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Auction House Online: The Game (Diablo 3) is a MASSIVE decline


Fabulous Ex-Moderator
May 14, 2004
Seattle, WA USA
Yes. ONLY Final Fantasy 7 has an emo kid with spiky hair and a huge sword.....


Apr 14, 2012
I don't consider the "recent" WRPGs like Fallout 3, Deus Ex HR and Withcer 2 as representative of WRPGs in general. Your list for WRPGs starts from there. Mine ends there.
No, if my list started there it would not be a downward slope, it would be a flat line, derptard.

Gaudaost, Draq is a furry. Also, you're wrong to try to defend Diablo 3.


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
Thank you for the rebuttal DraQ. I'm beginning to understand why you have 17,210 posts by now.
Your points were rebutted several times over in this very thread and not just by me.

Excuse my reluctance to repeat the same shit over and over again only because you're to lazy to move your ass and go see what arguments were used and debunked already.


Jan 12, 2012
MCA Project: Eternity
you can teleport to other players right away, no more pissing your pants running through enemy territory to your bros



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Jan 10, 2008
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Bubbles In Memoria
Thank you for the rebuttal DraQ. I'm beginning to understand why you have 17,210 posts by now.

His rebuttal was more intelligent than yours. Go back to Bashiok.

I actually propose that in Diablo 4 your character:

a) always auto-equips the best items, so you don't have to mess with the inventory
b) teleports from monster to monster, so you don't have to waste all that time walking

I think these two improvements are a long-time coming, and well-aligned with the future of the series.


Jan 12, 2012
MCA Project: Eternity
a) always auto-equips the best items, so you don't have to mess with the inventory
b) teleports from monster to monster, so you don't have to waste all that time walking

a) it's already an option
b) the monk's got a skill that works exactly that way

the future is here!


Apr 27, 2012
Thank you for the rebuttal DraQ. I'm beginning to understand why you have 17,210 posts by now.
Your points were rebutted several times over in this very thread and not just by me.
No, they weren't. And I can't see how, most of my points were simply factual corrections of stuff he got wrong. But if you want to make the case that there were not 5 classes in the original diablo 2 and 3 in diablo 1, good fucking luck.

I actually propose that in Diablo 4 your character:
b) teleports from monster to monster, so you don't have to waste all that time walking
You mean like in age of decadence? :roll:


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Jan 10, 2008
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Bubbles In Memoria
Few people are fans of that feature in AoD.

As for D3 debate, you should quit while you're behind. You cannot "debunk" actual facts, only try and reframe their impact on the game to make yourself feel better.


Dec 17, 2008
His rebuttal was more intelligent than yours. Go back to Bashiok.

I actually propose that in Diablo 4 your character:

a) always auto-equips the best items, so you don't have to mess with the inventory
Unless I'm remembering wrong, The Bard's Tale game from the 2000's does exactly this. Anything inferior to what you're equipped gets automatically converted to gold: there is no inventory.

Nicely streamlined. :smug:


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
No, they weren't. And I can't see how, most of my points were simply factual corrections of stuff he got wrong. But if you want to make the case that there were not 5 classes in the original diablo 2 and 3 in diablo 1, good fucking luck.
Don't be a dolt.

I referred to stuff like stats (by this logic most pure FPS games also have stats, some even have classes, see Hexen), teleport, linear skill progression and such.


Fabulous Ex-Moderator
May 14, 2004
Seattle, WA USA

In the real-money auction house, Blizzard will charge a flat fee of $1 (or a rough local equivalent) for sales of unique equipment like armor, weapons, and accessories, or take a 15 percent cut for sales of common, "stackable" commodities like gems, materials, and gold. Even in the gold-based version of the auction house, which uses in-game currency exclusively, Blizzard will deduct a 15 percent fee from each item's sale price. That's a move that should help stem inflation as gold continues to be created throughout the in-game economy.

Players will be faced with an additional 15 percent fee when transferring their real-money balance from its initial home in their Battle.net account to a third-party service like PayPal. Blizzard also warns that "additional fees from PayPal may apply." The only way to avoid these transfer fees is by using the proceeds directly on Blizzard products such as a World of Warcraft subscription.


Apr 27, 2012
No, they weren't. And I can't see how, most of my points were simply factual corrections of stuff he got wrong. But if you want to make the case that there were not 5 classes in the original diablo 2 and 3 in diablo 1, good fucking luck.
Don't be a dolt.

I referred to stuff like stats (by this logic most pure FPS games also have stats, some even have classes, see Hexen), teleport, linear skill progression and such.
Ok, fine, I will stop being a dolt, and put on my seriousness mask. Now when I see people on this forum complaining about stats, I ask mysefl, "why?" -Well, because there are no stats... it has to have stats. That's seriously the only thing that remotely resembles an argument I have seen on this. Then why? Just because diablo 2 had it? How essential was it really?

Same goes for linear skill unlock. "Why is it bad?" -Because it is not a skill tree. Yeah, and so what if it isn't? Actually, it is not quite right, in essence it is equivalent to a skill tree with free respecs , but with all the unneeded bullshit that follows with such a system removed. They have traded replay value for people that like that have locked choices and replay the same game to try out 2, maybe up to 10 for the very patient people, other builds, for the ability to try out very many builds in a short time frame. Now you might be of the opinion that this is bad, but I can't see how anyone can say that this is inherently, objectively bad.

And teleport again, this is essentially just the same as diablo 2, but with the removal of "pp" followed by "tp please" http://www.rpgcodex.net/forums/inde...-a-massive-decline.71430/page-25#post-2075432 (this also teleported you directly to your bros without the need to run around pissing your pants, remember?). It's just removal of redundant bullshit.

Now if can indulge me in some really good counter arguments, I might change my mind. Hell, I'm not that much into blizzard as you might think, I'm just tired of the anti blizzard anti diablo 3 bullshit on this forum.


Apr 27, 2012
Jay Wilson says Diablo3 is a game focused on perfect execution of ideas and is a "true Blizzard-quality title".

That fucking bastard is actually being honest!

Hmm, he starts off with a bald faced lie though. Diablo 3 is not forcing you to always stay online, because it was designed to be co-op, it's because of the DRM protection it gives. I don't see why they even bother repeating that bullshit over and over again, who buys it anyway?


Feb 16, 2011
Now when I see people on this forum complaining about stats, I ask mysefl, "why?"

Well, why do some people prefer games with stats?
They act as a represeantation and definition of the character in the game world. In a carefully designed system, stats determine the basic physical/mental capacities of your character and pave the way for a further refinement through skills/talens/perks/whatever.
Optimally every stat has its use. Depending on your character not every stat may be equally useful, but they all should give you something tangible in return (one game that did it reasonably well, imho, was Divinity 2, where putting some points into "out-of-character" stats was actually useful):
Strength might determine damage output and carrying capacity, Dexterity to-hit and evasion, Intelligence mana and magical abilities, etc.
Therefore one might say that stats provide an certain layer of complexity in tweaking your character to the task at hand (killing things) and/or help to identify with a character (because it's your character, you build it and it's fairly unique).

Now, are they necessary in an action game like Diablo? Perhaps not i(f you are fine with giving up the most important rpg aspect), but they have been part of one of the motivational forces in past Diablo games, i.e. character advancement through level-ups. It seems that in D3 this has been mostly replaced with item-hunt and grinding (both of wich were present before, only now they have become even more important).


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Jan 10, 2008
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Bubbles In Memoria
If a person is incapable of understanding why build permanence matters, why stat requirements matter, and they label basic obstacle game mechanics as "redundant bullshit"... just move on.

The brain of such individual is incapable of understanding any kind of fun other than the immediate pleasure feedback coming from bashing shit and taking its stuff. Anything that stands between them and their basic shiny-hoarding instincts, will be neither appreciated nor comprehended until they get older, and no amount of external convincing will make an iota of difference.
Jan 7, 2012
Jay Wilson says Diablo3 is a game focused on perfect execution of ideas and is a "true Blizzard-quality title".

That fucking bastard is actually being honest!

Hmm, he starts off with a bald faced lie though. Diablo 3 is not forcing you to always stay online, because it was designed to be co-op, it's because of the DRM protection it gives. I don't see why they even bother repeating that bullshit over and over again, who buys it anyway?

DRM? Blizzard could care less about DRM that will still be broken in weeks even with the protection they have now (see: SC2). It's all about the item shop. Blizzard&Kotick's greatest nightmare is making the mistake of releasing another game for $50 that millions of people play for a decade without paying a single extra dollar, actually losing them money in the long run as they won't be playing the newest bi-yearly CoD release.


Dec 17, 2008
D3 always online DRM won't be broken for a very long time. Someone would have to completely create the server and game from scratch since all monster spawns, item drops, etc are server side like WoW.


Aug 28, 2010
D3 always online DRM won't be broken for a very long time. Someone would have to completely create the server and game from scratch since all monster spawns, item drops, etc are server side like WoW.
No one with the brains to do so would play D3 in the first place.


Mar 31, 2011
Yeah, they finalized the fees/retard-rebates: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/services/auction-house/how-to#fees

Auction House FeesBefore you post your auction, you’ll see any fees that apply to your listing displayed in the center section of the Sell tab. These fees will only be charged if your auction successfully sells, and will automatically be deducted from the item’s final selling price.
For Equipment (weapons, armor, accessories, and other unique items)
  • Transaction Fee (Gold Auction House): 15% of final sale price
  • Transaction Fee (Real-Money Auction House): $1.00 USD per item / $1.00 AUD per item
  • Transfer Fee (when sending proceeds to PayPal or other authorized payment-service provider): 15% of amount being transferred

For Commodities (gems, materials, dyes, pages, recipes, and other non-unique items)
  • Transaction Fee (Gold Auction House): 15% of final sale price
  • Transaction Fee (Real-Money Auction House): 15% of final sale price
  • Transfer Fee (when sending proceeds to PayPal or other authorized payment-service provider): 15% of amount being transferred
For more information on fees, see the http://us.battle.net/support/en/article/diablo-iii-auction-house-general-information


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
Ok, fine, I will stop being a dolt, and put on my seriousness mask. Now when I see people on this forum complaining about stats, I ask mysefl, "why?" -Well, because there are no stats... it has to have stats. That's seriously the only thing that remotely resembles an argument I have seen on this. Then why? Just because diablo 2 had it? How essential was it really?
Yes, because Diablo 2 had it. And Diablo 1 before had it. If you have some core mechanics established in a series it's generally good idea to not throw it out.

If you do throw it out then don't claim you haven't.
*All* games have stats, the key difference that sets apart RPGs and all the auxilary subgenres including mindless H&S is having ability to modify those stats themselves in a way that makes modifications stick. Gear you can equip and change at will doesn't count.

Same goes for linear skill unlock. "Why is it bad?" -Because it is not a skill tree. Yeah, and so what if it isn't? Actually, it is not quite right, in essence it is equivalent to a skill tree with free respecs
Ok, I'll type slowly, so you can understand it:

It's bad, because it prevents builds. With unlimited free respecs you can at best have temporary tactics.

but with all the unneeded bullshit that follows with such a system removed.

They have traded replay value for people that like that have locked choices and replay the same game to try out 2, maybe up to 10 for the very patient people, other builds, for the ability to try out very many builds in a short time frame. Now you might be of the opinion that this is bad, but I can't see how anyone can say that this is inherently, objectively bad.
Is being retarded inherently, objectively bad?

Because you seem to actually enjoy it.

And teleport again, this is essentially just the same as diablo 2, but with the removal of "pp" followed by "tp please" http://www.rpgcodex.net/forums/inde...-a-massive-decline.71430/page-25#post-2075432 (this also teleported you directly to your bros without the need to run around pissing your pants, remember?). It's just removal of redundant bullshit.
Getting to your party across hostile territory it's hardly "redundant bullshit" when it matters, when it doesn't, then a party member can cast you a portal.

Or what shihonage said, basically, hence "what a faggot".
Jan 7, 2012
D3 always online DRM won't be broken for a very long time. Someone would have to completely create the server and game from scratch since all monster spawns, item drops, etc are server side like WoW.

You say that like populating areas with monsters in random positions is hard or making good items drop better than 0.00003% of the time is a bad thing.

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