after finishing the game, some feedback regarding the power armor
I think that the power armor should be a bigger money sink.
# the fuel consumption for walking in it is too low.
power armour should be used as a tactical deployable asset, not running around everywhere in it every day at any hour.
or this privilege should be reserved to the truly autistic players that gather and sell everything that isn't nailed down
# also, after buying and upgrading it, there is no maintenance cost as a trade off for the exquisite protection the power armor provides.
the more damage it takes, the higher the repair costs and crafting materials should the player invest.
if the damage received exceeds a specific threshold, the player should be forced to take it to maintenance.
# also a chance that modules get destroyed during combat, thus replacing them would be another money sink (get a module to the guy who sold the armor to you and from then on, he can copy and produce the module for a cost and maybe crafting materials? ).
or a player that has enough points in crafting+ technology, can make a partial maintenance on his own. would be a nice reward for players that chose to invest in crafting & technology as these skills are underused in the game.
#also create more weapons that can only be used with the power armor. (now there are only 3?)
weapons mustn't be too overpowered but can have flair with slightly different stats, and can be obtained via quests or can very rarely appear at vendors.
all you need are weapons with nice artwork like PTRM-ChK has
# a nice touch would be that the armor UI art would change to reflect the camouflage scheme the player chose.
another nice touch would be that the UI art would reflect the level of wear and tear of the armor.
eg, below is the power armour UI art with the winter camouflage and with moderate battle wear