A huge fan of the series, I finally decided to give this a try, after trying Sunless Skies and giving up on it after discovering it was a twitch game, unlike Sunless Sea. Quite a disappointment.
I preordered AOW4 with the season pass and let it marinate for a few years while all the DLC's and patches came out. Well now I see there is a new, second season pass. Before spending any more money (I like to support Triumph, although Paradox is another matter) I decided I had better try it first.
I am having a hard time with the art decisions. They have made a number of changes that they seem proud of, that I find to be bad decisions.
For example the wiggling trees. I recall reading, in a history about the fighting in Burma in WW2, that when it rained, the whole jungle started moving. It wasn't the plants. It was leeches. Tens of thousands of leeches, wiggling around on every leaf and tree trunk in the rain. Soldiers looked at the landscape they were camped/marching in with horror, seeing a gigantic army of hungry, wriggling leeches on every piece of vegetation.
That image came to mind when I encountered the AOW4 landscapes with their wiggling trees. They are not blowing in the wind. They are each moving independently, in different directions, constantly. Like leeches.
The effect is distracting at best and nauseating at worst. Forests are not supposed to constantly be moving as if subjected to hurricane force winds coming from every direction at once.
This gif was posted by Triumph on their blog where they were bragging about their graphic decisions.
"Motion would come to play a big part of making it all come to life, whether it be leaves falling from trees, or bats flying above an Underground entrance," they
wrote. Or leeches wriggling where a forest should be.
Again and again I find the art off-putting and often ugly compared to AOW3, never mind Planetfall.
I am also mystified (pardon the pun) by their excessive use of mist. They use it for fog of war, not just in areas you haven't explored yet, but also areas you have, just not as thick. This means at any given time you can clearly see an irritatingly small portion of the map, and most of it is misty.
The effect is even worse on the battlefield. The whole battlefield should be visible, but when you pull back, you see...nothing but mist.
This for example is a reasonably cool looking underground battlefield - while zoomed in. There is some mist in the background but it far enough away that it does not ruin the view.
However when you zoom out to try to actually control your army and assess the position, you get....mist and more mist, to the point you can't see clearly what the terrain is. You certainly can't enjoy what should be a nice view.
I mean, who thought this was a good decision? This isn't fog of war. It's just some annoying effect they thought was cool - that you can't turn off.
I can only hope someone mods the art blunders away.
There is also a lot of glowing going on, from pieces of armor on units, to almost anything really. It made it hard to see the outlines of units (which is often not easy already). Fortunately you can turn that off (a graphic setting called Bloom). but I have found no setting for turning off mist.