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Game News Project Eternity Kickstarter Update #13: Mega Dungeon, Crafting and Enchanting

Crooked Bee

(no longer) a wide-wandering bee
Jan 27, 2010
In quarantine
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Tags: Adam Brennecke; J.E. Sawyer; Obsidian Entertainment; Pillars of Eternity

The Project Eternity Kickstarter has reached 50,000 backers, and to celebrate that Obsidian Entertainment has put up a new update announcing a mega dungeon (!), as well as crafting and enchanting as the $2.4 million stretch goal. So exciting!

The 50,000 Backer Reward

We are very excited to announce a reward to all backers that have helped us come this far. Today we are introducing The Endless Paths of Od Nua - a new dungeon experience for Project Eternity:

In the western reaches of the Dyrwood lies the Endless Paths, an ancient network of cobbled trails that wind through arches of dense overgrowth, twisting within the confines of a high castle wall as they make their way to the gates of iron-shuttered towers that jut forth from the interior. In ages past, the towers rising from the gardens to pierce the canopy of the forest once marked the dominion of the castle's relentless, crazed builder: Od Nua. But the courses of Od Nua's madness run far below the surface, stretching forever deeper into wandering catacombs and bone-cramped oubliettes unseen by living eyes for centuries. The Endless Paths, as the old Glanfathans call them, cannot be walked by the living, but the storytellers say with certainty that many strong souls have found a permanent home beneath the grieving creator's estate.

Most else that is said and written of the place is fiction or conjecture, more likely to have sprouted from the svef-enhanced imaginations of bored and boasting mercenaries than from any seed of truth. Hosts of lost souls that relentlessly stalk the living, cathedral-sized tombs overflowing with the restless victims of a horrific plague, lightless chambers sealing in the remnants of Od Nua's failed experiments. Most legends converge on a common theme: that under the castle rest myriad forgotten vaults of death and darkness glittering with Od Nua's enchanted creations and the abandoned treasure of ill-fated interlopers. So great is the fear of the castle's denizens that even drunken and drug-cheered adventurers do not joke of setting foot on the paths, lest their souls join the eternal ranks of those that have gone before them.

The current plan is to make The Endless Paths with three subterranean levels, but it can grow larger with your help. For every 2,500 additional backers, the depths of Od Nua’s castle become deeper, which means one additional level will be added to the vaults. Continue to spread the word about Project Eternity, and let's see how big we can make The Endless Paths!

Crafting and Enchanting at $2.4 Million

We also have a new stretch goal at $2.4 million dollars to announce: Crafting and Enchanting!

Crafting and enchanting in Project Eternity will allow players to use objects and materials they find during exploration to both create consumable items like potions and scrolls as well as give their gear custom upgrades that can't be accomplished by other means. This system is intended to be easy to use and very flexible, allowing players to customize many aspects of what they can create or alter. Whether it's brewing basic potions from herbs and minerals commonly found throughout the world or upgrading a humble broadsword into a custom-named, magically-imbued weapon of distinctive and legendary power, we want to give players the ability to make it. On the development side of things, we also want to make the system as data-driven as possible, allowing us to easily extend our list of recipes in the future.

Each stretch goal we hit not only adds new features to the game like crafting, but also makes the game larger by adding more content, quests, dialogue, and characters. Together, we've already added two new races, companions and classes, along with a player house. $2.2 million is very close which adds a new faction and region, and there are more exciting stretch goals planned if we make it past $2.4 million and beyond.​

The update also says you can add $25 to your pledge for an Early Access Beta Key and $8 for a Digital Strategy Guide if you feel like it. To read it in full, click here.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth



Dec 7, 2010
Good stuff. As much as I'm looking forward to this, Crafting/Enchanting are something of a given in a game like this, so I don't like it being placed as a stretch goal. Still, if it also includes a lot of additional new content, I don't mind at all. But the most promising part (apart from the fucking cool mega-dungeon) of the update was this:

Additionally, we have two new add-ons for you:
  • Add an Early Access Beta Key for $25. The beta key is the same reward at the $110 and up levels, but now you can add it as an extra at the lower tiers.
  • Add a Digital Strategy Guide for $7. The digital strategy guide is also included in the $80 and up levels, but now you can add it as an extra at the lower tiers. This will cost more when we ship the game, so get in on the opportunity to save!
As a quick tutorial on how to add add-ons, go to the Project Eternity Kickstarter site and hit the Manage Your Pledge button. The reward tier you had already picked will still be selected and the amount will be in the big box at the top. All you need to do is add the dollar amount that covers the add-ons you would like to your pledge and enter the new total number. For instance, if you are at the $35 Pledge level and want to add the Beta Key, you would enter $60 as your total pledge. We’ll send you a fulfillment survey after the Kickstarter period is over and you can specify what you wanted to do with any excess monies added.

Smart move from Obsidian here. While I don't really care that much about these extras (I don't care about a beta), this should get people to dig deeper and up their pledges. Right now, the average per pledger is $44 compared to $48 for Wasteland 2. Given the fact that Obsidian is selling the game for a higher price than Wasteland 2, the game ought to have a higher average than Wasteland 2 achieved. I remember a week ago that it was $40, so I believe that they've been doing the right things (i.e. new $5,000 tier, and now this) to get people to pledge more.


Mar 15, 2012
I loved ruins of undermountain. Would be great of there was a city like skull port as well


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
I'm dreading player-crafting/enchanting in an Obsidian game after playing every-game-they've-ever-made-with-those-features. Either it's overpowered or pointless. Better to just avoid the issue entirely.


Jan 8, 2009
Durlag's Tower.

As for crafting, I agree it's sucked for Obsidian games. Hoping Tim Cain can handle that.


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
In the western reaches of the Dyrwood lies the Endless Paths, an ancient network of cobbled trails that wind through arches of dense overgrowth, twisting within the confines of a high castle wall as they make their way to the gates of iron-shuttered towers that jut forth from the interior.
Pfft. Another update with very little information. What kind of cobblestones are they? Are they small and smooth round pebbles or have they been worn with time? Are they a little rough? Have they cracked after years of neglect? And what kind of texture will they use? What colour are they? Are they over-grown with weeds or are they clear? And if they're clear of weeds, then who's been weeding them? Answer me that, Obsidian.

Answer me that.



Jan 8, 2009
All types of pebbles will be equally represented using a revolutionary random texture list system, because goddamnit we aren't going to let any shape or colour of pebbles go underrepresented.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
Ruins of Undermountain is the best dungeon of all time!

This update is solid.. cna't wait until we get concrete details though on the actual; game instead of just generlaities and promises.

With paypal, I plan to donate this Wednsday.


Wormwood Studios
Aug 15, 2012
It's kind of sad that it has reached a stage that every stretch goal makes me less excited about this project than I was when I first contributed. I'm just waiting for the "cinematic camera" stretch goal to replace the top-down view.


Master of Siestas
Nov 8, 2008
Maybe the 2.5 million stretch goal will be to remove crafting and enchanting. That's something i could get behind.


Jul 30, 2007
Flowery Land
If Gust and Flight Plan are to be trusted, item crafting makes you gay.

Wonder at what stretch goal they will add the mod tools they have hinted at.


One Bit Studio
Dec 28, 2010
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
In the western reaches of the Dyrwood lies the Endless Paths, an ancient network of cobbled trails that wind through arches of dense overgrowth, twisting within the confines of a high castle wall as they make their way to the gates of iron-shuttered towers that jut forth from the interior.
Pfft. Another update with very little information. What kind of cobblestones are they? Are they small and smooth round pebbles or have they been worn with time? Are they a little rough? Have they cracked after years of neglect? And what kind of texture will they use? What colour are they? Are they over-grown with weeds or are they clear? And if they're clear of weeds, then who's been weeding them? Answer me that, Obsidian.

Answer me that.


This is a good update AGAIN. I'm tempted to give at least 7 bucks for the strategy guide. But the beta key also sounds nice. Which one should I choose? Choices and Consequences bitches!


Feb 22, 2011
ToEE had a pretty fucking wicked crafting system. There needs to be some TANGIBLE loss to the player other than money and components. Make it an EXP or stat loss or don't even bother Obsidian.

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