And one more thing.
Arcanum actually has a racism mechanic hidden under the hood.
Basically, NPCs will have different reaction modifiers depending on what race is the PC and what race is the NPC themselves.
I've made a handy table for this:
So for example, a PC Gnome will get -10 reaction from an NPC Half Orc.
Now you might ask, what about PC Dark Elves, Ogres and Orcs? Well, since they weren't supposed to be playable originally, there's no NPC race based reaction modifiers for them. At first I just redirected their reaction modifiers to Elves, Half Ogres and Half Orcs, but that was boring. So I made the effort to expand this curious function in the code and here's their current modifiers, all my work:
Dark Elves: 5, -10, -10, 0, 0, 20, -15, -15, 20, -20, -40
Ogres: -10, -25, -15, -10, 5, -10, -5, -5, -40, 0, 0
Orcs: -10, -15, -15, -10, -10, -10, 15, 0, -40, 10, 20
Basically I took inspiration from their brethren races reaction modifiers and also from lore (like Dwarves having immense hate for Ogres, since both live in the mountains and tend to have turf wars). Orcs and (Dark) Elves are also known to hate each other.