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Auction House Online: The Game (Diablo 3) is a MASSIVE decline


Jul 15, 2010
blizzard is proof that marketing/brand appeal = success. nothing else can explain the broad popularity of their games.


Nov 14, 2007
Project: Eternity
People just don't know any better. It's not like average Joe is willing to research lesser known games..


Codex's Heretic
Feb 2, 2007
Terra da Garoa
Man, I did a LP of the Beta then never played again....they completly fucked the skills! WTF I can't equip the skill combo I want, just what Blizzard allows! That is the cheapest & laziest balancing move ever done by a developer, make that only a few skills can be used together! There are some skills there are utterly pointless now....no one is gonna use Witch Doctor's spiders if they will have to lose the poison dart or the flaming skull...
And in the beta was so fun to mix match them the way I wanted....fucking :decline:!


Jul 31, 2011
The Desert Wasteland
A huge disappointment, and an unworthy sequel. - Charater customization was so confusing, so they removed it (no more skill points to distribute, no more attribute points to distribute, skills unlock automatically as you level up) - Legalized gold selling, pay-to-win auction houses - Scripted scenes EVERYWHERE 0Bland, one dimensional, WoW inspired skills -World PvP removed and the only PvP options is a WoW-clone arena (REMOVED TILL LATER, LOL) -Voice acting is HORIBBLE compared to D2 -Timed log-outs in a game which its gameplay is based on being fast-paced (even on hardcore mode) -FREQUENT CHECKPOINTS that revive you from where you are left off (how much more casual can they make a diablo game I wonder) -region lock, DRM that requires you to be constanly online -blizzard 'promising' not to put any items in the RMAH Gee, I **** wonder what's gonna happen -LEVEL 60 CAP Surely to be raised to 70,80,90 and so on with yearly expansions that consists of cut content for only another $60!

So I was a huge fan of Diablo 1 & 2. Played them for years. Was excited for Diablo 3 - never got in the beta. Decided to buy it anyway. After hours of connection problems and frustration I finally got in. I finished the entire story in 3 hours. Was not even a fun experience. Decided to just uninstall and sell my account. What an awful, awful, short game. I'm embarrassed this shares the "Diablo name".

Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. Ridiculously expensive, boring gameplay and ugly looking. Diablo 3 is utter mess and i cant recommend it to anyone.

Simplified and major step down from previous games. Tiny Linear maps, bad writing and acting. Too many MMO mechanics that felt out of place like in boss fights. Also the graphics and backgrounds were blurry and messy, I felt eye strain looking at the screen. Bad use of fog effects too. Not to mention the graphics and some monsters were pulled right from WoW. This is not Diablo. The game hits hack and slash alright but many other games do it better. This game is a blight on the franchise that Spawned this type of game especially after a 12 year wait. I was rather bored playing, the world feels detached and wooden compared to d1 and d2s world that sucked you in. If this game had a different name then diablo it would be easier to swallow but it felt like they spit in the eye of the franchise with this. And the RMAH feels scammy. And that sickening DRM always online, cant play offline is a joke and insult.

If you want a watered down, pay2win piece of junk, Diablo 3 is just the ultimate game in this regards. Don't expect to find a game reminiscent of the jewels such as Diablo 1+2 (actually made by different people). Only saving grace is... no wait I can't think of one.


Apr 5, 2009
I'm a Banana
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity
Man, I did a LP of the Beta then never played again....they completly fucked the skills! WTF I can't equip the skill combo I want, just what Blizzard allows! That is the cheapest & laziest balancing move ever done by a developer, make that only a few skills can be used together! There are some skills there are utterly pointless now....no one is gonna use Witch Doctor's spiders if they will have to lose the poison dart or the flaming skull...
And in the beta was so fun to mix match them the way I wanted....fucking :decline:!
You can, with elective mode.


Funny how some people finished the game "in 3 hours". My beta walkthrough took me approximately 1,5 - 2 hours. And from what i've gathered, it was the first half of the first chapter. And there are 4 chapters, so that would make what? Total of 15 hours? So either that dude's lying and trying to be fucking "edgy", or he's a no-lifer who levels his WoW characters from 1 to 80 in 2 hours.

After all, you can finish Fallout in under 10 minutes.

And fuck, i'm downloading the EN (EU) client 'cause i can't stand the Potato VA.


Mar 10, 2011
I think it's good for what it is: an ARPG. The five characters look immensely well-crafted and enjoyable to play, but there is no need to 'roll' more than one with how the skill/rune system works.

I'm playing through as a woman-barbarian and liking it thus far. Halfway through Act One, I think? IMO, the beta did the full game a disservice.
Mar 13, 2012
Lost Hills bunker
I think it's good for what it is: an ARPG. The five characters look immensely well-crafted and enjoyable to play, but there is no need to 'roll' more than one with how the skill/rune system works.

I'm playing through as a woman-barbarian and liking it thus far. Halfway through Act One, I think? IMO, the beta did the full game a disservice.

I mean, is it really utterly dumbed down for kids and a blatant copy of their "most successful" franchise WOW? Or does it have Diablo 2 feeling? And is it embarrassingly short?


Mar 10, 2011
I think it's good for what it is: an ARPG. The five characters look immensely well-crafted and enjoyable to play, but there is no need to 'roll' more than one with how the skill/rune system works.

I'm playing through as a woman-barbarian and liking it thus far. Halfway through Act One, I think? IMO, the beta did the full game a disservice.

I mean, is it really utterly dumbed down for kids and a blatant copy of their "most successful" franchise WOW? Or does it have Diablo 2 feeling? And is it embarrassingly short?

Well, I think Diablo 2 sucks so IMO it kicks that game's ass pretty hard.

The gameplay is superior in every way. It is also more difficult and the game has hardly started. I don't even remember having any trouble in D2 whatsoever outside of the 'spray' attacks of the little pygmies in the jungle and of course Diablo's lightning blob bullshit. In D3 so far there have been quite a few difficult fights mostly coming in the form of bunches of unique-enemies. The Witch Doctor/Wizard were both pretty flimsy in the beta, but the beta had you out leveling the enemies, from what I could tell, and generally being superior. I have been in a number of fights where I thought if I was playing a less durable character I would be insta-mulched if caught in the wrong corner or surrounded. And the game will fucking try to surround you: it throws waves of monsters at you with all kinds of shit going on everywhere. Enemy mechanics are infinitely better than D2 and so is the combat/healing mechanic. You can't slam down potions and cruise through the game anymore. There is actual gameplay to be had this time around.

The always online thing is still total bullshit, but not much you can do about that these days. Seems to be the general shift in gaming across the board (consoles, handhelds, phones and PCs).
Mar 13, 2012
Lost Hills bunker
I think it's good for what it is: an ARPG. The five characters look immensely well-crafted and enjoyable to play, but there is no need to 'roll' more than one with how the skill/rune system works.

I'm playing through as a woman-barbarian and liking it thus far. Halfway through Act One, I think? IMO, the beta did the full game a disservice.

I mean, is it really utterly dumbed down for kids and a blatant copy of their "most successful" franchise WOW? Or does it have Diablo 2 feeling? And is it embarrassingly short?

Well, I think Diablo 2 sucks so IMO it kicks that game's ass pretty hard.

The gameplay is superior in every way. It is also more difficult and the game has hardly started. I don't even remember having any trouble in D2 whatsoever outside of the 'spray' attacks of the little pygmies in the jungle and of course Diablo's lightning blob bullshit. In D3 so far there have been quite a few difficult fights mostly coming in the form of bunches of unique-enemies. The Witch Doctor/Wizard were both pretty flimsy in the beta, but the beta had you out leveling the enemies, from what I could tell, and generally being superior. I have been in a number of fights where I thought if I was playing a less durable character I would be insta-mulched if caught in the wrong corner or surrounded. And the game will fucking try to surround you: it throws waves of monsters at you with all kinds of shit going on everywhere. Enemy mechanics are infinitely better than D2 and so is the combat/healing mechanic. You can't slam down potions and cruise through the game anymore. There is actual gameplay to be had this time around.

The always online thing is still total bullshit, but not much you can do about that these days. Seems to be the general shift in gaming across the board (consoles, handhelds, phones and PCs).

OK, thx bro. Just one more thing, what do you think of Diablo 1? If you've played it, was it better than D2?

And also do you like mmorpgs in general?


Jul 31, 2011
The Desert Wasteland
The RMAH will kill whatever soul D3 has.

PUG boss raids will require a minimum gear score just like in WoW, forcing players to use the RMAH to meet the minimum acceptable gear score. It's times like these when I embrace the possibility of outgrowing gaming. If this is the future of PC gaming, I don't want any part of it.


One Bit Studio
Dec 28, 2010
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
Players are reporting a game breaking bug in newly released Diablo III. The bug kicks players off Diablo III servers, bringing up an Error 3006 message.

The bug is triggered when players interact with the Templar follower early in the game, equipping the Templar with a shield.
Players on Blizzard's Diablo III forums are reporting the bug; likewise, players on website Eurogamer apparently are, too. The error seems to be specific to the Demon Hunter class.
Blizzard, the game's developer, has yet to release a fix. Online, players are recommending that you do not equip the Templar with said shield prior to accepting him as a follower.
"Don't trade your equipped shield with the Templar," wrote Diablo III player Laurelin. "The game boots you out, and you can't log back until Blizzard notices and fixes this issue."
Stay tuned.


Lunacy of Caen: Todd Reaver
Aug 2, 2011
Glad I didn't stay up til 4AM to play this, hopefully some of this shit will be smoothed out by the time I get home.

It should all be fixed soon, I mean, Blizzard have a reputation of getting things done quickly. :smug:


Jul 16, 2009
Every zone/cave looks unique or has its own atmosphere about it. the little event tiles have a ridiculous amount of effects/animation in them and some of the monsters look really fantastic.

if the other acts continue along the same path it'll be fucking bananas.
Looks like I'd wait until NVidia would manufacture my Kepler. GK 107, or GK 106, passive cooling reasonable overclocking capability undervolted.


Jun 5, 2011
The RMAH will kill whatever soul D3 has.

PUG boss raids will require a minimum gear score just like in WoW, forcing players to use the RMAH to meet the minimum acceptable gear score. It's times like these when I embrace the possibility of outgrowing gaming. If this is the future of PC gaming, I don't want any part of it.
Well, yeah. It's very MMO-ish to have the community pressure you to do things you don't want to do, such as spending more time grinding or paying money in order to keep up with everyone. It's a fucking treadmill, classic MMO.

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