Here are my impressions of the demo:
- Dialogue font is MOTHERFUCKING HUGE because redding is teh hard
- Dialogues are retarded as shit. Here's an example: Your character just learns his gurlfriend is pregnant and confronts her about it.
"You are pregnant?!"
"Who told you that?!"
"The idiot! But I always wanted a baby... isn't that what you always wanted too?"
"Yes, but it's all so sudden!"
"Fair enough. Is there anything else you wanted from me?"
Only thing missing is "I saw a mudcrab".
- You can enter houses at your leisure and take everything you find there. Diego didn't seem to be bothered that I was looting his smuggler's cave, neither was the smith when I was plundering his house.
- Passing time/healing in a bed is OUT.
- Some guy materialised right before my very eyes when I was standing in a house
- Fall damage doesn't mean shit
- The character cannot into stairs - run too fast from them and you'll fall.
- Stuff in the inventory is sorted by category, but there's no 'VIEW ALL' function.
- EVERYTHING has HUGE EXCLAMATION MARKS over its head. INCLUDING six mushrooms that you have to find in a linear corridor cave (!) for one orc.
- You find a small lake with a waterfall. What do you think? 'Hey, let's go there and check if there's stuff hidden behind'? THINK AGAIN! Gothic 4 character can't enter water.
- Fights are retarded to the point of... I don't know, but 'retarded' doesn't begin to describe it. You pretty much click stuff to death gothic 3 style. Enemy attacks don't do SHIT, BUT! they can use 'power attacks'. And this means, their weapons suddenly start flashing and they're frozen in this 'epic pose' for 2 seconds, giving you enough time to roll behind their backs and hack away. But even IF you're hit by these (which requires complete reflex impairment), they take like... 10 of your hp. Which is barely anything. The demo also has a couple of skeleton mages that throw fireballs at you. They charge them for FOUR SECONDS (yes, I counted it), and shoot them at your INITIAL LOCATION. P A T H E T I C. In the whole demo, I didn't find a SINGLE challenging fight, even though I faced four skeleton knights at once, three skeleton mages or two minecrawlers. Everything is TRASH. GARBAGE. PATHETIC. You also regen health outside combat.
- When leveling up, you instantly assign skill points to stupid mmofified abilities (+1% melee damage/hp etc per point assigned).
- Accessing inventory = pause, and you can use whatever you want, including 498756498756498756 healing potions.
- Jumping is even more gravity defying than in Risen. Also, climbing is out, which I suspect will make for a lot of artificial barriers made of chest high walls.
- You can't attack random people. Your sword goes through them like they are not there.
- The demo has absolutely no non-linearity. The areas are closed and small. Caves are just sets of corridors. Quests are FedEx quests that can't even be resolved with the stupidest alternative path you could think of - beating the shit out of the guy to get his stuff.
This is not a Gothic game. This is not even an RPG. This is a retardedly bad hack'n'slash with a hipster faggot main character. I can't find a single good thing about this game (okay, maybe the optimization is good because I didn't get a single slowdown at high graphics settings). And you know what? This game is worse than Oblivion. Yes, I fucking said that. At least in Oblivion you couldn't just snatch stuff right in front of people's noses. This is shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit and the epitome of all my worries about this game + some more.
If you end up playing this all the way, a review from you would be very welcome, especially one that includes comparisons with Risen and what each game does better.
I considered this before playing the demo. I really didn't expect it to be THIS bad. I secretly hoped that maybe, just MAYBE it will be sorta amusing the way Two Worlds was. But it isn't. IT ISN'T. This has left me scarred for life, like the powers of dumbing down have all infested this game only to corrupt my unsuspecting self. I would probably kill myself before I would finish the full deal. Quite possibly the worst game I've played in the last 5-10 years. I'm not exaggerating here.