Played for a couple of hours and I'm already liking it much more than the original ATOM, which, frankly, didn't do it for me. The writing is better (not leagues better, but definitely better), the atmosphere is much more engaging, there's quite a bit of humor in it but not too much to make it corny. Definitely gonna stick with this one to see how it compares as a whole.
The combat system is something I still don't quite get though. I can aim certain bodyparts on an enemy but there's really no explanation as to what it does. I shot an enemy in the head and I'm not sure if I even dealt more damage or if it caused some sort of condition or anything. Game is pretty scarce on explaining that stuff, like the predecessor. Would appreciate some clarification on this, or even better, in-game tooltips that mention what shots to certain parts do.
Other than that I just have one MAJOR gripe with the game. The whole, "put thing in hand to use it" shit which is tedious and time-consuming. I know you went for the whole Fallout 2 feel, but this part really didn't need copying. Filling up 20+ bottles with water at a well is extremely annoying. Could you maybe make the well interface the same as the campfire, but for filling bottles? And also maybe add an option to simply drink from the well? Putting a key in hand when opening a door is also tedious. You can just make a keychain item so that the inventory isn't overflowing with keys and make the character auto-use it when they open a door.
Other than that, it's definitely a big improvement on the original.