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The Witcher Analysis: How Witcher 3 could have been much better.

  • Thread starter Duralux for Durabux
  • Start date

Is Witcher 3 dissapointing?

  • Yes

    Votes: 43 35.2%
  • No

    Votes: 54 44.3%
  • Kingcomrade

    Votes: 25 20.5%

  • Total voters

Zboj Lamignat

Feb 15, 2012
Being a crpg instead of a console open world action game with some stats trash collecting pointless crafting level scaling and titties would improve W3 as a crpg. Apart from that I'm out of ideas.

When it comes to console open world action games with some stats trash collecting pointless crafting level scaling and titties it's probably up there, but I'm gonna leave this debate to the experts.

Duralux for Durabux

-AI: One word:retarded this is the least i can say about Witcher 3's AI. If you try to get out of the sight of ennemies they will do the same things like before like if nothing happens.Also here let's compare with Bloodborne's AI which isn't perfect (because you can exploit the AI by being behind obstacles )obviously but it gets the job done. When the AI in Bloodborne is triggered by your presence,they will track you even for 10 minutes and then they will stop. But in witcher 3,it's very different you just have to stop focus on ennemies and run for 1 minute and ennemies will let you go as you wish.Furthermore, I have noticed that the AI in combat seems to be under alcohol they move around like a complete idiot. Here a quick example, at one moment the AI doesn't seems to react to your attacks 1:23-1:24 And this isn't the only video in which you can see that the AI is retarded
-Witcher senses: Who came up with this shit ? Top decline. Instead, i would have prefer that triggering witcher senses make hints a little more visible but not completely colored in red. Moreover, When using witcher senses it works with footsteps or smell of something exactly like the clairvoyance spell in Skyrim total Decline.
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Duralux for Durabux

I wait any arguments witcher 3 fags. From now on, you didn't deny everything so i assume everything i underlined are correct. Good, now that we accept that witcher 3 deserves a 5/10 or 6/10 at best. We can move on from this average serie.
Edit: 20 votes for "no", this forum is more casual than reddit, resetera , etc...
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Oct 21, 2019
20 votes for "no", this forum is more casual than reddit, resetera , etc...
Your poll suck in the first place. "Dissapointment" is a subjective squared measure, depending on one's expectations, obviously. Personally, I wasn't expecting much after W2, thought they'll fail on a Skyrim's open-world field miserably and will fail as well to tell any coherent story thanks to open-world effort, again. So, naturally, I was simply amazed by narrative bar combined with richness of the game's world, despite all the flaws, some of which was obvious in the process, some in a hindsight. I agree with that a lot of stuff they put in the game is simply redundant, but I'm not some autist who tried to complete everything and clear every '?' on the world's map. Anyway, maybe it was you who did expect too much from game which received insane amount of praise?

As for your points, good half of it simply wrong, Idk how the hell you allegedly finished it twice and wrote something like
Main quest: Why there is absolutely no sense of urgency ?
Choices: Why none of them impact the witcher dramasticly? Why the choices don't restrict a full arc of quests?Each choice should have PROS and CONS that affect the WORLD AND THE WITCHER (stats,how he becomes,etc...).
NPC: adding tons of NPC to cities and towns is worthless if none of them give something usefull to listen for the player.(i don't expect a quest for every npc but i do expect differents lines coming from the npc then you will understand as a player what does it feels to be a witcher in cities.
- NPCs are straight up tells you to go and find Ciri right the fuck away, if you decided to drag it - your choice/problem.
- Radovid's quest branch
- They are talk a lot, you just didn't listen. Overall, Novigrad set incredibly high bar in a sence of medieval/fantasy high-populated town.
Maybe you have to give it another run or just get over it.

As for your "wish this... needs that..." - it looks silly since the game was released years ago. If you're really bother - go try out some mods, I heared they fixed a lot of stuff like combat, loot, leveling, UI etc but I don't think it's your desire. And demanding from a game more/complex stuff like more moves from Eredin is a silly thing too since the game has too huge scope as is.

Duralux for Durabux

Your poll suck in the first place. "Dissapointment" is a subjective squared measure, depending on one's expectations, obviously. Personally, I wasn't expecting much after W2, thought they'll fail on a Skyrim's open-world field miserably and will fail as well to tell any coherent story thanks to open-world effort, again. So, naturally, I was simply amazed by narrative bar combined with richness of the game's world, despite all the flaws, some of which was obvious in the process, some in a hindsight. I agree with that a lot of stuff they put in the game is simply redundant, but I'm not some autist who tried to complete everything and clear every '?' on the world's map. Anyway, maybe it was you who did expect too much from game which received insane amount of praise?

As for your points, good half of it simply wrong, Idk how the hell you allegedly finished it twice and wrote something like

- NPCs are straight up tells you to go and find Ciri right the fuck away, if you decided to drag it - your choice/problem.
- Radovid's quest branch
- They are talk a lot, you just didn't listen. Overall, Novigrad set incredibly high bar in a sence of medieval/fantasy high-populated town.
Maybe you have to give it another run or just get over it.

As for your "wish this... needs that..." - it looks silly since the game was released years ago. If you're really bother - go try out some mods, I heared they fixed a lot of stuff like combat, loot, leveling, UI etc but I don't think it's your desire. And demanding from a game more/complex stuff like more moves from Eredin is a silly thing too since the game has too huge scope as is.
THANK GOD , for once someone who argues about my arguments.
Your poll suck in the first place. "Dissapointment" is a subjective squared measure, depending on one's expectations
Disappointment in term of what everyone on the medias praised about this game(Best story ? Nope; Best Gameplay? lol Nope; Best AI ? Absolutely Nope; Best landscapes ? probably; Best Choices? Nope; Best NPCs? Lol nope) , on how metacritic,steam,GOG,ETC... are flooded with overwhelmingly positive reviews. Everyone praised this game (universally).
- NPCs are straight up tells you to go and find Ciri right the fuck away, if you decided to drag it - your choice/problem.
Doesn't really matters like i said ,if you don't have the repercussions of your actions, so everything they said is utter bullshit.
- Radovid's quest branch
WOW for one choice, i expected for all of them like everyone said in the media, internet and even on this forum.
- They talk a lot, you just didn't listen. Overall, Novigrad set incredibly high bar in a sence of medieval/fantasy high-populated town.
Please tell me on what they are talking,if we avoid non-scripted events ? As far as i remember they repeated the same exact Fucking sentences everytime ("uh,"oh""ugh").

As for your points, good half of it simply wrong, Idk how the hell you allegedly finished it twice and wrote something like
Please tell me why they are wrong, i want to know why..........
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Oct 21, 2019
Disappointment in term of what everyone on the medias praised this game, on how metacritic,steam,GOG,ETC... are flooded with overwhelmingly positive reviews. Everyone praised this game (universally).
That's because it's not hard to impress "normie" who doesn't play games much in general. You, on the other hand, should've known better and didn't set expectations too high.
Doesn't really matters like i said you don't have the repercussions of your actions, so everything he said is utter bullshit.
Simple game's conditionality for mass appeal. Player can decide for himself. Even Fallout's creators didn't have balls by your logic to leave game's overall timer, let alone CDPR.
WOW for one choice, i expected for all of them like everyone said in the media, internet and even on this forum.
That's the most significant one. The game has more, I mentioned them in the main thread.
Please tell me on what they are talking with we avoid non-scripted events ? As far as i remember they repeated the same exact Fucking sentences everytime ("uh,"oh""ugh").
It was more than enough to create immershun inside the city. The game was not all about the fucking peasants and a single town. Will see how CDPR'll manage to portray Night City though.
Please tell me why they are wrong, i want to know why..........
I told you already - failed expectations. Also you're implying that "game overrated but this should be done differently and this and then...". It doesn't work like that. Just look at Bethesda's games.
Feb 8, 2020
I don't think it's a 10/10, but half of your arguments are straight out retarded.

You could have went for shitty item system, difficulty drops, main scenario being veiled side-quests for the first half of it, late scenario being dumb (Radovid's murder, Djikstra mood shift etc.), poorly staged romance options, overuse of Witcher vision.

Open world is great and has a lot of content. Locations often have NPC idle chatting, discussing what happened and giving foreshadowing for the things to come.

Horse controls are good, better than in every other game out there (RDR2, KC D).

Bestiary feels like an asspull of a complaint, too nitpicky.

Side-quests are good, even side activities like hunting have a lot of decent writing put into them.

Game stays engaging for the entirety of it's whopping 120 hour runtime.

It's at least confident 8/10 game. If you compare it to the other RPG games of the same decade, it's an easy 8,5.
Not 9 or 10 thou, true.

Duralux for Durabux

That's because it's not hard to impress "normie" who doesn't play games much in general. You, on the other hand, should've known better and didn't set expectations too high.
Is RPG Codex full of normies too? Because it's on RPG Codex at first that i took recommendation of this game.
Simple game's conditionality for mass appeal. Player can decide for himself. Even Fallout's creators didn't have balls by your logic to leave game's overall timer, let alone CDPR.
They didn't even touch the timer on final release so your point is wrong anyway.Bullshit i want the game to tells me that i have to catters to the main quest not the butterfly around.Why are you defending CDPR this much ? Are you one of the many community managers from CDPR?
That's the most significant one. The game has more, I mentioned them in the main thread.
All of them aren't impact full enough. It's just a number of experience points to minmax it doesn't affects the witcher. Also The consequences aren't well represented in the world. It's just a matter of which one of those NPCs will die.
It was more than enough to create immershun inside the city. The game was not all about the fucking peasants and a single town. Will see how CDPR'll manage to portray Night City though.
It wasn't enougth, you have a feeling very quickly that all of those npcs are useless.
I told you already - failed expectations. Also you're implying that "game overrated but this should be done differently and this and then...". It doesn't work like that. Just look at Bethesda's games.
It perfectly works like that , witcher 3 was rushed from start to end . It absolutly doesn't live expectations. Why attacking Bethesda ? They are already dead, it's witcher 3 and CDPR we are talking about......


Feb 14, 2017
FWIW I don't think that I've been as disappointed in any game ever as I was TW3.

I really enjoyed both of it's predecessors, and thought there was some incredibly fertile ground for a 3rd installment to build off. The dull, lacklustre, chore-like, popamole experience which I received in TW3 was not only a major grind, but it was a massive let down when it came to following up the plot threads left by the previous games.

The player rarely had to be engaged at all. Conversations led themselves, quests were "hold Witcher senses button down to win", and I genuinely only enjoyed a handful of quests from the absolute plethora available. Most were just dull & workman like.

Duralux for Durabux

I don't think it's a 10/10, but half of your arguments are straight out retarded.

You could have went for shitty item system, difficulty drops, main scenario being veiled side-quests for the first half of it, late scenario being dumb (Radovid's murder, Djikstra mood shift etc.), poorly staged romance options, overuse of Witcher vision.

Open world is great and has a lot of content. Locations often have NPC idle chatting, discussing what happened and giving foreshadowing for the things to come.

Horse controls are good, better than in every other game out there (RDR2, KC D).

Bestiary feels like an asspull of a complaint, too nitpicky.

Side-quests are good, even side activities like hunting have a lot of decent writing put into them.

Game stays engaging for the entirety of it's whopping 120 hour runtime.

It's at least confident 8/10 game. If you compare it to the other RPG games of the same decade, it's an easy 8,5.
Not 9 or 10 thou, true.
Tell me why half of them retarded instead of instantly concluding they are retarded
Open world is great and has a lot of content. Locations often have NPC idle chatting, discussing what happened and giving foreshadowing for the things to come.

Horse controls are good, better than in every other game out there (RDR2, KC D).

Bestiary feels like an asspull of a complaint, too nitpicky.

Side-quests are good, even side activities like hunting have a lot of decent writing put into them.

Game stays engaging for the entirety of it's whopping 120 hour runtime.

It's at least confident 8/10 game. If you compare it to the other RPG games of the same decade, it's an easy 8,5.
Did you read all of my arguments instead of being persuaded that all of those points are perfect (while they aren't )?.AND WAY FAR FROM PERFECT.


Oct 21, 2019
Is RPG Codex full of normies too? Because it's on RPG Codex at first that i took recommendation of this game.
Hardly, but people here seems to be capable of distinguishing a bad game from a good one.
They didn't even touch the timer on final release so your point is wrong anyway.
You're clueless. I said "overall" - the game was supposed to have 500 days timer before it was over (vault has overrun as the rest of the world).
All of them aren't impact full enough. It's just a number of experience points to minmax it doesn't affects the witcher. Also The consequences aren't well represented in the world. It's just a matter of which one of those NPCs will die.
The game's world is too huge for that. Where it's done properly by your opinion anyway? And TW3 has epilogue chapter besides small things and slides as it was in Fallout/Arcanum.
It wasn't enougth, you have a feeling very quickly that all of those npcs are useless.
Another extremely subjective statement.
Why attacking Bethesda ?
I wasn't "attacking" them, but they have some of highly successful yet "dissapointing", if you like, games.

Duralux for Durabux

Almost forgot to point out one more thing:
-DLC: Why they put tons on DLCs on this game if none of them change the game in his form? And why all the DLCs aren't included in the base game? Why putting DLCs? All of the Free DLCs are powders thrown at the consumers because they all should have been added in the BASE GAME AT RELEASE!!!!!!!!!They make false promises at the consumers and every retards believe in them because of their demagogy. https://gamerant.com/the-witcher-3-dlc-free-piracy/ here hidden advertisment for something that should be added in the base game at release. They lied on Witcher 3 and here they are with dlcs . And people are satisfied with a chunk of a game and wait for dlcs in Ciberpunk 2077 nowadays. When CDPR will pull out Micro Transactions everyone will be pleased because of their demagogy.
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Duralux for Durabux

Hardly, but people here seems to be capable of distinguishing a bad game from a good one.
They didn't even put into consideration Witcher 3 , they aren't different from Redditers at all. Also, RPGCodex put Oblivion in his Top 101 rpgs nothing much to say.
You're clueless. I said "overall" - the game was supposed to have 500 days timer before it was over (vault has overrun as the rest of the world).
Whatever, in the end it wasn't released in the game so i take the game from what it is.
The game's world is too huge for that. Where it's done properly by your opinion anyway? And TW3 has epilogue chapter besides small things and slides as it was in Fallout/Arcanum.
In Arcanum,Fallout , it was well made while in Witcher 3 it was boring,poorly made , and a chore to play because of the gameplay.
Another extremely subjective statement.
in your opinion, NPC's repeating "uh" "oh" "ugh" "ow" "yes" "*cough*"" "nah" feel alive? K
I wasn't "attacking" them, but they have some of highly successful yet "dissapointing", if you like, games.
Absolutly true but don't try to deviate the subject, it's about the ultra Demagogic CDPR and Witcher 3 we are talking about.


Nov 13, 2007
Project: Eternity
Why there is absolutely no sense of urgency ? Why they didn't put an actual time limit like in Fallout 1? It would make a lot of sense because in that case you have the feeling that the Wild Hunt is actually searching Ciri instead what we got is a static world.
Because nobody likes global time limits, that's why even Fallout 1 had it removed via the patch and zero mainstream games ever include it.
And a fake sense of urgency is gay and unnecessary.

Duralux for Durabux

Because nobody likes global time limits, that's why even Fallout 1 had it removed via the patch and zero mainstream games ever include it.
And a fake sense of urgency is gay and unnecessary.
Even if you don't like it, that doesn't means it's a bad mechanic, it needed more time (at least 100 more days and you can upgrade the time limit in fallout by buying water supplies to merchants) in fallout . It doesn't needs to be remove.
In reality it makes the world believable while in witcher 3 it's full of fake urgency because the wild Hunt don't do anything.


Oct 21, 2019
Whatever, in the end it wasn't released in the game so i take the game from what it is.
My point was that even devs of that time recognized it was bad enough for the audience so furthermore they dismissed actual timer in Fallout 2 and replaced it with fake "Hakunin's dreams" one.
In Arcanum,Fallout , it was well made while in Witcher 3 it was boring,poorly made , and a chore to play because of the gameplay.
You sounds like a granpa beyond help. In TW3 it actually represented in the game's world and at slides, not just at slides like it was in Fallout and Arcanum. If you didn't like the slides - fair enough but that doesn't dismiss them.
in your opinion, NPC's repeating "uh" "oh" "ugh" "ow" "yes" "*cough*"" "nah" feel alive? K
What are you implying exactly? That they should cut the whole city? Or the NPCs? Or what?
Absolutly true but don't try to deviate the subject, it's about the ultra Demagogic CDPR and Witcher 3 we are talking about.
What exactly is the problem? The whole "free DLC" advertisement? It was laughable, sure, but it was still free nonetheless, unlike in many games made by other companies which is why they've made that move. Or you're talking about some false promises of which I have no idea (and maybe no one except you).

Duralux for Durabux

My point was that even devs of that time recognized it was bad enough for the audience so furthermore they dismissed actual timer in Fallout 2 and replaced it with fake "Hakunin's dreams" one.
There's an actual time limit in fallout 2 but long enough to let you the time to explore and it was there to not forget your objective. https://www.nma-fallout.com/threads/fallout-2-time-limit.151567/ (too much time in my opinion ).
You sounds like a granpa beyond help. In TW3 it actually represented in the game's world and at slides, not just at slides like it was in Fallout and Arcanum. If you didn't like the slides - fair enough but that doesn't dismiss them.
Those slides were bad, please replay the game you will get bored very fast.
What are you implying exactly? That they should cut the whole city? Or the NPCs? Or what?
I'm implying that every NPCs need a minimum amount of work to make them believable. If that doesn't make a real city but instead more of an optical illusion then delay your game and work more into it.
What exactly is the problem? The whole "free DLC" advertisement? It was laughable, sure, but it was still free nonetheless, unlike in many games made by other companies which is why they've made that move. Or you're talking about some false promises of which I have no idea (and maybe no one except you).
It wasn't laughable, it was dramatic. It means that after being so much fucked by publishers,consumers are taken as sheep .It was free? of course and hopefully so because it should have been includes in THE BASE GAME AT RELEASE.Why do you compare with others companies? Don't worry they will try to scam you. You never listen do you ?( i remember back then everyone said that Activision was good, that Bethesda was good, that Bioware was good) Bunch of retarded fanboys.
False promises ? One word Downgrade


Oct 21, 2019
There's an actual time limit in fallout 2 but long enough to let you the time to explore and it was there to not forget your objective. https://www.nma-fallout.com/threads/fallout-2-time-limit.151567/ (too much time in my opinion ).
As I remember it by the end of 13 years the shops just no longer refills, that's it. But maybe only in case of 'the main quest is done'. If it means that you actually fail oil rig quest by exceeding 13 motherfucking years - then it's just as good as no time limit at all.
Those slides were bad
Slides like slides. I can't see any fundamental difference between them and from classic games.
I'm implying that every NPCs need a minimum amount of work to make them believable. If that doesn't make a real city but instead more of an optical illusion then delay your game and work more into it.
Like I said, the game's scope too huge as is. Demanding more work on NPCs seems ridiculous to me. If it'd be much smaller, then it would sound more reasonable.
It wasn't laughable, it was dramatic. It means that after being so much fucked by publishers,consumers are taken as sheep .It was free? of course and hopefully so because it should have been includes in THE BASE GAME AT RELEASE.Why do you compare with others companies? Don't worry they will try to scam you. You never listen do you ?( i remember back then everyone said that Activision was good, that Bethesda was good, that Bioware was good) Bunch of retarded fanboys.
False promises ? One word Downgrade
Again - crazy granpa talk. I prefer to stay in reality and evaluate Cyberpunk first before jumping into any wild conclusions. So far CDPR the most decent AAA-dev out there though.

Duralux for Durabux

As I remember it by the end of 13 years the shops just no longer refills, that's it. But maybe only in case of 'the main quest is done'. If it means that you actually fail oil rig quest by exceeding 13 motherfucking years - then it's just as good as no time limit at all.
IT is the time limit of the main quest , after 13 years =you loose end of the game.
Slides like slides. I can't see any fundamental difference between them and from classic games.
Get your eyes and your ears checked.
Like I said, the game's scope too huge as is. Demanding more work on NPCs seems ridiculous to me. If it'd be much smaller, then it would sound more reasonable.
Then remove the Open-world map filled with trash contents and make cities interesting enough to compensate
Demanding more work on NPCs seems ridiculous to me.
NPC's saying the exact same sentences is enough in your opinion then Skyrim is for you.
Again - crazy granpa talk. I prefer to stay in reality and evaluate Cyberpunk first before jumping into any wild conclusions. So far CDPR the most decent AAA-dev out there though.
Supporting games release without dlcs is crazy granpa talk . Ok , then , EA did nothing wrong and you guys deserve even worse. CyberPunk will be disappointing like Oblivion was and you will be in full damage control as always.
So far CDPR the most decent AAA-dev out there though
Nope, and it never was but thanks for your efforts, now the companie is flooded with SJW's .https://www.gamespot.com/articles/cyberpunk-2077-character-creator-will-offer-non-bi/1100-6469446/
Edit: Danikas stop harassing me you retarded fanboy.You are a boring dumbfuck, get out.
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Jun 15, 2017
Get your eyes and your ears checked.
Nice argument.

Clearly Arcanum slides are so much better. :lol:

NPC's saying the exact same sentences is enough in your opinion then Skyrim is for you.
In Gothic 2/1 every Npc that doesen't have a name has the same 3 dialouge options and responses and they exist only to make the world more populated and lively.

IT is the time limit of the main quest , after 13 years =you loose end of the game.
So effectively game has no time limit.

Supporting games release without dlcs is crazy granpa talk . Ok , then , EA did nothing wrong and you guys deserve even worse. CyberPunk will be disappointing like Oblivion was and you will be in full damage control as always.
Autism overload.


Oct 21, 2019
Supporting games release without dlcs is crazy granpa talk
TW3's DLCs was essentially a marketing trick, nothing more, calm the fuck down, please. However, the expantions was offered for a reasonable, usual price and has huge amounts of content.
Nope, and it never was but thanks for your efforts, now the companie is flooded with SJW's .https://www.gamespot.com/articles/cyberpunk-2077-character-creator-will-offer-non-bi/1100-6469446/
I hate SJW bullshit as much as the next guy but this is a different case, arguably. Many people in a Cyberpunk's world will be rigged as fuck so there'll be quite a field for discuss about genders, ethics and much more. Now, while we don't know yet how exactly CDPR will execute thouse things, their market department is taking advantage of it as much as they can, given times we're living.

Duralux for Durabux

You are a fanboy i can't really explain anything but *sigh* i will try my best.
Nice argument.

Clearly Arcanum slides are so much better. :lol:

Yes they are , in term of artistic direction it's thousand miles away from Witcher 3 (just the first slide is better than any over slide in Witcher 3). In term of storytelling , it is way much better but you haven't play the game so you can comprehend it. (And please introduce fallout 1 slides, it's more easier for me).
Nice argument.
In Gothic 2/1 every Npc that doesen't have a name has the same 3 dialouge options and responses and they exist only to make the world more populated and lively.
3 dialogue options is better than "uh" "oh" "ugh" "*cough" etc... from witcher 3.
So effectively game has no time limit.
It has but like i said you haven't played it.
Autism overload.
We'll see as for now i was right of their future.
Make me bitch
Again you are boring you ain't funny.

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