Don't want to spoil Multiverse thread, so here we go in this one.
I tried the vanilla version like ten years ago, gave up after first town, and want to give it another shot with Multiverse.
It will be almost a blind run, as I don't remember shit, beside having basic gist about what does each skill do. I don't think I even got to the other NPC beside the one at the crash site.
I don't give a fuck about perfect build that will have easy times - I just want to have fun with tech character.
Couple of things on my mind:
1. Is jack-of-all trades tech doable? I.e is there enough xp/levels to raise melee/smithy/throwing/firearms with support skills like electricity/chemistry? Would I have to narrow him down and go for melee/throwing/smithy, dumping firearms etc? If so, which build is the most fun one? melee/throwing? firearms/smithy? Don't want to dilute him too much and get frustrated later on. I'm leaning towards firearms, but would like to have melee and grenades too.
2. Is investing in smithy worth it? I remember crafting some nice revolver in the first town, but my concern is that in almost every rpg you are overflowing with gold mid/late game and can afford anything anyway, so is there any valid reason to take it, beside of fun of finding shit and putting it together?
3. Wanna roll with dwarf which fits the best with tech build LARPing imo - is the armor size restriction thing very limiting? Or you just find/craft same armors, but just later on?
4. If you go with full tech - are there enough skill points to invest in non-combat areas? I'd like to experience the game to the fullest, and am worried that going with combat-heavy build may close the doors to lots of side quests.
5. Do I have to know about some obscure meta-gaming shit, like having to invest in some skills in order to complete main plot quests?
Would appreciate any words of wisdom that won't include spoilers - I don't want to hear about rushing to town X for some uber weapon or NPC. Just want to have a fun and casual first playthrough, without ending frustrated with broken characted, after putting xx hours in it.