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The Witcher Analysis: How Witcher 3 could have been much better.

  • Thread starter Duralux for Durabux
  • Start date

Is Witcher 3 dissapointing?

  • Yes

    Votes: 43 35.2%
  • No

    Votes: 54 44.3%
  • Kingcomrade

    Votes: 25 20.5%

  • Total voters


Jun 15, 2017
but you haven't play the game so you can comprehend it.
You are getting retarded just for that, any more brilliant deductions?
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Duralux for Durabux

TW3's DLCs was essentially a marketing trick, nothing more, calm the fuck down, please. However, the expantions was offered for a reasonable, usual price and has huge amounts of content.
I'm calm , you can't imagine how calm i am. I'm just a bit bored about CD fags (here a quick summary about that community: Danikas -> Treated me with death sentences,insulted me JDR13 -> Accused me of being an autist. Every-time it's about me not my arguments.
I hate SJW bullshit as much as the next guy but this is a different case, arguably. Many people in a Cyberpunk's world will be rigged as fuck so there'll be quite a field for discuss about genders, ethics and much more. Now, while we don't know yet how exactly CDPR will execute thouse things, their market department is taking advantage of it as much as they can, given times we're living.
Here is another link because one isn't enoughhttps://www.vg247.com/2020/04/10/cd-projekt-gender-age-stats/
Here are some sentences i have picked from the article:
CD Projekt gave an update on its diversity efforts for the workforce, and revealed the nationality and age split among its workers.


Jun 15, 2017

Treated me with death SENTENCES

Duralux for Durabux


Treated me with death SENTENCES
Treating someone to kill himself is what you retard?
i wanted to know why you are such a dumbfuck and the 3rd message was funny and ironic.
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Apr 4, 2016
I don't think TW3 is that great as a RPG to keep figuring out ways to make it better.

The core gameplay loop of TW3 is not really fixable. The core logistic concept (open world-ish map) is hard to fix, because the first logical step is to condense it.
Yeah, many quests could be made a lot better and treasure hunts could be more interesting. The main story could be actually interesting and engaging. Sure.
Yeah, character progression and skills could be actually meaningful.
Yeah, combat could actually be something more than parry/dodge + counter or dodge roll

All in all, its pretty damn good for a AAA game that is enjoyed by many 'teh casuals' but nothing too amazing. None of the TW3 components made me say wow this part of the game is absolutely amazing. Probably the closest things are sidequests related to some important npcs, but even then - a bit too formulaic for my taste.

I'm more interested in how to make something with a pronounced main idea - like, Dysco Elyusium - into something more than what the game actually was... than TW3 into something that will appeal to codexers more

Duralux for Durabux

I don't think TW3 is that great as a RPG to keep figuring out ways to make it better.

The core gameplay loop of TW3 is not really fixable. The core logistic concept (open world-ish map) is hard to fix, because the first logical step is to condense it.
Yeah, many quests could be made a lot better and treasure hunts could be more interesting. The main story could be actually interesting and engaging. Sure.
Yeah, character progression and skills could be actually meaningful.
Yeah, combat could actually be something more than parry/dodge + counter or dodge roll

All in all, its pretty damn good for a AAA game that is enjoyed by many 'teh casuals' but nothing too amazing. None of the TW3 components made me say wow this part of the game is absolutely amazing. Probably the closest things are sidequests related to some important npcs, but even then - a bit too formulaic for my taste.

I'm more interested in how to make something with a pronounced main idea - like, Dysco Elyusium - into something more than what the game actually was... than TW3 into something that will appeal to codexers more
Smartest post in this page.


Nov 13, 2007
Project: Eternity
Because nobody likes global time limits, that's why even Fallout 1 had it removed via the patch and zero mainstream games ever include it.
And a fake sense of urgency is gay and unnecessary.
Even if you don't like it, that doesn't means it's a bad mechanic, it needed more time (at least 100 more days and you can upgrade the time limit in fallout by buying water supplies to merchants) in fallout . It doesn't needs to be remove.
In reality it makes the world believable while in witcher 3 it's full of fake urgency because the wild Hunt don't do anything.
It is a bad mechanic for the open world games and that is why games don't use it. Short time limits can work (per quest, per task, per level), global don't - at least not in the genre.
Fallout 1 had 2 timers - all you can do is prolong the 1st one at the expense of the 2nd. Anyway, that is exactly how my 1st playthrough ended - half of the map square from the military base I'm going to clear to end the game I get the message "mutants rise, everybody dies, game over". I was like wtf, I haven't seen shit like this since Prince of Persia and other stupid nes games. Makes no sense from the game design point of view to make a huge open world to explore and play with and then put some obscure timer to annoy you and fail your playthrough dozens of hours in wasting your time.
Oh, and we also know the timer was just a leftover of the original plan - it wasn't supposed to be a simple game over message, but the mutant armies would rise and slowly conquer areas around the map, making progressing through them harder, changing quests etc. That could work. The end timer simply doesn't, almost no games have it and it is universally criticized.


Jul 14, 2017
I'll say one thing, this is an impressive amount of effort just for a "Dumbfuck!!!" tag.


Feb 14, 2017
Witcher 3 is fucking awful that's the problem. Whether it's simple, complicated, an RPG, an action RPG, a sandbox game etc. doesn't really matter.

It's execution at whatever it thinks it is really sucks arsehole, and the only people it stimulates & engages are those who are enamored with cut-scenes & visuals. If you give a shit about roleplaying, C&C, good gameplay, or any of the things which actually make a good interactive experience then TW3 is a joke.


Apr 20, 2019
George Duroy

you should try W3 again with the enhanced edition mod. I really can't summarize accurately how game changing that mod is. Its like if W3 was redesigned by someone who actually cares about consistency between lore and systems, and cares that the gameplay itself is meaningful rather than it merely being a vehicle to storyfagging. It can't fix everything of course, some things are just fundamentally bad (batman vision follow the breadcrumbs, theme park world design etc) but for me and many other people it turned W3 from a very average game into a legitimately great one.

Lilliput McHammersmith

While I don't necessarily disagree with the criticism of Witcher 3 (after all, it was one of the first subjects I posted about on the Codex), it's not a bad game, and especially you're wrong on the DLCs. While the main campaign was lackluster overall, Hearts of Stone is fantastic, and Blood and Wine is pretty decent.

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