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Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition (AKA AoE2 HD HD)


Nov 1, 2017
You have to pander to the commiecunt revisionist $$$, you know.
Yeah I know, the impossibility of a Tibetan civ was discussed earlier in the thread. Fortunately, its easier to offend said cult than make it buy your games; as can be seen with the developer inactivity around AoM: Tale of the Dragon and TW: Three Kingdoms. At least they don't offer up their money for bad games in a patriotic skin.
This happened yesterday:

A political activist and Qld senate candidate has had to be protected by police after a protest against China’s president turned ugly.

Motherfucking mainlanders should be jailed for assault, attempted murder, sedition, rampant stupidity unbecoming of humans, jaywalking and impersonating a chimpanzee. And then sent back to China. Via trebuchet.
Although that may be a step down for Australia (mainly because Aus has snowflakes too), that would be a kind response in most Asian countries. Political rallies sometimes do turn violent here in South Asia™ and it gets much worse than swearing. Indians for the most part are more peaceful in other countries so I don't think bagging on Modi would provoke as strong a response as long as its outside India.


Possibly Retarded
Nov 1, 2017
You have to pander to the commiecunt revisionist $$$, you know.
Yeah I know, the impossibility of a Tibetan civ was discussed earlier in the thread. Fortunately, its easier to offend said cult than make it buy your games; as can be seen with the developer inactivity around AoM: Tale of the Dragon and TW: Three Kingdoms. At least they don't offer up their money for bad games in a patriotic skin.
This happened yesterday:

A political activist and Qld senate candidate has had to be protected by police after a protest against China’s president turned ugly.

Motherfucking mainlanders should be jailed for assault, attempted murder, sedition, rampant stupidity unbecoming of humans, jaywalking and impersonating a chimpanzee. And then sent back to China. Via trebuchet.
Although that may be a step down for Australia (mainly because Aus has snowflakes too), that would be a kind response in most Asian countries. Political rallies sometimes do turn violent here in South Asia™ and it gets much worse than swearing. Indians for the most part are more peaceful in other countries so I don't think bagging on Modi would provoke as strong a response as long as its outside India.
Only fucking mainlanders would attack someone in another person's country for talking down China. It is not the first time it happened. A white dude got assaulted in Thailand for saying Taiwan is not part of China. Those motherfuckers should be banned from living in any country not named China if they love it so much.


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Persians (ie Sassanids)

Nah Sassanids are way before the AoE2 timeline (I guess so are Huns and Goths but eh), the Persians seem more like medieval Persia with its various Iranian dynasties: Saffavids, Ghaznavids, Khwarezms etc. The Khwarezm shahs were conquered by Genghis Khan's mongols, and that's the civilization represented by AoE2's Persians.


Nov 1, 2017
Persians (ie Sassanids)

Nah Sassanids are way before the AoE2 timeline (I guess so are Huns and Goths but eh), the Persians seem more like medieval Persia with its various Iranian dynasties: Saffavids, Ghaznavids, Khwarezms etc. The Khwarezm shahs were conquered by Genghis Khan's mongols, and that's the civilization represented by AoE2's Persians.
Wouldn't they have a less Sassanid unique unit then? I don't think the Safavids used elephants. Also, their new unique tech being Commandaran or something seems very old-Persian rather than Muslim Persian. I know the Persian civ in the Mongol campaign is Muslim but I thought that was out of convenience. Their historical battle on the other hand is from 557AD:

EDIT:history tab was in the settings menu. I forgot about that.


Nov 1, 2017
I was just looking at the TT for the first time since the new DLC dropped and wow, all three of the new Indian civs seems to be one trick (or no trick) ponies. The cake goes to Gurjaras who don't have arbalest, heavy cav archer, pikeman, champion, knight, battle elephant, ring archer armor or blast furnace. WTF were they even thinking?
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Jul 16, 2012
Urumis + Wootz Steel is kinda broken though. Nothing really stands up to them in melee. I expect they'll be nerfed soon.


Oct 26, 2012
New North Korea
Codex 2014 Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong A Beautifully Desolate Campaign
Me last year as TG Flank: I never get castle dropped (often it's me doing it)
Me this year as TG Flank: I always get Castle dropped :(

Wow my Arena is so bad after not playing for 6 months or so ;_;


Oct 26, 2012
New North Korea
Codex 2014 Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong A Beautifully Desolate Campaign
Played a teamgame as a Gurjara pocket last night ... holy cow that civ is broken. Ridiculously smooth economy into four completely broken units (OP camels, Shivamsha rider, Chakram, Siege Elephant +50% roflcopter)

Did a 25+2 FC and could afford Double Bit Axe before I clicked up, and Horse collar while going up, and had 200-300 food when I reached Castle Age lmao
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Oct 26, 2012
New North Korea
Codex 2014 Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong A Beautifully Desolate Campaign
Picking Lithuanians on Black Forest flank is hilarious for the vill/wall fight at the start. It's pretty hard to lose it unless it's 4v4 and your ally doesn't send their scout to help

TBH I wish they'd fix some of the existing civs - feels like the Burmese and some of the others could use a minor bump compared to the OP Hindustani and Gurjaras. Hindustani still seem like they have an awesome eco and an answer to absolutely everything but at least Gurjaras eco isn't quite as OP anymore.


Jun 7, 2019
I've been playing some online 1v1s during the weekend after never really playing anything else than the story campaigns and some team games with friends.
I quickly realised I wasn't anywhere close to as good as I thought I was, despite assuming I'd merely be an average player. I guess it makes sense that the 'average' skill level is fairly high compared to what I had expected since I think a majority of the players are people who've been playing for many years.
I've been having fun so far though, I should probably try to find a single civilisation to main while I get more accustomed to the online playstyle.


Dec 1, 2019
Shrimp I imagine you already know some build orders. Beyond the usual strategies, I think the two most important things for 1v1s are keeping your tc working and not freezing your macro when under pressure or putting pressure on the enemy. Beyond that, practice makes perfect. Sticking to a civ that you can play comfortably is the right move, just don't become too dependant if it happens to have some great eco bonuses like Vikings or Franks.


Oct 26, 2012
New North Korea
Codex 2014 Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong A Beautifully Desolate Campaign
I've been playing some online 1v1s during the weekend after never really playing anything else than the story campaigns and some team games with friends.
I quickly realised I wasn't anywhere close to as good as I thought I was, despite assuming I'd merely be an average player. I guess it makes sense that the 'average' skill level is fairly high compared to what I had expected since I think a majority of the players are people who've been playing for many years.
I've been having fun so far though, I should probably try to find a single civilisation to main while I get more accustomed to the online playstyle.
One important thing that helped me was a Select All Town Centres hotkey which I bind to my mouse. Helped with booming quite a bit. Another one was I changed the default hotkeys for Select All Barracks, Stable, Range, Castle, Siege Workshop etc from the default to Control + [key] so it's easier to spam military

I mostly play Ranked TG with friends

Watch your replays and see if you can figure out what you did wrong and what your enemy did well etc
Apr 10, 2018
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In
You have to pander to the commiecunt revisionist $$$, you know.
Yeah I know, the impossibility of a Tibetan civ was discussed earlier in the thread. Fortunately, its easier to offend said cult than make it buy your games; as can be seen with the developer inactivity around AoM: Tale of the Dragon and TW: Three Kingdoms. At least they don't offer up their money for bad games in a patriotic skin.
This happened yesterday:

A political activist and Qld senate candidate has had to be protected by police after a protest against China’s president turned ugly.

Motherfucking mainlanders should be jailed for assault, attempted murder, sedition, rampant stupidity unbecoming of humans, jaywalking and impersonating a chimpanzee. And then sent back to China. Via trebuchet.
Pavlou said that the Chinese pro-democracy students protesting with him were also called “race traitors”
100% based and redpilled. Such a shame that other Chinamen are being polluted by whitoid liberal filth.
Jan 21, 2023
Yeah. They are really doing AOE1 in AOE2? Attila was the earliest cutting point and that was already stretching it a bit. AOE1's HD version is kind of a mess due to bad pathfinding, which is EVEN WORSE than the original. They didn't even include formations in that one. I wonder if that was hardcoded or the programmers were just lazy.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
They fixed the pathfinding in AoE1 a while ago. I'm not sure how anything will work in AoE2, though. It will probably be a separate game mode entirely.

Zboj Lamignat

Feb 15, 2012
Doesn't AoE1 still have broken difficulty modes? Anyway, releasing something like that instead of patching/updating/expanding already released AoE1 HD is a p. dick move, if you ask me.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
When I last played AoE1: DE's campaign, only 1 mission had wonky difficulty. I don't remember if I played any skirmishes, though.


Aug 1, 2013
HD remakes of old games are temporary, but the glory of Rome is forever.

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