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Auction House Online: The Game (Diablo 3) is a MASSIVE decline


Nov 1, 2007
Dans Ton Cul
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin
Ah, I would have sent you a guestpass, MHC, but since you already got one …

I was quite surprised to see it in a store today for 45 €. The first where I tried to get it was all sold-out and it went for 55 € (5 under Blizzard's price of 60 €). I went to the next town, in a much bigger store and they had like 20-30 boxes for much cheaper than I would have bought it. I'm happy.

One thing - has anyone figured out what the "elective mode" in the options does?

It allows you to allow any skill to any slot. By default it is disabled and you can only assign, say, the attack skills to the left mouse button, defensive skills to 1, etc., and can thus have only skill per category selected. If you enable elective mode, you can not only associate a key with a different skill type, but you can have 2 or more skills of the same type to different keys. I think you can even have the same skill on various keys but with different runes. As far as I know though, you are still limited to the mouse buttons and the first four number keys.

Multi-headed Cow

One thing - has anyone figured out what the "elective mode" in the options does?
Lets you assign skills to whatever button/slot you want, so you're not limited to what Blizzard says is a viable LMB skill. And/or want multiple skills from a certain type.


Dec 17, 2008
I've played about 4 hours with a friend, haven't really ran into anything difficult yet.

It seems like the game is a lot shorter, or can be more quickly rushed than D2 according to the progress some people have made. There are supposedly people that close to or reached level 60 which is pretty damn ridiculous. We've been playing slow and clearing every map which is more fun to me but I guess you can basically run past every non-boss mob.


inXile Entertainment
May 3, 2011
One thing - has anyone figured out what the "elective mode" in the options does?
Lets you assign skills to whatever button/slot you want, so you're not limited to what Blizzard says is a viable LMB skill. And/or want multiple skills from a certain type.

Otherwise, game is more fun than the beta, mostly because of improved challenge. Found a cave early in act 1 with two bosses at the end, both of which took me about 5 minutes to beat. "Waller" modifier is a nightmare to deal with for a ranged character with little HP. Then again, I also haven't found a new wand yet so my damage is also probably sub-par.


Nov 1, 2007
Dans Ton Cul
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin
It's also worth noting that Diablo 3 lets you decorate your banner with drawings of ferrets. Torchlight and its sequel on the other hand allow you to get a pet ferret equipped with a little backpack and goggles.
Dec 19, 2007
Retrieving hero list.

Sure is a great thing motherfuckers decided not to have fucking offline mode, which is standard and works and I guess not retarded enough for Activision Blizzard jews.


Oct 2, 2006
Speaking to the Sea
Then again, I also haven't found a new wand yet so my damage is also probably sub-par.
You do know that whatever skills you are using, the weapon you wield is irrelevant... right? A wizard can just carry the best club he can find, it will make his powers do more damage. In fact, for a wizard you can just equip the highest DPS since your lmb spells use no mana.


Feb 24, 2005
Then again, I also haven't found a new wand yet so my damage is also probably sub-par.
You do know that whatever skills you are using, the weapon you wield is irrelevant... right? A wizard can just carry the best club he can find, it will make his powers do more damage. In fact, for a wizard you can just equip the highest DPS since your lmb spells use no mana.

They seem to have changed that since the beta. At least for Demon Hunters, if you're not wielding a missile weapon you can't use your missile skills.


Nov 1, 2007
Dans Ton Cul
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin
It seems you won't see all content if you do it all in one sitting. Some dungeons appear to spawn only if another doesn't spawn instead, and the same with some events. You can of course do them, log out and log back in and the area will be reset, maybe this time giving access to the rest of the content, but it won't all be there if you do it in one sitting.

Edit: oh yeah, Gragt#2793
Sep 8, 2008
Project: Eternity


inXile Entertainment
May 3, 2011
You do know that whatever skills you are using, the weapon you wield is irrelevant... right? A wizard can just carry the best club he can find, it will make his powers do more damage. In fact, for a wizard you can just equip the highest DPS since your lmb spells use no mana.
Are you serious?

God dammit, I just checked, you're right. I thought they had fixed that. I swear they changed things so that spell damage now scaled by attributes, as part of their big balance pass a month or two back.

Welp, now unless the modifiers on higher-level gear are worthwhile, there is literally no reason for a Wizard to use staves when a shield and sword are going to offer both more damage and protection.

Game design!


Class specific weapons can provide some class only enchantments... or so i've read somewhere :p Haven't found any yet (with class specific enchantments).


Apr 27, 2012
You do know that whatever skills you are using, the weapon you wield is irrelevant... right? A wizard can just carry the best club he can find, it will make his powers do more damage. In fact, for a wizard you can just equip the highest DPS since your lmb spells use no mana.
Are you serious?

God dammit, I just checked, you're right. I thought they had fixed that. I swear they changed things so that spell damage now scaled by attributes, as part of their big balance pass a month or two back.

Welp, now unless the modifiers on higher-level gear are worthwhile, there is literally no reason for a Wizard to use staves when a shield and sword are going to offer both more damage and protection.

Game design!
Spell damage do scale by attributes. For example, for witch doctor, you get a bonus damage of 70% if you have 70 in intelligence. So a weapon with a lower dps but with a massive boost to intelligence, can be much better than a weapon with a higher dps.

Freelance henchman: Love the drawing :D


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
$60 dollars poorer, but ask me if I care! Go on.... ask. ;P
I'll ask you if it's on onlive instead.

A huge disappointment, and an unworthy sequel. - Charater customization was so confusing, so they removed it (no more skill points to distribute, no more attribute points to distribute, skills unlock automatically as you level up) - Legalized gold selling, pay-to-win auction houses - Scripted scenes EVERYWHERE 0Bland, one dimensional, WoW inspired skills -World PvP removed and the only PvP options is a WoW-clone arena (REMOVED TILL LATER, LOL) -Voice acting is HORIBBLE compared to D2 -Timed log-outs in a game which its gameplay is based on being fast-paced (even on hardcore mode) -FREQUENT CHECKPOINTS that revive you from where you are left off (how much more casual can they make a diablo game I wonder) -region lock, DRM that requires you to be constanly online -blizzard 'promising' not to put any items in the RMAH Gee, I **** wonder what's gonna happen -LEVEL 60 CAP Surely to be raised to 70,80,90 and so on with yearly expansions that consists of cut content for only another $60!

So I was a huge fan of Diablo 1 & 2. Played them for years. Was excited for Diablo 3 - never got in the beta. Decided to buy it anyway. After hours of connection problems and frustration I finally got in. I finished the entire story in 3 hours. Was not even a fun experience. Decided to just uninstall and sell my account. What an awful, awful, short game. I'm embarrassed this shares the "Diablo name".

Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. Ridiculously expensive, boring gameplay and ugly looking. Diablo 3 is utter mess and i cant recommend it to anyone.

Simplified and major step down from previous games. Tiny Linear maps, bad writing and acting. Too many MMO mechanics that felt out of place like in boss fights. Also the graphics and backgrounds were blurry and messy, I felt eye strain looking at the screen. Bad use of fog effects too. Not to mention the graphics and some monsters were pulled right from WoW. This is not Diablo. The game hits hack and slash alright but many other games do it better. This game is a blight on the franchise that Spawned this type of game especially after a 12 year wait. I was rather bored playing, the world feels detached and wooden compared to d1 and d2s world that sucked you in. If this game had a different name then diablo it would be easier to swallow but it felt like they spit in the eye of the franchise with this. And the RMAH feels scammy. And that sickening DRM always online, cant play offline is a joke and insult.

If you want a watered down, pay2win piece of junk, Diablo 3 is just the ultimate game in this regards. Don't expect to find a game reminiscent of the jewels such as Diablo 1+2 (actually made by different people). Only saving grace is... no wait I can't think of one.

Multi-headed Cow

Download for guest pass is running pretty damn pokey. It lists good (For me) download speeds, but the rate it's progressing doesn't seem accurate to the speed listed. Also being a greedy asshole and seeing if I can the CD key of my gift copy of the game emailed/phoned to me instead of waiting a week for it to arrive in the mail. Nothing like being an impatient jerk when it comes to videogame presents.


inXile Entertainment
May 3, 2011
Spell damage do scale by attributes. For example, for witch doctor, you get a bonus damage of 70% if you have 70 in intelligence. So a weapon with a lower dps but with a massive boost to intelligence, can be much better than a weapon with a higher dps.
Fair enough. One thing I think I'm noticing already that the game does poorly is communicating the effects of attributes. There's no way to see your DPS separate from your weapon, for instance, or your spell damage, so you have to actually test everything out by hand to see how things change. I had no idea that there were such attribute bonuses available and probably would have missed it if I hadn't been told.

Skills are also really awkward to select, the way they're divided up into separate pages, and without any sort of tabbed interface. I don't mind splitting them up to make them easier to comprehend, but the lack of a real detailed overview and poor use of screen space is something I wouldn't expect on release, and certainly not from Blizzard.


Mar 4, 2009
Then again, I also haven't found a new wand yet so my damage is also probably sub-par.
You do know that whatever skills you are using, the weapon you wield is irrelevant... right? A wizard can just carry the best club he can find, it will make his powers do more damage. In fact, for a wizard you can just equip the highest DPS since your lmb spells use no mana.

They seem to have changed that since the beta. At least for Demon Hunters, if you're not wielding a missile weapon you can't use your missile skills.

Demon Hunters were limited to missile weapons for their skills in Beta too.


Apr 18, 2012
Spell damage do scale by attributes. For example, for witch doctor, you get a bonus damage of 70% if you have 70 in intelligence. So a weapon with a lower dps but with a massive boost to intelligence, can be much better than a weapon with a higher dps.
Fair enough. One thing I think I'm noticing already that the game does poorly is communicating the effects of attributes. There's no way to see your DPS separate from your weapon, for instance, or your spell damage, so you have to actually test everything out by hand to see how things change. I had no idea that there were such attribute bonuses available and probably would have missed it if I hadn't been told.

Skills are also really awkward to select, the way they're divided up into separate pages, and without any sort of tabbed interface. I don't mind splitting them up to make them easier to comprehend, but the lack of a real detailed overview and poor use of screen space is something I wouldn't expect on release, and certainly not from Blizzard.

The "Damage" stat, which I believe is autoattack DPS, goes up with your primary stat and weapon dps. If you mean tooltips not saying their damage check the options menu because WoW has retard tooltips enabled by default too.

Also if you hover over the stats it tells you exactly what they do, i.e. Intelligence increases Witch Doctor/Wizard DPS by x%.


Feb 11, 2012
United States of America
Last thing I heard here about DS3 was about becoming dumber just from playing for half hour. I wonder...

That's a matter of opinion, but if that same person regarded Diablo 3 as something of superior intellect or enjoyment, I'll personally put him up against a wall and slash his throat.

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