could claim otherwise is if they had a hooker sucking them off while they wrote their review.


Jul 6, 2008
Codex 2012
like when you're beating rats to death with a stick

Lies, there were no sticks in Fallout!

I was one of the purists who believed that a Fallout FPS would not be nearly as effective as the isometric games we are used to.

So it's a First Person Shooter (FPS) now, and not a First Person RPG?

Good thing I consigned Fallout to its coffin some time ago, or all these recent previews would really make me sad.


Jul 3, 2007
You are not a true purist Fallout fan! He is and he knows you were beating rats with a stick in turn-based mode!

Fat Dragon

May 24, 2007
local brothel
He is right though. Combat was pretty boring in the early (very early) parts since you missed more often then you hit. It wasn't until your combat skill reached around 120% that your guy became good at it. Which was around level 4 or 5. So thankfully combat becomes fun pretty quickly. Usually around the time you reach Junktown which is awesome because the fight with Gizmo is just pure win.

Though how the dumbass journalist chooses to blame that on a turn-based system is retarded. Morrowind had the same problem but was real-time instead. Hell, it being real-time made combat in the beginning more boring. It just looked like a bunch of old men swinging sticks at each other, sticks that go straight through a man's skull and still miss. Unfortunately, raising skills in an Elder Scrolls game is slow as fuck so you're stuck with shitty combat skills most of the game. Even when you're good at them the combat still sucks ass, unlike Fallout.


Subscribe to my OnlyFans
Jan 10, 2008
location, location
Bubbles In Memoria
Anyone remember the glowing previews for HELLGATE LONDON, where people claimed it was refined Diablo2 and "addictive like crack" ?

There's at least half a dozen of variations on these. Here's one from 1UP.

It starts off with a bang...

Through an afternoon spent at Flagship Studios playing the game with none other than CEO (and possibly more importantly one of the key Blizzard North members who created Diablo) Bill Roper himself, it became crystal clear to us that no matter what you think you see, Hellgate: London delivers exactly the action RPG fix Diablo fans have been yearning for.

Nothing conveyed that fact more convincingly than how difficult it was to pull away from the screen when the time to leave finally came: That familiar "just a few minutes more" vibe kicked into full effect. And its source goes a step further in what it says about how well the game is coming together. Though much of the afternoon involved romping around new areas with cheat-created high-level characters, they weren't as hard to say goodbye to as the beginning character we spent our final hour with. A personal connection developed, because we weren't tinkering with bits and pieces like in previous demos; we were making choices that molded a character that felt uniquely ours.

...and ends on an even higher note, which upsells some of the most retarded and terrible design decisions that made it into HGL (such as the RTS variation).

Their experience also gives the designers the confidence to try experimental ideas to keep players curious about what might come next. We'd heard rumors that one quest could involve controlling a squad like you would in a strategy game. We saw it, and it works, but that's not the only curveball in store; one side quest still being implemented offers a shooting-gallery mission where you man a gun emplacement to face an onslaught of demons. Flagship's design experience also pays off in knowing exactly how long to make these side excursions so that they feel rewarding and fun but don't become a distraction.

That comfortable confidence permeates every part of the game now. Without even noticing, you slip into it, and are playing like you've been doing it for years. And once ensnared, everything moves along so smoothly: leveling, introduction to new areas, acquisition of new gear and weapons, quest structure. It all interweaves into a complex web, but one you never get lost in or feel overwhelmed by. It strikes a remarkable balance of presenting a number of options and layers of depth, while keeping that immediacy of just being able to hop in and start taking out demons. Diablo fans will recognize the familiar pull...and for those who haven't experienced it before, beware.

They sound almost... sexually aroused.

Why, here's a bit from the opening of 1UP's preview of FALLOUT 3 !

Even if the first thing we saw hadn't been the moment coming out of the vault, Fallout 3 still would have taken our breath away. As good as Oblivion looks, this game already looks markedly better. You can almost feel the rough edges of every weathered surface and taste the sand and dust in your mouth.

I don't think sand and dust are the only thing they are tasting in their mouth.

All big-site previews of anticipated games are not worth the paper they're written on.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Fat Dragon said:
Morrowind had the same problem but was real-time instead. Hell, it being real-time made combat in the beginning more boring. It just looked like a bunch of old men swinging sticks at each other, sticks that go straight through a man's skull and still miss. Unfortunately, raising skills in an Elder Scrolls game is slow as fuck so you're stuck with shitty combat skills most of the game. Even when you're good at them the combat still sucks ass, unlike Fallout.

I disagree, I'm currently re-playing Morrowind again, and the combat skills go up like mad. For a comparison, the highest skill I have is short blade at 80-something, while the second highest is acrobatics which is ~65. Also, I don't care about 'sticks going through a man's skull and still miss', because it happens only at the beginning, in the later parts (when you have 60+ in your attack skill) you hit rather frequently, and I don't know how exactly could they make the 'miss animation' look better, and if they REMOVED the miss mechanics totally, it would be the same level of retardation as aforementioned Hellgate: Blowdom or Oblivion with its grand nevermissing bows.


Mar 31, 2007
under the sun
Jesus, another batch of retards that in the interest of making this piece of shit look much better, proclaim their love towards F01 and FO2 BUT assure people that FO3 is better. And it's extremely funny to see how some proclaim FO3 a masterpiece after playing it for 5 minutes but if you criticize it, the cocksuckers dismiss your arguments simply because you can't judge a game if you don't play it for a few hours at least. How low can they get?


Jul 3, 2007
They simply tell dumb retards what dumb retards want to hear and get money for that. How much more ideal can that get?
Retards simply don't want to understand how dumb they are by liking even the most ridiculous shit like a crater of the unexploded bomb. And our dear journawhores are always there to tell them
"Everything's gonna be all right"


Waster of Time
Sep 15, 2006
Finnegan's Wake
During that half hour, not only did the first or third-person perspective increase immersion into the Fallout universe, it also gave the new combat system a much more approachable interface.
What? Is he saying that the first person combat system is more approachable in a first person game than in an isometric one?
It's like being proud that your baby shat on you after feeding it.

In this gamer's opinion, if you have not pre-ordered the Fallout 3 Survival Edition from Amazon, you are wasting precious time. Fallout 3 is as addicting as Jet sprinkled on iguana-on-a-stick!
And in this gamer's opinion, if you haven't searched for a high building, cliff or bridge in your vicinity and jumped off of it, you are wasting my precious time. Fucking plant. Fallout3 is as addicting as being kicked in the crotch. Repeatedly.

I loved Fallout 2 as much as the next PC gamer...
..who hated it.

Are gaming "journalists" stupid because they write for gaming sites or do they write for gaming sites because they are stupid?

I dislike sounding like a rabid FO fanboy but I refuse to turn off my brain and let such stupidity go by uncommented.


Apr 5, 2008
I love it how the preview didn't say anything about the game itself. It was just about how fun the combat is and how the graphics looks good. Thank you, I already saw Todd play it.

Letum Fol

Jul 7, 2008
The combat does look a lot better than the pile of shit it was in FO1/2. VATS is actually a great idea(basically taking called shot to the next level) its just too bad Bethesda won't use it to its full potential.


Aug 7, 2004
The center of my world.
Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
Darth Roxor said:
I disagree, I'm currently re-playing Morrowind again, and the combat skills go up like mad. For a comparison, the highest skill I have is short blade at 80-something, while the second highest is acrobatics which is ~65.
I disagree with your diasgreement. I've only played Morrowind once, and never got any skill to 80-something before I gave up because of sheer boredom.

I don't know how exactly could they make the 'miss animation' look better
Having a "miss animation" would be a start.

Letum Fol said:
The combat does look a lot better than the pile of shit it was in FO1/2. VATS is actually a great idea(basically taking called shot to the next level) its just too bad Bethesda won't use it to its full potential.
Haha, that was genuinely funny. :lol:


Nov 1, 2007
Dans Ton Cul
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin
Letum Fol said:
The combat does look a lot better than the pile of shit it was in FO1/2. VATS is actually a great idea(basically taking called shot to the next level) its just too bad Bethesda won't use it to its full potential.

You'll need to do better than that.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Claw said:
I disagree with your diasgreement. I've only played Morrowind once, and never got any skill to 80-something before I gave up because of sheer boredom.

Well, if that happened to you, that's too bad. I've never experienced an overwhelming sense of boredom while playing Morrowind with its shitloads of sidequests, and I'm currently replaying it for the fourth time I think.

Having a "miss animation" would be a start.

Technically yes, but it's rather difficult to implement a 'realistic' looking miss animation into a first person rpg. All the old school dungeon crawlers (Anvil of Dawn, Stonekeep, etc) also didn't have an animation for missing, but somehow nobody complained.

Letum Fol

Jul 7, 2008
entertainer said:
retard alert

Yeah, its you.

I should have realized that posting that in a forum filled with rabid Fallout fanboys was a bad idea. Admittedly I'm pretty rabid myself but at least I'm not so blind that I can't see the flaws. Anyone who thinks Fallout has even halfway decent combat needs to play more games. It's simple to the point of boredom and the lack of difficulty makes it even worse. There's barely any options apart from moving and attacking, with the occasional called shot thrown in. It just not fun. The best it could hope for is sort of functional.

lol the combat in Crysis looks way better than the pile of shit that was is XCOM lol.

I think you're trying to be clever although it's pretty hard to tell, particularly since I've probably played X-Com even more times than you've tried to be funny and failed. But thanks for bringing up X-Com which is the best example of turn-based done right. If some of these Fallout fanboys played it (ie. almost everyone here) they might realize how dumb they sound defending Fallout's combat.

You'll need to do better than that.

So will you.


Waster of Time
Sep 15, 2006
Finnegan's Wake
Letum Fol said:
The combat does look a lot better than the pile of shit it was in FO1/2. VATS is actually a great idea(basically taking called shot to the next level) its just too bad Bethesda won't use it to its full potential.
I loved Fallout 2 as much as the next PC gamer...
..who hated it.

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