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Amnesia: Rebirth - sequel to Amnesia: The Dark Descent set in the desert of Algeria


Sep 16, 2021
They could've just had the PC be a pregnant woman without her talking about it all the time. There's no way in hell anybody in hell is gonna play this game, see a monster, and think "oh no they're gonna hurt my baby!". Have it be there, let the player reflect on the connotations of the situation in silence, and move on. Talk shit about silent protagonists all you like but Half-Life would be pretty shitty if Gordon Freeman were going on tangents every 5 seconds about how c-c-crazy everything is. If you're a dev throwing shade on silent protags, it's pretty much guaranteed that your game is going to have worse storytelling than Half-Life, which has perfect storytelling.


Well I was enjoying the game up until the fort. That's the dumbest most obtuse puzzle solving bullshit since Grim Fandango. Worst of all it wasted hours of my time. I have beaten people for less. I'm very disgusted with the game atm. Still better than Remothered I guess.


Nov 15, 2015
Well I was enjoying the game up until the fort. That's the dumbest most obtuse puzzle solving bullshit since Grim Fandango. Worst of all it wasted hours of my time. I have beaten people for less. I'm very disgusted with the game atm. Still better than Remothered I guess.
up until the fort Rebirth is just a shitty on-rails walking sim. Fort is actually the only decent segment in the entire game.

So you enjoy shitty walking sims, but dislike segments with actual gameplay? Hand over your gamer's badge and your gun.


up until the fort Rebirth is just a shitty on-rails walking sim. Fort is actually the only decent segment in the entire game.

So you enjoy shitty walking sims, but dislike segments with actual gameplay? Hand over your gamer's badge and your gun.

I didn't like that the "creature" or whatever it was kept blowing out the torches I had lit. It made trying to solve the puzzles a mother fucking bitch. I couldn't see shit and the girl kept having her little freakout panic attacks while I was trying to figure the god damned thing out. It was annoying as hell.. It wouldn't be so bad if you didn't have a tiny finite amount of matches and your lantern would stay lit for more than a few seconds.


Why do they have lantern fuel and boxes of matches in the alien dimension? Seems a bit out of place.


Heh, I'm really starting to dig this game. Wunderbar is just being a negative nancy.

The game is great when it gets weird af. It needs more of the portal opening compass and dimensional shifts and less of the walking through caves/desert shit.
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Just finished it, HA! I thought it was mostly pretty good. Obviously it doesn't have shit on SOMA, and I need to replay Dark Descent to see how it compares with that. I do have quite a few quibbles with it though, some minor some major.

The fear/insanity shit really started to grate on me. They're just obnoxious as fuck. The black tentacles covering the screen, that ear raping sound of bugs crawling, the blurry distortion (which I should have turned off). That was driving me nuts later in the game.

The monster encounters were mind numbingly bad, especially the ones involving the flying Lovecraft abomination. I remember when people were bitching about the monster encounters in SOMA. Those weren't a fraction as bad as this shit. The light mechanic wore me thin pretty quick. The protagonist's fear of the dark exacerbated every problem I had with the game including puzzle solving. It made every single thing feel like a fucking chore.

And I have to reiterate just how ridiculous it is that you're still having to hunt for matches and light torches in the later half of the story. This bitch has experienced horrors that we can't even fathom and she's still scared of the god damned dark? Come ON man!

But I dug the atmosphere and it had some really breathtaking environments and cool moments. My favorite part was when she enters the nightmare world for the first time and had to walk through it. It reminded me of the planet from Ridley Scott's Alien. LV4326 or whatever the fuck it's called. Hearing creatures roar in the distance as you was trying to wade your way through the dark and smoke was perfect.

Also I seen some people in this thread claim A Machine for Pigs was better, LMAO! From The Chinese Room, the brilliant mind behind such prestigious classics like Dear Ester and Everybody Gone to the Rapture...


Don Salieri

Zionist Agent
May 5, 2022
Just finished it, HA! I thought it was mostly pretty good. Obviously it doesn't have shit on SOMA, and I need to replay Dark Descent to see how it compares with that. I do have quite a few quibbles with it though, some minor some major.

The fear/insanity shit really started to grate on me. They're just obnoxious as fuck. The black tentacles covering the screen, that ear raping sound of bugs crawling, the blurry distortion (which I should have turned off). That was driving me nuts later in the game.

The monster encounters were mind numbingly bad, especially the ones involving the flying Lovecraft abomination. I remember when people were bitching about the monster encounters in SOMA. Those weren't a fraction as bad as this shit. The light mechanic wore me thin pretty quick. The protagonist's fear of the dark exacerbated every problem I had with the game including puzzle solving. It made every single thing feel like a fucking chore.

And I have to reiterate just how ridiculous it is that you're still having to hunt for matches and light torches in the later half of the story. This bitch has experienced horrors that we can't even fathom and she's still scared of the god damned dark? Come ON man!

But I dug the atmosphere and it had some really breathtaking environments and cool moments. My favorite part was when she enters the nightmare world for the first time and had to walk through it. It reminded me of the planet from Ridley Scott's Alien. LV4326 or whatever the fuck it's called. Hearing creatures roar in the distance as you was trying to wade your way through the dark and smoke was perfect.

Also I seen some people in this thread claim A Machine for Pigs was better, LMAO! From The Chinese Room, the brilliant mind behind such prestigious classics like Dear Ester and Everybody Gone to the Rapture...
Ey, drunk, you really think it's worth defending the worst Amnesia as well as the worst Frictional game just because you got a fetish for being preggers?


Ey, drunk, you really think it's worth defending the worst Amnesia as well as the worst Frictional game just because you got a fetish for being preggers?

I thought that added to the horror because the whole time I was thinking she had some freakish monster growing inside of her. I was expecting something like this to happen:

I was disappointed when it turned out to be a regular baby.


May 28, 2016
Lost Continent of Mu
I'm sorry for not looking on the floor earlier. Can you please forgive me for not seeing the plastic?

I didn't like that the "creature" or whatever it was kept blowing out the torches I had lit. It made trying to solve the puzzles a mother fucking bitch.
Unfortunately in this game the "winds" tend to blow out whatever lightsources you have lit.

The fear/insanity shit really started to grate on me. They're just obnoxious as fuck.
I agree.


Mar 18, 2021
Was wondering what Frictional had been up to. Sad to hear this wasn't good. They really need to branch out a bit... I would love if they made a Myst game. They never did fully put that "tactile objects" game engine to use beyond a couple gimmick puzzles.


Jul 24, 2020
I tried to play those early Penumbra games but they ran like shit on my Windows 10 with a GTX 1070. Must have something to do with older games not liking the lack of proper DirectX 9 support in the drivers for this geforce card series. I have a thing about playing old games on new hardware and not having them run butter smooth at 1000+ FPS like they should, damn it.
Its probably like with Amnesia - their HPL engine cant do more than 60fps. Still, you should suck it up and play it.

Mary Sue Leigh

Aug 31, 2012
This still costs too much, by comparison with what I'm expecting..

Worth it, on sale maybe..?
Just as an aside, I absolutely didn't like Soma. Its themes are way too big for my hamster brain to comprehend, let alone be impacted by in any way. People like me are the reason they added spoopy monsters in maze to run away from sections because the existential dread is simply lost on our ilk.
At least under water is scary setting.


This still costs too much, by comparison with what I'm expecting..

Worth it, on sale maybe..?
Just as an aside, I absolutely didn't like Soma. Its themes are way too big for my hamster brain to comprehend, let alone be impacted by in any way. People like me are the reason they added spoopy monsters in maze to run away from sections because the existential dread is simply lost on our ilk.
At least under water is scary setting.

Have we actually found the one honest and genuine woman on the codex? Maybe, maybe!

This is not a jab at "hamster brain", just noting that most women would really not be interested in the overarching theme of the game.

Contrast this attitude and lighter feminine air and outlook on life with Lilura's propensity for spending hours on end writing up "treatises" on mechanics and synergies in a number-crunching RPG system.


Jun 22, 2013
This still costs too much, by comparison with what I'm expecting..

Worth it, on sale maybe..?
Just as an aside, I absolutely didn't like Soma. Its themes are way too big for my hamster brain to comprehend, let alone be impacted by in any way. People like me are the reason they added spoopy monsters in maze to run away from sections because the existential dread is simply lost on our ilk.
At least under water is scary setting.
avoid like the plague. if somedrunkguy comes in and recommends

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