Finished it on Hard (with permisive saves) without losing a single marine, with 9 days left till the nuke launch - very well spent 44,8 hours! Definitely one of the best releases this year and I sure hope to see a sequel and hopefuly even some DLCs for the game.
From the game design point of view I would say that the final part of the game was somewhat weak though.
Your characters are invulnerable in the city of the ancient aliens, which really removes any sort of tension and makes me wonder why the devs even bothered with making the this part playable instead of just turning it into a cutscene. The xenomorph created from the ancient aliens was p. cool though, but the final part when you keep running from it also wasnt done very well:
... but w/e, it certainly didnt spoil the general enjoyment of the game at all.
As for the story
really no surprises there other than the ancient aliens being present on Lethe, I could tell from the first second that Dr. "space Mengele" Becker will try to sell you out, though having him do that so that WY would forgive his tuition fees was kinda lulzy. The mission in which Maeko has to deal with the alien that Becker released on Otago was p. gud though - it illustrated nicely that a single alien is a massive threat if all you have are unarmed crewmen. Pryce possibly being an android was kinda nice twist. On the other hand Maeko turning into a full blown muhreen in the end (despite being a corporate manager a month ago) was lame.
As was mentioned by others above, the most painful thing in the game is trying to maneuver your recon so he can snipe - sometimes its a real pain in the ass and devs should do something about this.
General coments/tips
- mines are the most useful gear in the game, I would say about 85% of my stealth kills came from the mines with the silenced sniper rifle accounting for the rest, great value for your resources, get them ASAP
- rifle grenade is highly useful, especially against human enemies (you can knock them down and then move in for the kill when they cant shoot back), RPG is a nice upgrade (it can take down queens with about two hits and is very useful against Crushers too, one shots human enemies in cover) if you have resources to spent on it
- flamer is really good (burning humans dont shoot back) and can be used for area denial (aliens try to avoid fire, so you can funel them to kill zones), damage over time is useful in general
- I found drones of the tekker class to be useless, tekkers themselves are useful though (unlocking doors usually gets you plenty of tools/resources, upgrades for sentry guns arent that great, but can be useful during onslaughts)
- invest into pouches/ammo bags for your marines as much as you can, plus get a resourceful trait on as many people as possible
- all your sergeants should get the radio upgrade - the extra command points are worth their weight in gold
Anyway, GG. These devs made both Battlefleet Gothic games before this, so they are definitely worth watching.