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Auction House Online: The Game (Diablo 3) is a MASSIVE decline

Deleted member 7219

Last thing I heard here about DS3 was about becoming dumber just from playing for half hour. I wonder...

That's a matter of opinion, but if that same person regarded Diablo 3 as something of superior intellect or enjoyment, I'll personally put him up against a wall and slash his throat.



inXile Entertainment
May 3, 2011
The "Damage" stat, which I believe is autoattack DPS, goes up with your primary stat and weapon dps. If you mean tooltips not saying their damage check the options menu because WoW has retard tooltips enabled by default too.

Also if you hover over the stats it tells you exactly what they do, i.e. Intelligence increases Witch Doctor/Wizard DPS by x%.
There's my problem, the "advanced tooltips" or whatever were turned off. I think I ways also expecting the character summary sub-menu to list stuff like damage, not a pop-up tooltip.

Oh, and my tag is sear#1550. Can't guarantee I'll do any multiplayer right now because I want to do a solo run to do exploration/story stuff.


Apr 7, 2005
I got sucked into the D3 hype and decided to see what is all about... ultimately D3 will change the industry, and since I have been playing computer games for 30+ years I figured I should take part in this evolution.

However, I hurt my right wrist in a mountain bike accident a few weeks ago so have been trying to keep my mouse use to a minimum while it heals.

So I decided to play with my left hand. I don't normally use my left hand as I am right handed, but there have been times when I was forced to do this in the past... so I figured I would give it a go.

It did make the game a bit harder, but it was doable. The final product is definitely harder than the demo (though some of that probably has to do with me using my off hand). I almost died once because I had my right hand in my lap and had to move it 2 feet to hit "q" to quaff a potion. There have been a few fights where I actually kept my right hand ready to hit "q" or slam down a different skill.

I have been enjoying the game. It is just a straight up action game. There isn't anything remotely RPG about it. But I have to admit I have enjoyed it so far. I am playing a barbarian and it is visceral and carnal in a bad action movie kind of way.

It isn't much more than Doom or Half Life, other than the camera angle.

RPG light would be an understatement.

Still, I have to admit that I am enjoying the carnage.

The long term viability still has me quite skeptical, but for now, SMASH!


Apr 27, 2012
I think it took me something like 6 hours to get through act 1, just doing it all in a paced maner. The guy that claimed he had seen the story and played through the whole thing in 3 hours is, with 100% probability, a tool who hasn't played the game. Some group crazy koreans is said to have done it in 5 hours though.


inXile Entertainment
May 3, 2011
I haven't been able to log into the Americas server for hours now. What gives?
Check the news feed. Servers are down for maintenance, should be up in another hour. Considering the beta was supposed to be a stress test it seems like they really dropped the ball on their "totally not an MMO."


Nov 1, 2011


Jun 7, 2007
Gah, now I feel like playing H&S too. Anyone have a guest pass to spare? Stupid keysite claim they're busy and can't deliver for 48 hours. You can continue GP chars with full game, right?


Dec 17, 2008
Yeah, I saw they were doing maintenance, but that was hours ago and it said it would take an hour. Great job with the launch, especially with the game-breaking Demon Hunter bug that locks you out of your account. :smug:


Apr 7, 2005
I haven't been able to log into the Americas server for hours now. What gives?
Check the news feed. Servers are down for maintenance, should be up in another hour. Considering the beta was supposed to be a stress test it seems like they really dropped the ball on their "totally not an MMO."

The typical hassles of opening day MMO login cluster fuck proves that D3 is far more an MMO then anything else. Was exactly like every MMO I have ever had the "joy" of trying out on day one.

I have to admit, I was a bit surprised that it was this bad. Blizzard should have been able to do the math, and could easily have erred on the side of server overkill for the opening day. Seems pretty amazing that they blew that one.

When I finally did log in I discovered that I had somehow made 7 barbarians all with the same name. Had to delete 6 of them when I logged in the 2nd time... was horrified at first as the screen came up with a level 1 barbarian and asked if I wanted to continue, but when I had last left the game I had been level 10. I guessed they trolled me with that one.

Life in the modern world.


Nov 1, 2007
Dans Ton Cul
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin
In other news …

Jay Wilson said:
Our Battle.net [architects], they do all the infrastructure that makes everything run. I think people sometimes look at our graphical technology and say “you guys aren’t doing the latest bells and whistles, your technology is old hat,” and I’m like, “you should see our server architecture, that’s where our tech is!” Those guys are way smarter than me! No one ever recognises the server architecture guys, but they’re huge!



Apr 18, 2012
In other news …

Jay Wilson said:
Our Battle.net [architects], they do all the infrastructure that makes everything run. I think people sometimes look at our graphical technology and say “you guys aren’t doing the latest bells and whistles, your technology is old hat,” and I’m like, “you should see our server architecture, that’s where our tech is!” Those guys are way smarter than me! No one ever recognises the server architecture guys, but they’re huge!


Because nobody cares what kind of servers you've got to run your DRMnet.


Dec 17, 2008
I can't even play my $60 game in single player to mess around with skills and shit while the servers are being "maintained." Cool shit.

The game is fun but the always-online DRM is complete horse shit.


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
I'm seeing a pattern in the metacritic reviews:
On one hand you have negative reviews that are usually somewhat elaborate, even if quite a few are bitching about always online DRM (which is still a very valid complaint about an SP game, especially when you can't even play your purchase due to servers being unable to cope), they at least care to explain what sucks and why, and you also have stuff like this:

theworstpossibl said:
This review contains spoilers. it's now an industry standard that just what your game's objectives are constantly shoved down a player's throat. as is that developers seem to think everything that might require a bit of thought needs to be streamlined, and that human beings can't recognize simple patterns, and things need to be much more "cinematically focused". and anything beyond this is "entitlement." and while this should not be suprising, it has happened to blizzard's diablo 3. how, you ask? how hasn't it been? players click and click as per usual. it's how the game works. as players level, they use runes to help with skill customization, and attribute points are distributed automatically like many a jrpg. these changes from diablo 2 are worth mentioning in a positive note, but unfortunately there is absolutley no influencing what skills are learned and what points are gained, a luxury those same jrpgs will usually grant. this system did need some fixing from diablo 2, granted, but not an entire revamp. essentially, 2 seperate player's witchdocters will be exactly the same, sans wargear. a standard melee attack damaging GROUPS of enemies is cheap and console-gameplay-esque (wonder why). the health drops that you simply walk over coupled with the low, low chance of an enemy actually hurting you means that besides where bosses are concerned, health is rarely an issue. something new to the environments are the red barrel kills - the scripted segments that, frankly, are so out of place for the series, and usually result in the KILL-STREAK +25XP! PROMOTION TO SERGENT MAN! messages, very Call Of Duty. the classes skills are extremely overpowered from the get-go, and they like to talk, a lot - but do players need 3 ways of the game telling them that they don't have enough mana for a spell they try to use? then there is the wow-like art style. it completely betrays the Gothic scenery of it's predecessors, and it looks like it was made to run on a machine from 2005. a glaring issue is the DRM. it is absolutely deplorable that players are forced to connect to a server constantly for single player just to make sure you are the only person playing with that copy of the game. you're even at risk of being kicked for simply idling. the possibility of lag in single player is a joke and as one final laugh, the real money auction house is just legalizing Chinese item farmers. i laughed quite heartily when i was in my EB games store and saw the posters saying that the game was avaliable for purchase after 9 am, but the servers would not be up until 4:30 pm. like many a "AAA title" these days, a single player playthrough will generally see 6-10 hours, depending on how many side quests are squeezed out. another low point, considering the first two go for MUCH longer. concerning the story, it is not terrible - predictable and unpolished, not to mention blizzard still has not grown tired of old tropes, and has brought a "kerrigan" into this franchise. but passable, in all meaning of the word. did you love the first two games? do you want a worthy sequel? go soak your head in a bucket of ice water and wake up. this is selling purely on it's name, not the game. are you looking for a flavour of the month game? an mmo with a focus on single player experience (TOR dead yet)? a calladooty with a fantasy feel? go for it. buy it. just remember. you paid for it.

On the other you have a whole bunch of "awsum go play nao!" reviews avoiding (*hard*) getting into any detail about anything, sometimes coupled with vague (and often hilariously misapplied) generic praise like "story is awesome!".


I'll let you guys figure them out on your own.


Dec 17, 2008
How can anyone accurately review the game yet anyway? I highly doubt the hundreds of people submitting reviews have played through the whole thing.

I'm not reading that review or others because of spoilers; thanks for bolding that part anyway.


Apr 27, 2012
Hmm, this pattern of you seeing negative reviews as fair and elaborate, could not possibly have something to do with that you decided that this game was shit long before it came out, and have had wet dreams about it failing? :smug:

"Botched attempt to cash in. Blizzard North (Real deal) has nothing to do with this steam pile of 3.7. While full circle is completed and now it's WoW turn to influence Diablo... it's still a solid 3.7. Future is bright."

"bad: the game is unbeatable because of error 37 good: blizzard promised that the game would be unbeatable Overall paying $80 for a game and not even be able to play it is not worth it"

"So I was a huge fan of Diablo 1 & 2. Played them for years. Was excited for Diablo 3 - never got in the beta. Decided to buy it anyway. After hours of connection problems and frustration I finally got in. I finished the entire story in 3 hours. Was not even a fun experience. Decided to just uninstall and sell my account. What an awful, awful, short game. I'm embarrassed this shares the "Diablo name"."

And this ain't even cherry-picking, I just picked the first on the list.

The only one I saw with a little text was this one:

IF YOU ARE CASUAL THEN DON'T READ. BUT IF YOU ARE A D2 RIDE OR DIE CRIP, READ THIS! -No character customization, no more attribute points to distribute, which would easily make the game a little deeper. And skills unlock automatically as you level you. -Legalized gold selling as well as what looks to be a pay-to-win auction house and the auction house will support character selling. -You get kicked out of your own single player game for being AFK. And your logouts are also timed for single player. -World PvP removed and the only PvP options are some sort of WoW-Clone arena. And that will not even release on Day 1. -If you care about Voice Acting, it's terrible compared to D2. -Check points that revive you from exactly where you left off. -Region lock. DRM that requires you to always be online. -If expansions bother you, you can expect D3 to take the WoW road. -Graphics look like re-done WoW graphics and with them maxed out, this game could of been relased along side WoW back in 04. This is 2012 man... -More than half the screen glows red when you are low on health. -Fixed class specific gear that looks EXACTLY like the ones in WoW but not only is that a problem, that means when they finally release the PvP you are going to be fighting people looking exactly like you. No uniqueness what so ever. BUT I HAVE ONLY SCRATCHED THE SURFACE SADLY...

though still the same inane stuff that people have been bitching about even years before release.

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