Now on to the one fight that's really difficult. The Aurelian Outpost. No talk (wouldn't have had the skills anyway) just kill.
You're facing 3 soldiers, 1 crossbow dude and the captain. I tried it several times with little luck.
I had some skillpoints to spare before, in the end I've put a few more points into daggers and all the rest into Block (62).
One time I was so close. SO CLOSE. I had 35(!) HP left after killing the other 4 dudes with only the captain remaining. I even had him down to severely wounded. He pawned me anyway. Now lets check our options. Reloading. The good thing about killing and looting so many people is: you've got some coin to spare. (in my case ~2500) So I went and purchased 8 throwing nets. Then I sold all the bronze pilums I've had and acquired 20 iron pilums. I decomposed all that stuff, also an iron gladius I still had, and then crafted 10 iron pilums and 10 iron handox (masterwork +1-3 dmg, hardened edge vs DR+2) . I intended to entangle the captain, then throw shit at him. As it turned out, I didn't even need the nets. The captain stood there, shooting his crossbow, I stood there throwing handoxes at him. Guess who survived to tell the tale? (cue: handoxes are fucking ... awesome)
I've looted the fuckers (massive steel Praetor armor) went back to town for healing and to craft steel Phrygian armor) and came back.
Meanwhile they've barricaded the compound. Well, after eradicating the actual dudes, fighting the rest is but a minor obstacle.