As someone who just played both back to back: The quests/writing were a marginal improvement over something already great. They feel about the same as Dead City in ATOM. As a whole, it's more ATOM. Anything else unrelated to the difficulty is just nitpicking.
It lacks the feeling of being on a journey (with a questionable goal) that ATOM has but trades it for something that is much more narrow and focused.
The areas it suffers in is difficulty(much too easy most of the time) and pacing due to it being shorter. Trudograd starts off stronger than ATOM, but finishes weaker. ATOM felt good the whole way through, with a slow constant incline peaking at Dead City.
Visuals are stunning, not just graphically but the presentation as a whole. At night with the winter winds blowing and the dim streetlights look fantastic.
The strange part of the difficulty is sometimes they do throw a couple hard fights at you then it goes right back down. I have no idea what's going on there?
Trying to think of some examples. I think the bridge random encounter before a bunker, the fight was way higher difficulty than anything actually
in the bunker.
Things I loved in Trudograd:
Extensive reactivity & dev foresight
Presentation, looks great
Things I liked in Trudograd:
New ability system. Just needs more abilities and a couple more trees.
Weapon mods. Not diverse enough choices though, so it often felt like you were just straight upgrading your weapon rather than picking between competing choices.
Things I wanted to like in Trudograd but couldn't:
Tinkering. Still can't do anywhere near enough. Ammo requires way too many metal scraps, far easier to just buy it from vendors. The tinkering skill required to work on the power armor & weapon mods is laughable.
Things I did NOT like in Trudograd:
The CYOA slides. I just don't like 'em.
The english voice actor who does everything but the end part. Really bad casting choice.
Survivability mechanics felt like an afterthought. I had to monitor my hunger a lot in ATOM, I never paid attention to it at all in Trudograd. Cold temperature was never an issue either.
Things I'd like to see if Trudograd ever gets any more major patches:
Something I was expecting but never happened was the detective from Dead City, he never showed up.
More unique random encounters. Not all of them have to be combat or overly long or complex. ATOM had a similar issue, I wish it had more unique random encounters.
Questline affecting Grey Corner dependence on black lotus. I habitually killed anyone dealing black lotus, including the you-know-who duo after their request. Being able to attempt to stop the flow of it or on the other hand, dip into the profits, would be nice.
General ATOM 2 stuff I'd like to see addressed:
Technology needs to do something more. Don't know what it should be, but it currently feels a lot like a dead weight skill until very near the end of the game for some lore info.
On the other hand, speechcraft is probably
too good. If you trace its history in Fallout, it was actually created by combining multiple GURPS skills together into one which made it into a dominant skill. For example, someone who is a charismatic speaker that can convince others to follow them may be a terrible liar.
Armor mods, because weapon mods were cool.
Maybe tie merchant prices to the difficulty? It's hard to blame either ATOM game here as it's a common RPG trope at this point, but you're rolling in rubles by the end of either game. Basically the moment you start fighting people who carry non-makeshift weapons, you're set for the rest of the game due to their sell value.
To some extent this felt a lot like a testbed for a much longer ATOM 2 due to the lack of time to actually experiment with many things given to you, especially towards the later part of the game.
This game being only $11 feels incredibly cheap. I bought both supporter packs.
Thanks for another great game,