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Any MMORPG that gives the same freedom and depth as a SP rpg?


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
Well Dammed registrations, if i an a DM on a 5e setting and the player wanna use kinectic power/firebolt/eldricht blast in the enemy eye to blind him or sand if is a martial class, i will ask him to do a DEX check after the attack and if the player has 80% of hitting any part of enemy body, he should have like 5% of hitting exactly on the eyes. Since the target is far smaller.. I know that there are no rules covering it, but improvisation is a part of pnp rpg. With computer RPG's, unless you program things, they doesn't exist/are possibilities, so there are no room for improvisation.

As for wepaons Hidden Weapon spell on dark souls do exactly it. IS useless on PvE, but on PvP can make the enemy misstime his rolls

Talking about necromancy, a undead army would be insanely hard to destroy if exist IRL. Because :
  • They will not betray/flee/etc
  • They doesn't need training
  • Can't be captured and bribed/tortured to give intel to the enemy
  • Require no food
  • Require no hygiene and sleep
  • In a confront, you are expected to lose soldiers. With a undead army, each corpse is a new soldier


Jun 3, 2005
Talking about necromancy, a undead army would be insanely hard to destroy if exist IRL. Because :
  • They will not betray/flee/etc
  • They doesn't need training
  • Can't be captured and bribed/tortured to give intel to the enemy
  • Require no food
  • Require no hygiene and sleep
  • In a confront, you are expected to lose soldiers. With a undead army, each corpse is a new soldier
They also have disadvantages, though:
  • No independent initiative: Will only obey preprogrammed instructions. If outside of the necromancer's perception and control, their behavior is thus extremely limited and anything which falls outside of the anticipated parameters will not be acted upon.
  • Lacking any instinct for self-preservation, they're potentially subject to extremely high levels of attrition under physically hazardous conditions. An undead army will mindlessly march itself into a navigational hazard and be entirely destroyed without question.
  • Have extremely exploitable weaknesses which vary by type of undead: Skeletons lack body mass and are easily forced back by advancing formations, zombies are slow and easily outmaneuvered, many are vulnerable to attacks that are harmless to humans (holy water, etc) so can be targeted with bombardments of these without risk of friendly fire casualties.
  • Extremely centralized C&C results in single point of weakness: Kill the necromancer and the entire army falls to pieces. Kill a human general, morale may suffer, but they will simply appoint a replacement.
  • Humans do not have psychological barriers against fighting the undead, so human units will fight more effectively than they would vs. other humans once initial shock factor wears off.
These disadvantages can actually be quite significant: Humans are extremely good at exploiting anything that lacks initiative, as every gamer knows: Any flaw in the AI's programming is ruthlessly and repeatedly exploited. While humans similarly have weaknesses, mindless undead lack the initiative to exploit them.

An undead army alone is simply an easy target, undead units require support from more advanced, probably-living units for optimal functionality. Ever play Dominions? Undead Horde is easily dispatched en-masse by properly prepared human opposition.
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Nov 14, 2012
It doesn't really fit all of your requirements but have you ever played the original Guild Wars? Cooldowns are pretty hard to avoid with modern MMOs, but it doesn't do inflated numbers and most magic users have a ton of flexibility in how they can be played.
Elementalists are mostly just nuking the shit out of everything, but if they combine skills right they can seriously nuke the everloving shit out of things.
Monks can be used for offense, but they aren't the best for this and have multiple options for healing. Big heals can be used, or you can focus on buffing yourself so all your other heals are stronger or come out faster, or you can ressurect people instantly, or buff allies so damage is reduced and healed up instantly on hit.
Necromancers can have large armies, debuff enemies, use plain offensive spells, but they also have a few buffs. One particular build I remember for necromancers was called a "battery" build which focused on giving energy regen for casters so they never were at risk of running out from higher cost spells.
I'm not too familiar with the particulars of a mesmer, darth roxor might be the person to go to about this, but they have tons of abilities of just fucking with everything.
Ritualists I'm also not too familar with, though I remember one of the things relatively unique is their ability to specialize in summons that can attack enemies, buff allies, or debuff enemies as long as things are within range of them.

Again it's not a perfect fit but I would recommend you give it a shot. Factions and Nightfall are the easiest to get into. Prophecies is the longest of the 3 original campaigns but it takes a very long time to pick up and elite skills don't enter the campaign until way later compared to the other 2. Factions is the quickest to ramp up, though it can kick your ass if you aren't prepared. Nightfall is the most "balanced" in that it ramps up quicker than Prophecies, but won't jump enemy mobs up 6-8 levels after 1 mission.


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
You should look into Legends of Aria on steam. It's based on UO. It has PvP though.

Honesty felt like a worst version of UO. For eg, the reagents. On Aria, you can with Lemon Grass summon a meteor or a ray of frost. Why? Looks like they added reagents only cuz UO had it and compare to UO where animate dead requires Daemon Blood, Grave Dust, reagents that makes sense to require. Also, note that there are no summoning spell, except mount. Necromage was fun on UO(but not enough to pay a sub fee), i din't get to summon a Daemon that destroys your karma and makes the world threat you like someone who is spreading evil and corruption, making neutral and good NPC's and mobs hostile towards you...

And who had the idea of putting cooldown on meditation? But allowed to be used on combat?

Cooldowns are pretty hard to avoid with modern MMOs, but it doesn't do inflated numbers and most magic users have a ton of flexibility in how they can be played.

Guild wars is better than most other RPG's, but honestly i rather re play DS2 by the 5th time than play a mmo with mechanics that i don't like. I an not saying that is bad. Only that is not for me...


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
I found a game that looks amazing but apparently i can't play

Anyone here played Dark Eden? Be a vampire, a diabloesque gameplay and no cooldowns? Where i sign in? Are the servers down on steam? I downloaded on steam but can't play...


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