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Auction House Online: The Game (Diablo 3) is a MASSIVE decline


Lunacy of Caen: Todd Reaver
Aug 2, 2011
My browser window and diablo loader magically layered p. well



Apr 27, 2012
Well, Blizzard are in for a real shitstorm now. Servers are down. People raging all across Europe. I reckon it'll be the same for the Americans tomorrow. Why can't Blizzard sort out their product launches?
because it would be highly irrational. invest a crapload on infrastructure to support one moment in the game's lifecycle?
Well. There's always the possibility of leasing infrastructure, they don't have to buy it permanently. But all butthurt over a bumpy launch is always forgotten by 99% within a day if it only lasts a couple of hours, so it's probably a calculated risk, where they in any case gain more than they lose.

Deleted member 7219

Managed to get in and played a little bit with an old guildie from WoW.

Gameplay is very simple and very easy but there's something relaxing about it. You basically do everything by holding LMB, not much need for anything else. RMB to use special attack on bosses and big groups, other than that, just hollllllld. I thought Diablo was all click-click-click, but there's no reason to ever take your finger off the button.

Graphics are low-res and blurry, zooming in they just look worse. Dungeon Siege III had better graphics and that was made: 1) On a much lower budget 2) By a much smaller company 3) Years ago.


inXile Entertainment
May 3, 2011
All of this and nothing about gameplay?
I've only played the beta. I'm stuck on the title screen like everyone else. Extended impressions on the gameplay I have seen (before they made their sweeping balance changes a couple months ago) can be found here:


To be honest, my opinion on the game has probably grown more cynical since then, but I try to be positive in previews.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Ah well, some of us may never agree on liking or disliking certain things but at least we're all here bitching or counter-bitching together. It's the sense of community that keeps you coming back.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Oh come now, that's like saying Dark Souls has 30 minutes of content (because someone beat it in 30 minutes); or like saying Contra takes 20 minutes to beat.
Diablo time isn't measured that way; you are going to replay the same acts over and over again, with friends or new characters and if you like Diablo you'll like that. And if not then not, but you can't hold the time it takes to beat the game on normal against it, especially not if that time was taken by a team of Koreans that prepared by data-mining the game.

For comparison, I have 80 hours or so on my main Dark Souls character and still have not beaten the game.
Apr 18, 2009
And... I haven't got my physical copy yet thanks to the inefficiency of the Swedish postal services. With a bit of luck I'll get it later today, although I think it is far more likely that I'll get it tomorrow.... which kind of blows. But oh well, savor the anticipation and all that.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
I am sure it depends on how quickly you rush through it. People are trying to go for speed records with this game as soon as it came out- something that wasn't as popular back when D2 came out.

Multi-headed Cow


4-5 hours is excellent, game is geared for replaying on higher difficulties, and that means you'll hit level 30 (End of normal) in 4-5 hours so blasting through with different classes isn't as big of a time sink and you get new skills and runes fairly regularly.
Jan 7, 2012
Oh come now, that's like saying Dark Souls has 30 minutes of content (because someone beat it in 30 minutes); or like saying Contra takes 20 minutes to beat.
Diablo time isn't measured that way; you are going to replay the same acts over and over again, with friends or new characters and if you like Diablo you'll like that. And if not then not, but you can't hold the time it takes to beat the game on normal against it, especially not if that time was taken by a team of Koreans that prepared by data-mining the game.

For comparison, I have 80 hours or so on my main Dark Souls character and still have not beaten the game.

You can't compare the first time someone is playing a game blind to speed runs. It's probably sub 3 hours for someone who actually knows the game and significantly less still with uber gear and shit. Furthermore, we've already gone over how no one will be caring about the side quests in diablo, unlike Dark Souls where you would actually spend time exploring. So Blizzard's 10-20 hours quote was pure marketing bullshit.


4-5 hours is excellent, game is geared for replaying on higher difficulties, and that means you'll hit level 30 (End of normal) in 4-5 hours so blasting through with different classes isn't as big of a time sink and you get new skills and runes fairly regularly.

No matter how long or short the game is, Blizztards will find a way to justify it being the perfect length by divine determination of the holy Blizzard. I suppose it's the right length for consoletards though.


May 8, 2003
mhc isn't a blizztard

he's just the grandmaster of pre-emptive buyer's remorse

man I wonder how many perfect review scores this will get


inXile Entertainment
May 3, 2011
I am sure it depends on how quickly you rush through it. People are trying to go for speed records with this game as soon as it came out- something that wasn't as popular back when D2 came out.
This, pretty much. Didn't people hit level 80 in World of Warcraft's expansion after like 21 hours or something? Don't take 4-5 hours as "standard" final completion time, these guys in all probability were trying to beat the game as quickly as possible, skipping all quests/dialogue/exploration/etc.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
After about a week we should get a good feel of how much content is legitimately in the game. My hopes aren't high, though.

Multi-headed Cow

I am a bit of a Diablotard though, since Diablo 2 is still the best overall (At least until I sink enough time on D3 to more accurately judge it) of this style of game which I enjoy. Hell, long game length has pissed me off in other games of this genre, like Torchlight 1 and ESPECIALLY Titan Quest which drug so much ass it was painful. As much as I liked TQ I couldn't bring myself to play through it again since for mindless clicking on monsters the backgrounds and enemies didn't change fast enough to be enjoyable to me.

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