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Amazon ships an MMORPG - New World


Oct 3, 2009
it's funny how desperate these MMO nerds get for a game to grow/succeed that they rationalize away all the cash shop bullshit and then try to spread the publishers PR to get others to join...im just fucking sick of it. fuck you all; you are a disgrace to this site
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
it's funny how desperate these MMO nerds get for a game to grow/succeed that they rationalize away all the cash shop bullshit and then try to spread the publishers PR to get others to join...im just fucking sick of it. fuck you all; you are a disgrace to this site
I'm the one who usually plays all the MMO trash and even I'm not touching this


Oct 23, 2017
What cash shop bullshit are you talking about? Right now there are craftable armor dyes, a couple weapon and armor skins that look worse than crafted and drop gear, crests for your guild sigil, housing cosmetics and emotes. Are you talking about the XP boosters that are coming sometime next year? Who cares about those? Everyone will be max level by then and if you use them you'll probably end up fucking yourself really bad because you'll outlevel your crafting and gathering levels.

If you want to rant about MMO monetization go do it in a thread about FFXIV or WoW where people are paying subscription prices on top of everything New World does plus more.
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran


They stated they will try to maintain a consistent level of effort for all armor. Which probably means the artists will make the armors and then someone else decides which one goes in the store. A while ago there was some backlash in Destiny about lack of armor rewarded for activities while the store kept getting content so they took one set that was to be featured at the store and put it as drops in the new dungeon. If Amazon is smart they could do the same until the inevitable expansions come. Assuming it becomes an issue, I took a quick look at the craftable items list only so I don't know how much there is to get. Speaking of which, the #1 question in the br chat was how to change skins, they should explain that better since people think it's an actual item you pick up somewhere. (right click on armor piece and "change appearance")

Not sure if you can earn the premium currency in some way. Warframe lets you get it by trading, Destiny has an earnable alternative that you get by playing (but you're subject to the store rotation). Here I get some as part of the Amazon Prime subscription, but I don't know if there's another way.

- 5000 premium coins
- an emote
- pirate themed skins for each armor slot

A premium dye costs 3000 coins, and a premium armor skin seems to cost around 13000-16000, a premium weapon skin 3000-10000. Don't remember the furniture costs. The simplest house in the game seems to cost 7000 gold (in-game currency) so it looks like it will take a while for me to think about furniture anyway.

There are also some free sets you get by watching streams on Twitch but it's the usual very...purple stuff.

There seems to be no moderation in BR server whatsoever, I keep seeing PvPers telling each other to suck cock in the global chat. Feels comfy.

I got in immediately since I didn't pick the two big streamer server (0 in queue first time I logged in, then later 1 in queue which lasted for a minute). If population for the clan wars becomes an issue even after the merges, I will have to suck it up and make a character there. For now it looks ok (server list says population in mine is "High" and there's often people running around in the first town, and a couple in the wilderness)
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Is this the ETHICAL Path of Exile microtransaction model of ONLY COSMETICS in a game where the aim is to make your guy look cool?


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
Looks like a huge fucking red flag to me. Ya'll recall the Stadia shitshow right? Still shit. Trust Amazon running a MMO? Ha! I await the videos analyzing this crapola sucking yo moolah like a nymphomaniac hooker sucubus wanting the D more than a heroin addict.


Aug 1, 2019
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
Is this the ETHICAL Path of Exile microtransaction model of ONLY COSMETICS in a game where the aim is to make your guy look cool?

It was but they caved at the last minute. There are most definitely some 'time savers' mixed in now that I can see in addition to cosmetics. I'm torn on this because what is your time worth? If you are busy AF and have only an hour a night to play, a 3X experience booster (for instance) may seem like a solid investment. Kids have time, adults have money basically. Where it goes off the rail is when you artificially inhibit the progress of people who DON'T spend in the cash shop. Then its full Pay 2 Win and sucks.


I'm beyond tired how every MMO has this screeching banshee of the playerbase that drone on about the endgame like that's the shit that matters most. All it does is invite a bunch of parsefags and meta munchkins that for some reason or another chose the MMORPG to be their proving grounds for something nobody with a salary cares about.

So seeing "exp boosts" already tells me they plan to accommodate that segment of intense queerdom. Make the journey matter, not the last four dungeons.


May 31, 2017
Why did MMOs turn into number watching?

need to get my number to 73 today, and hopefully I can get outfit mk7 to increase my dps to 53.567

what the fuck is this shit? This is not what mmos were meant to be about


Nov 23, 2011
Given the choice I would rather pay a subscription than have a cash shop but we live in the hellscape that is clownworld so I don't think we'll ever see another Everquest. I think EQ was $15/month? That's fair to me. Maybe even $20 if the game is really good and has graphics to match

I think Everquest started at box-price +$9.89 per month (in line with the name "989 Studios"), increased to $12.95p/m in 2002, at then hit $15p/m after WoW paved the way for that price point in 2004-5.



Oct 3, 2009
IT ALWAYS starts as a cash shop for "just cosmetics" because somehow the gaming retards don't hold companies accountable for this either...but overtime the cash shop ALWAYS gets jew as fuck.

And idiot fan boys side with the deblopers "they need to make money too bro it's a business after all"

Yea retard because good video games don't naturally make TONS of profit from the sale price of the game alone..

They need to sell out the integrity of their game for $3 a pop and NOBODY holds them accountable for being greedy jew bastards.

Stop peddling jew trash on the codex you boot licking faggots.
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Oct 23, 2017
For anyone bitching about the business model feel free to provide an alternative because Guild Wars 2 had a good cash shop on a buy2play model and they laid off hundreds of developers and hardly keep the lights on. Their Cantha expansion will really show what their skeleton crew is capable of. Go monthly subscription only? Well The Elder Scrolls Online tried that and it didn't succeed until the buy2play relaunch because people would rather play WoW because it had more content and they were forced to go buy2play with cash shop before the game could develop into what it is today. Withhold release until it has as much content as it does today? TESO started development back in 2007 and based on the reception to Star Citizen I'm pretty sure people aren't okay with 15 year long development cycles.

I know the immediate response will be "it's Amazon, they should just bear the losses" but what about everyone else? You retards are asking the impossible and no one has a viable solution. You want a continuously updated MMO on a buy2play subscription where the only monetization comes from expansions or for a subscription game to launch in a competitive state with a game that has almost twenty years of updates? Not feasible and not gonna happen.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
I'll continue playing Project Gorgon when I get the MMO itch, a game that's b2p and made by a husband+wife in their basement yet has more content than most MMOs with an army of developers backed by the largest corporations in the world.


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
I'll continue playing Project Gorgon when I get the MMO itch, a game that's b2p and made by a husband+wife in their basement yet has more content than most MMOs with an army of developers backed by the largest corporations in the world.
Also it looks like alpha version of Oblivion, nobody is playing and the universe will die a heath death before they finish it.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
I'll continue playing Project Gorgon when I get the MMO itch, a game that's b2p and made by a husband+wife in their basement yet has more content than most MMOs with an army of developers backed by the largest corporations in the world.
Also it looks like alpha version of Oblivion, nobody is playing and the universe will die a heath death before they finish it.
"nooo not my graphicarinos!!! need my heckin eye candy!"


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
I'll continue playing Project Gorgon when I get the MMO itch, a game that's b2p and made by a husband+wife in their basement yet has more content than most MMOs with an army of developers backed by the largest corporations in the world.
Also it looks like alpha version of Oblivion, nobody is playing and the universe will die a heath death before they finish it.
"nooo not my graphicarinos!!! need my heckin eye candy!"
I don't need it, I play 1990s games regularly. But this shit is 34 jewro bro, get real.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
I'll continue playing Project Gorgon when I get the MMO itch, a game that's b2p and made by a husband+wife in their basement yet has more content than most MMOs with an army of developers backed by the largest corporations in the world.
Also it looks like alpha version of Oblivion, nobody is playing and the universe will die a heath death before they finish it.
"nooo not my graphicarinos!!! need my heckin eye candy!"
I don't need it, I play 1990s games regularly. But this shit is 34 jewro bro, get real.
I have nearly 700 hours of playtime in it, easily worth more than I paid


Balanced Gamer
Jan 2, 2020
For anyone bitching about the business model feel free to provide an alternative because Guild Wars 2 had a good cash shop on a buy2play model and they laid off hundreds of developers and hardly keep the lights on. Their Cantha expansion will really show what their skeleton crew is capable of. Go monthly subscription only? Well The Elder Scrolls Online tried that and it didn't succeed until the buy2play relaunch because people would rather play WoW because it had more content and they were forced to go buy2play with cash shop before the game could develop into what it is today. Withhold release until it has as much content as it does today? TESO started development back in 2007 and based on the reception to Star Citizen I'm pretty sure people aren't okay with 15 year long development cycles.

I know the immediate response will be "it's Amazon, they should just bear the losses" but what about everyone else? You retards are asking the impossible and no one has a viable solution. You want a continuously updated MMO on a buy2play subscription where the only monetization comes from expansions or for a subscription game to launch in a competitive state with a game that has almost twenty years of updates? Not feasible and not gonna happen.
Oh no the shitty themepark mmo that's about like every other shitty themepark mmo didn't succeed without going b2p. Obviously the problem is that subscriptions don't work.


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
Offer games offline for $$$ 1-time only and keep an online variant be it cash shop, p2b, or what-the-fuck-ever. Maybe be sure to offer LAN TCP/IP P2P multiplayer support as well. Will people still log on to play? Maybe esp if you have a HC server, a PVP server, or both. Should be some incentive for those who don't P2W like a title to show they ain't some whiny bitch. Won't happen. MMOs come and slowly die. Some are dead before they launch.

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