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Game News Anito announced


Nov 9, 2002
Monkey Island
Hmm, one of the prime antagonists seems to have dropped out. I'm can't say for sure that this will hit the five page mark now. Could we maybe get someone else to engage in a pointless argument?

Crazy Tuvok

Dec 17, 2002
Exitium said:
Oh yes, let's all be as passive and non-offensive as we psosibly can! Can't call the Nazis bastards or Josef Mengele an insane son of a bitch, now can we? Because that'd be offensive. Oh wait, maybe we can, because according to political correctness, it's okay to label the Nazis and Mengele in whatever deregotory label we please, regardless of the truth or lies in those labels. Everyone say it together with me: "nazis were homosexuals".

But now, it's probably 'wrong' and 'offensive' to state the truth about the Filipino people, who just happen to be poor, weird, and completely blind to their state of existence (i.e. they don't do much to alleviate themselves from their predicament) because it's 'offensive to their inherently fucked up culture' and because we must respect other people's cultures, regardless of barbarism, cannibalistic practices, et al.

Why even bother with civilization, then? Let's go back to our primitive roots, live in Neolithic villages, respect other cultures, and mutilate ourselves for no reason whatsoever other than it's 'within our culture to do so'. Respect tradition! Tradition will give you a special place in heaven.

If you want to see the ugliness of humanity, visit the Phillipines. With pick pockets around every corner, and muggers on every street. It's like a regular combat-based CRPG in there.

Well I hate to disappoint Spazmo so I will respond and think that with insane tirades like Ex's we can hit that 5 page mark!

So let's take a look at some of the really delightful crap that spewed forth in Ex's last post.

"Oh yes, let's all be as passive and non-offensive as we psosibly can"
Sounds good. Oh wait, I guess you think we should be as aggressive and offensive as we possibly can? That sounds like a pleasant way to live. Why one would want to maximize aggression and offensiveness is beyond me but it sounds rather...juvenile. Whatvever. But you might want to see someone about this. Seriously. That is not a healthy mentally balanced attitude.

Yah! PC is invoked again. Nothing like shortcutting actual argument and replacing it with empty rhetoric. You crack me up man. You think that because I find your simpleminded description of the Phillipines upsetting that I am doing so out of some perverse devotion to political correctness and not because I was genuinely offended.

Ok I honestly have no freaking idea what the Nazi-Mengele stuff is about but this is a bit disturbing: "it's okay to label the Nazis and Mengele in whatever deregotory label we please, regardless of the truth or lies in those labels."
So... you are in favor of Mengele and Nazis? What the hell were you trying to say here because it seems to have escaped my meager capacity to understand gibberish.

" it's probably 'wrong' and 'offensive' to state the truth about the Filipino people, "

Wow. I stand corrected. I didn't get the memo informing me that you had the monopoly on "truth". Must be quite a burden.

'offensive to their inherently fucked up culture'

inherently fucked up culture. Beautiful. It is now perfectly obvious that all of your arguments are in fact some prejudice against the Phillipines and not actually based even remotely in anything like fact or argument. Think about what you wrote for a second - an inherently fucked up culture. Where have I heard this before? - oh yeah now I remember - in every racist statement ever made. Hell poor people, blacks, hispanics...they are an inherently fucked up_____

"Why even bother with civilization, then? Let's go back to our primitive roots, live in Neolithic villages, respect other cultures, and mutilate ourselves for no reason whatsoever other than it's 'within our culture to do so'. Respect tradition! Tradition will give you a special place in heaven. "

You need to think and then type because how this relates to anything I have said is lost on me (and I gather on anyone else). Trying to parse this and give it a context outside of your own head is impossible.


Oct 22, 2002
Crazy Tuvok said:
Yah! PC is invoked again. Nothing like shortcutting actual argument and replacing it with empty rhetoric. You crack me up man. You think that because I find your simpleminded description of the Phillipines upsetting that I am doing so out of some perverse devotion to political correctness and not because I was genuinely offended.

What the fuck do you think your "defense" was? Empty rhetoric about how we shouldn't "denigrate"; clueless, uninformed garbage. Listen, kid, get a damn clue already. Every marine, squid, and groundpounder that has been over there can tell you about how fucked up that place is. Perhaps it stays that fucked up because the people have a habit of biting the hand that feeds, so therefore the hand was taken away by closing down Subic Bay (and is likely showing in their economy without the troops to spend money on the hookers).

Ok I honestly have no freaking idea what the Nazi-Mengele stuff is about but this is a bit disturbing: "it's okay to label the Nazis and Mengele in whatever deregotory label we please, regardless of the truth or lies in those labels."
So... you are in favor of Mengele and Nazis? What the hell were you trying to say here because it seems to have escaped my meager capacity to understand gibberish.

Oh, for fuck's sake, LEARN TO READ.

inherently fucked up culture. Beautiful. It is now perfectly obvious that all of your arguments are in fact some prejudice against the Phillipines and not actually based even remotely in anything like fact or argument. Think about what you wrote for a second - an inherently fucked up culture. Where have I heard this before? - oh yeah now I remember - in every racist statement ever made. Hell poor people, blacks, hispanics...they are an inherently fucked up_____

Kid, and I call you that because you're displaying everything I expect from a huggy-feely 12 year-old neo-hippie without a clue, you need to get out into the world more often. You example was nothing short of hyperbole. Now, if you only knew something of the culture and the living conditions, etc. over there, then you might have some idea about where you stand in the argument. Laughably naive. Is it any surprise when people say that the prositution "industry" over there was perhaps the biggest boost for their economy?

"Why even bother with civilization, then? Let's go back to our primitive roots, live in Neolithic villages, respect other cultures, and mutilate ourselves for no reason whatsoever other than it's 'within our culture to do so'. Respect tradition! Tradition will give you a special place in heaven. "

You need to think and then type because how this relates to anything I have said is lost on me (and I gather on anyone else). Trying to parse this and give it a context outside of your own head is impossible.

You need to read before you reply, as you've obviously not done so before.

Crazy Tuvok

Dec 17, 2002
ok rosh. You just make my argument for me by resorting to the ad hominem and ignoring every argument I have made.
fuck it. This is a complete waste of time.
"clueless, uninformed garbage" - charming.


Oct 22, 2002
Crazy Tuvok said:
ok rosh. You just make my argument for me by resorting to the ad hominem and ignoring every argument I have made.

Probably because you had no point to begin with, and even proceeded to blatantly prove yourself illiterate or unwanting to read even the simplest of Rex' points.

fuck it. This is a complete waste of time.
"clueless, uninformed garbage" - charming.

I think it sums your point in this argument up quite nicely.

How about I also say that many cultures in the Middle East and Africa are inherently fucked up for what they practice? Or, for that matter, how about China from about 960BC-1911AD? Some historic things you might want to take a look about there.

I hope this has taught you one thing, that if you're going to raise protest against something, at least have a clue about what you're attempting to protest about.


Mar 4, 2003
comment from the philippines

Apologies to everyone who had a hard time understanding my english (re: game features). English is not our primary language you know.


nice to see some of you talking highly of our country. :cry:
I am the lead programmer of Anito, and let me add a bit of info.. Yes, the philippines is a poor country and some of the things you may have said it are true. Pick pockets are abound, many places are dirty, and dogs are eaten. However, it is not reasonable to categorize all Filipinos as such. I for one do not eat dogs as I am vegetarian. Saying that 'you do not trust anything that comes from the philippines' is just pure discrimination. Getting into the habit of looking down upon another culture would be like reliving your black slavery days. It is not our fault that we were born filipinos, nor that we had to cope with an environment such as ours.

The game does not mean to be offensive to anyone in any way. We do not seek revenge upon colonists because of what they did, etc etc. We simply though that having a different setting from those of the typical swords and sorcery rpg would be a refreshing change to people.

Finally, we do not eat cats, (it is our chinese restaurants that serve that :wink: )


Oct 22, 2002
Re: comment from the philippines

elsoniel said:
Saying that 'you do not trust anything that comes from the philippines' is just pure discrimination. Getting into the habit of looking down upon another culture would be like reliving your black slavery days.

Sorry, but that is complete bullshit. One was/is done baselessly (i.e.African Americans), the other is done for a reason, much like why Chinese were held in ill regard for several matters including foot binding, and the aforementioned African and Middle East cultures for matters including "female circumcision", which is hardly that.

I'd have to say the reputation at this point has been well-earned.

Good thing Subic Bay naval station was closed down, so hopefully a generation of women won't be trained and forced into prostitution by their pimps...I mean, their fathers, for the money.

I'd also be questionable about the quality of material coming from the Phillipines, as those developing there would either be self-taught or need to be educated out of country. Last I knew, the facilities there for such an education were, to put it mildly, less than minimal. I do have reservations about putting what is likely a questionable 3rd-rate hack onto my box.

Of course, judging by the number of virii that pop up from there, I do have to re-evaluate that. A little, but not much, as it's not too hard to fuck up Windows.


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Re: comment from the philippines

elsoniel said:
Finally, we do not eat cats, (it is our chinese restaurants that serve that :wink: )

You know, the sad part is that this actually happens in the U.S. too. A friend of mine in Texas several years ago sent me a clip of a Chinese place that got shut down for having pet parts in their dumpster, with collars and everything.

About the only problem I have with eating animals like dogs and cats is that they're carnivores, so they don't make for good nutrition like the vegetarian animals do. No B-12 in those carnivores.


Oct 22, 2002
Re: comment from the philippines

Saint_Proverbius said:
You know, the sad part is that this actually happens in the U.S. too. A friend of mine in Texas several years ago sent me a clip of a Chinese place that got shut down for having pet parts in their dumpster, with collars and everything.

Damn, still have that?

Definitely a new meaning to "Meow Mix". :D


Mar 5, 2003
hi, i'm new here. while surfing the boards i came upon this thread. wow, i never thought there were so many like-minded people here. this is the kind of thing we need. put video gaming back to where it belongs. AMERICA.

please take a few moments to visit our organization. we need more people as intelligent as you are. the American gaming industry doesn't know what it's doing!


I'm sure some of the members here are willing to sign up. :D
Rosh, will you please lead the registration process? we already have special modules on how we should concentrate more on our technology industries and you people might help.


Jun 15, 2002
See, Rosh? This is what happens when you take a few observations about another country and turn 'em into nasty generalizations about its entire population. You get recruited by the KKK!

Am I the only one who finds this funny? I bet all you crazy 'mericans are backward racist hicks like mr. Foreman here. :D


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.

Check foreman's IP, he's Filipino. Which, when you think about it, is pretty ironic since such a display only backs up what Exitium, who is not an American even though that's who foreman choses to attack here, said originally.


Jun 15, 2002
I suspected this wasn't an actual KKK person, but I never bothered to check out his IP. And when has this kind of stuff ever stopped me from additional trolling?


Mar 5, 2003
i'm sorry. it wasn't an attack on anyone here. we just found it so funny and wanted to see who would take the bait.

on behalf of the filipino people, we thank you for your thoughts. we promise to be rude and filthy only to those who made the really (bullshit, but still) funny comments dissing the country of my friends.

you want respect, you give it - and vice-versa. to all the non-caucasians here aspiring to be white, buy some hydroquinone. if you don't know what that is, you're dumb so forget it.

i tell you, dudes, manila ain't no different than brooklyn. go ahead with your posts. we show them in class and marvel at the backwardness of some people in modern times. those of us who shuttle back and forth from cebu to manila and to ny or oregon laugh so hard at your descriptions, i actually thought there would be a backlash when i told them about this board. my local classmates (the Filipinos) say they're used to people who dwell on politics and 15th century history to mask hate. they knew better. i didn't think i would learn so much about understanding from a different culture.

they told me not to bother anymore because there are some people here who made good arguments defending them anyway. but still, it's funny and i personally couldn't resist.

aloha. thanks to those who made such nice things to say about respect and understanding. assumption, after all, is the mother of all fuck-ups. quite easy to see the many fuck-upped turds in this place.

we forgive you 8)


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
foreman said:
i tell you, dudes, manila ain't no different than brooklyn.

America has it's share of slums, degenerates, and so forth, but Brooklyn isn't really one of them. For underdeveloped urban areas, you need to look ato places like Watts in Los Angeles and similar places. We also have a few underdeveloped rural areas as well, such as Appalachia, which covers Tennessee and Kentucky's Eastern parts.

That said, I'm not too sure that we have many kids pick pocketing for a living in any of those areas. In the rural areas, if you need food, you hunt, sometimes illegally during seasons when it's not allowed. In the big cities, I'm sure kids sell drugs and join gangs, but that's often not so much to make a living as it is just for personal gain. After all, we have numerous social programs which cater to those people such as food stamps.


Oct 22, 2002
foreman said:
i'm sorry. it wasn't an attack on anyone here. we just found it so funny and wanted to see who would take the bait.

on behalf of the filipino people, we thank you for your thoughts. we promise to be rude and filthy only to those who made the really (bullshit, but still) funny comments dissing the country of my friends.

While I do agree that the comments do not apply to all people in the Phillipines or those of that origin, there are certain aspects of the culture that are, as Rex has said, are inherently fucked up in a sort of Chinese foot binding sort of way.

you want respect, you give it - and vice-versa. to all the non-caucasians here aspiring to be white, buy some hydroquinone. if you don't know what that is, you're dumb so forget it.

i tell you, dudes, manila ain't no different than brooklyn. go ahead with your posts. we show them in class and marvel at the backwardness of some people in modern times. those of us who shuttle back and forth from cebu to manila and to ny or oregon laugh so hard at your descriptions, i actually thought there would be a backlash when i told them about this board.

That is an utter load of bullshit. I've been to all the states in the US, and I've been to several places in the Phillipines. There's an astute word for "tourist" in the Phillipines. It's called "victim".

Hey, if you don't want the reputation that the country has earned, I suggest that the people try to stop it. Well, I'd have to say it has gotten marginally better in the past 20 years. If I had a dollar for every missing wallet/ID report made on my watch then (by someone foolish to not put their wallet in their front pocket), I'd have enough to buy a few games today.

my local classmates (the Filipinos) say they're used to people who dwell on politics and 15th century history to mask hate. they knew better. i didn't think i would learn so much about understanding from a different culture.

15th century history? You might want to point out where that might be relevent. First, it's mostly about the quality of such work that people would be supposedly wanting to put it onto their computer. Second, there are indeed some really bad things that well, it does ring true for at least some parts of the Phillipines. Maybe not all, but since those things aren't really pushed down, then I'd call that a problem.

For example, if the KKK put someone up onto a cross and burned them, they'd be in jail very fast. They've been rendered mostly impotent. There's some aspects of the Phillipines that aren't cared about, namely how anything that happens to a tourist, who cares? Then we can go into Rex' example (which Crazy Tuvok completely missed) of how it's considered okay to completely denigrate anyone who was affiliated with the Nazis, despite that some people were pressed into service or else their family would be in danger (like a relative of my onkel Eirich), but it's not okay to say anything bad about someone deemed not okay, even if that aspect does apply.

aloha. thanks to those who made such nice things to say about respect and understanding. assumption, after all, is the mother of all fuck-ups. quite easy to see the many fuck-upped turds in this place.

we forgive you 8)

I will say it's a pretty fucked up culture where it's considered good to train and force someone into prostitution, much less your own daughter, for money to put into your own pocket. I do recall the CO citing some areas as "red zones" because he knew that's what they did in those areas, including entire hotels devoted to that. I'll try to refrain from posting what I think about the practice of putting those considered underaged by most European countries out on the walk, as it would be truly virulent. A guy I put through boot camp told me about that, and when he raised protest to other people there, it was pretty much ignored. The person he was trying to protect was his own sister, and the main reason why he enlisted was to get enough money to get her away from that.

Now if this has changed, then that is a good thing, but it must have been quite recent. I'd have to say that the absence of the fat GI shore-leave cash might have something to do with it. I believe the most ironic thing is that saying aspects of the Phillipines are bad are not my words, it's been the words of those I've known from there. I'll be the first to say that no country is perfect and that all have their flaws. Some flaws are worse than others, especially when it's the blatant hurting of their own people.

Now, if you don't mind me, I'll be out back putting the final touches on the nuclear devices that will wipe Arkansas from the face of the earth and do us ALL a favor. :P :lol:


Mar 5, 2003
pretty well said Rosh , one of my Pinoy friends actually liked what you said (albeit still snickering at the complete ignorance of some of it).

one point he laughed at though was the pickpocketing thing. he says they only pickpocket the whiny "tourists" because they're rude to every Filipino they see, treating them like they were slaves or something. i wouldn't blame him. i won't be surprised if they gave each whiny-ass tourist a butt-fuck before they left. hey, like i said, you can't give respect, don't expect to receive it. whiny-ass tourists included.

but you're ok, Rosh. the kids here see where you're coming from and they respect that. they're now laughing on the floor with what that Saint_Proverbius dude said about pickpocketing for a living (it's barely a living here, you see. they only do that to... oh crap, just read the second paragraph) . no offense meant dude, but i think they just couldn't make out what you just said. also his/her/its previous post about attacking the non-american whatever thing he said. like "huh?" there are actual americans in this forum? and here we thought we were all just playing pretend-we're-white :shock:


Oct 22, 2002
foreman said:
one point he laughed at though was the pickpocketing thing. he says they only pickpocket the whiny "tourists" because they're rude to every Filipino they see, treating them like they were slaves or something. i wouldn't blame him. i won't be surprised if they gave each whiny-ass tourist a butt-fuck before they left. hey, like i said, you can't give respect, don't expect to receive it. whiny-ass tourists included.

You know, I rather doubt the veracity of the above.

For one part, I've seen someone try to pickpocket my Chief before they got their fingers broken, and Chief was one of the best-natured people I've known. I'd also hardly believe that "they only pickpocket the whiny tourists", because that would take extensive scouting of the pigeon, much more time than any smart pickpocket would spend.

Yes, I know about pickpocketing, perhaps a bit more than I should.

Peddle your spin elsewhere, please, to someone who you might have a chance of fooling. Of course, there is something to be observed in your generalization of tourists as well. It might be surprising that the tourists might develop such an attitude once they find out your level of distaste and apparent rudeness.


Of course, there's also a kid in China right now who knows jack shit about her history (along with fellow students), which I'm suspect this might be a parallel occurance.

"they only pickpocket the whiny tourists". Holy fuck, kid, you expect me to believe that?

Sol Invictus

Oct 19, 2002
Pax Romana
Re: comment from the philippines

Rosh said:
Saint_Proverbius said:
You know, the sad part is that this actually happens in the U.S. too. A friend of mine in Texas several years ago sent me a clip of a Chinese place that got shut down for having pet parts in their dumpster, with collars and everything.

Damn, still have that?

Definitely a new meaning to "Meow Mix". :D

Chiense don't serve cats as often as they serve dogs in those places that they serve dogs, though. I personally haven't been to any place here where they served cats. Though I did know of a place that served pups and was later closed down. It's not popular in Malaysia at all, though people in China breed St. Bernards for eating.

Vietnam, Cambodia and Burma also serve dogs, but they eat the mange-infested kind grabbed off of the streets, and stolen pets. Truly disgusting. I feel sorry for the owners, too.

p.s. Vietnam, Cambodia and Burma are three of the few most fucked up places in the world also. Child prostitution is an industry over there. There was a kidnapping syndicate operating over here in Malaysia some 10 years ago, kidnapping Malaysian children and exporting them to those countries for the sex trade. The ringleaders got shot by the police though, so you don't hear of that here anymore. I'm sure it still happens in Thailand.

I've seen some undercover police/journalist videos (on the news) of kidnapped girls. Cute. Pity about their predicament. Boy, I'd like to be their white knight. But where to start? Hmm...


Oct 22, 2002
Re: comment from the philippines

Exitium said:
p.s. Vietnam, Cambodia and Burma are three of the few most fucked up places in the world also. Child prostitution is an industry over there. There was a kidnapping syndicate operating over here in Malaysia some 10 years ago, kidnapping Malaysian children and exporting them to those countries for the sex trade. The ringleaders got shot by the police though, so you don't hear of that here anymore. I'm sure it still happens in Thailand.

I've seen some undercover police/journalist videos (on the news) of kidnapped girls. Cute. Pity about their predicament. Boy, I'd like to be their white knight. But where to start? Hmm...

Uh-oh! Now they'll try to recruit you into the KKK, too! :roll:

Remember, as friend Crazy Tuvok has said, don't say bad things about people.


Feb 11, 2003
My only problem with eating dogs and cats if they're some kid's pet. That'd suck for that kid.


Oct 22, 2002
RPG land
If i was a moderator in these forums i would lock this thread.

Since i am not i can only post this post.


Oct 22, 2002
ecliptic said:
My only problem with eating dogs and cats if they're some kid's pet. That'd suck for that kid.

I've had dog before, but it was farm-raised. Not too bad, really. You'd not see me going after someone's pet...that's just too far, period. Yes, they might be a bit healthier in some ways, but still...ugh. I remember the Cambodian family in our apartment complex got busted for something along those lines. *shudder*

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