Wait, is this game actually good?
I'd say gameplay, yes. Lootboxes and overpriced cosmetics, no. The game itself is quite solid in my opinion but I of course detest the money making scheme.
If the cosmetics were just sold as is and at a reasonable price, I wouldn't even be mentioning that part. I also liked Dirty Bomb a lot as a game but hated the ways they wanted to make money off of it.
I guess it boils down to what you look for in a shooter, which I will say I'm not awfully picky but I'm not a complete bozo either. I like shooters that are more than recoil control and sitting around map corners. I like games like Dirty Bomb, Titanfall & Apex, arena shooters for these reasons. They're all different from each other but the movement is a major factor for me.
I could do without the hero-class thing Dirty Bomb and Apex do but they aren't awful like Overwatch. I dislike Overwatch's because if you're support you likely contribute less damage to the team (at least from what I've seen of it) and the same goes for other non-offense classes. Whereas something like Dirty Bomb has medics, engineers, assault classes, marksmen, and ammo dispensers which all have the same firepower available gun wise. Of course medics usually have no offensive ability but they can use the same sub machine gun as other people and whatnot. I once went on a 35 kill streak with my healing station in Dirty Bomb and defended an objective mostly alone (teammates weren't great but they weren't dead in the water either besides one of them who was a fairly above par player) and had a total of nearly 50 at the end. I was beating assault classes because I was better with movement, positioning, aiming, strafing etc. Not because they used their Q and one shot me. That's a possibility in those games, sure, but you're not like a Mercy who just has a whimpy pistol to fight back with and you have to hug your tank all game. You can actually hold your own.
Apex shares the same merit that your class/hero/legend/whatever matters less than your actual game skill does. You don't have to play the slightly better legends to actually win. You can use whoever and do the same but you just have a different passive, Q, and ultimate all which have uses in their own rights in this game at least in certain circumstances. Hell, half the time you're not even using most of those abilities in combat and some are better for getting out of combat more often than not.