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Auction House Online: The Game (Diablo 3) is a MASSIVE decline

Jan 7, 2012
Hmm, this pattern of you seeing negative reviews as fair and elaborate, could not possibly have something to do with that you decided that this game was shit long before it came out? :smug:

We had more than enough evidence to make that decision. I'll happily reverse my pronouncement if Blizzard suddenly patches in single player/LAN mode, mod support, no items for $$$, sensible difficulty levels, PvP, a better skill system, weapon switching, attribute allocation, a competent storyline, and better atmosphere/graphics that aren't ripped from WoW. I would even buy the game with my hard earned jewgold if Blizzard did this.


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
Hmm, this pattern of you seeing negative reviews as fair and elaborate, could not possibly have something to do with that you decided that this game was shit long before it came out, and have had wet dreams about it failing? :smug:
Could be, but if the only positive review with a bit of substance I could find on first page is this:

I am going to be fair on Blizzard, no can expect the exact number of people that is going to logon. Same with mobile networks on new year they can be prepared but no psychic. The answer someone said before that D3 has "no builds, or talents" that is completely inaccurate playing I have enjoyed the new leveling system its simplified yes but with more options to become available i like it the ability to fundamise for different equations. I disagree with the comments "simplified for 13 year olds" the game is meant to be targeted so everyone enjoys it, simplified means less frustrating. Graphics are extremely good considering the fact it is the only game that generates its own maps and dungeons. Don't be spiteful because its having teething problems, its a game that these designers have spent years putting together unless you can state you can do better dont be harsh. So in all fairness i will give Diablo 3 a 8 not a 10 as i do recognise the mishaps on the game.
and it rings pretty much all the alarm bells codexer should have installed, then I wouldn't count on it just being my bias.

Then you have marvels like this:

Classic gameplay, great deep plot ayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayyayayayayayayayyayayayayayayyayayayayayayayayayayyayayayayayayayayyay

No, the game probably doesn't deserve shitload of 0/10 scores, but it's evident that it isn't what people hoped for.

Not to mention that if they didn't go with always online DRM, even in SP, blizz wouldn't be getting so much flak.
Hoist by their own retard, if you will.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
The DRM was probably very wise. Many people want to play as soon as possible and can't be bothered to wait for a crack- so this way they give in and buy the game. It does appear to be quite the sales hit.


Apr 27, 2012
sure, most positive are crap, no doubt about it. As usual, we see everybody on metacritic either voting 10 or 0.


inXile Entertainment
May 3, 2011
I managed to get back in somehow, beat the Skeleton King, and then noticed messages saying the servers were going down again in a few minutes. Bang-up job, Blizzard, really. How could they be having so many issues after they ran a beta for several months, not to mention several other high-profile releases with the exact same DRM system? I'd say this is really embarrassing for them, except we're long past the point of embarrassment because of how many times this has already happened to them.

Also, am I the only one who thinks those class-specific videos in between story events are... really pointless? They don't look especially nice, and they convey the exact same information that's in the game dialogue - sometimes even two seconds before-hand. YES, GAME, I KNOW THAT I JUST KILLED THE SKELETON KING, THANKS. How stupid do they think their players are? Do they really think that people who skip all the dialogue won't skip their boring storybook cinematics as well?

At least now we know why Diablo III took so long. Adding tons of pointless content, remaking the UI a hundred times over, adding and removing game mechanics every few months, etc. There's also a lot of really weird MMO-style metagame stuff that really kills atmosphere - oh, so I just learned the Town Portal spell for... uh, picking up a crown? It's just really sloppy and disjointed, like even after 10 years they still had no idea what game they were really trying to make. I can't argue with the fun, and to be honest I'm impressed at the production values, and even the loot balance is something they totally nailed without going overboard like Diablo II, but everything else about the game somehow seems rushed and cobbled together despite the fact that it obviously wasn't.


Jul 15, 2010
Those of you who want to see the narrative :decline: can see all the cinematics here:


'dem hips :lol:

They really fucked up the angels in this. I'd expect them to be uncaring, alien and reserved in their manners. But in the first cinematic they're already behaving like butthurt children pointlessly fighting each other over the first minor conflict they have.

Also the cutscenes were underwhelming in general. There were only about 3 of them, 2 of which were shown months, if not years ago.
Jan 7, 2012
Remember in Diablo 1 where angels didn't exist at all outside of legends? Was pretty nice. From discovering seemingly ancient knowledge from books that were lost beneath the monastary in D1, to plot dispenser NPCs and meeting angels (but they totally can't help you outside of cutscenes even though they are lvl 100 and you start the game at lvl 1) in D2/D3.

And yeah, I thought Tyrael's thing was that he was the only angel that did care, which led to his mistake in creating the soul stones and freeing the prime evils in the first place. I suppose I shouldn't get surprised at Blizzard fucking up their previously interesting plots though.


Mar 8, 2003
Pretty decent game, just finished act 1 with a bunch of bros. Probably doing all of act 2 tomorrow if it's not super long.


Sep 3, 2010
60 dollar price tag. Strike one.

In-game store that allows you to buy shit with real life money. Strike two.

Requirement that you need to be online at all times. Strike three, four and five through to strike six hundred.

No fucking way I am getting this goddamn piece of shit. Torchlight 2 and Grim Dawn will be out soon enough, and they're going to rip off all of D3s good ideas while having none of this faggotry.


Mar 8, 2003
60 dollar price tag. Strike one.

In-game store that allows you to buy shit with real life money. Strike two.

Requirement that you need to be online at all times. Strike three, four and five through to strike six hundred.

No fucking way I am getting this goddamn piece of shit. Torchlight 2 and Grim Dawn will be out soon enough, and they're going to rip off all of D3s good ideas while having none of this faggotry.

$60 is a decent price for a new game, you can wait until there's a sale if you're broke at the moment.
The in-game store is an auction house, and the real money part is optional (won't open until next friday either).
I don't know about you, but I'm never offline when I'm on the computer.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
At least now we know why Diablo III is so long. Adding tons of pointless content, remaking the UI a hundred times over, adding and removing game mechanics every few months, etc. There's also a lot of really weird MMO-style metagame stuff that really kills atmosphere - oh, so I just learned the Town Portal spell for... uh, picking up a crown? It's just really sloppy and disjointed, like even after 10 years they still had no idea what game they were really trying to make. I can't argue with the fun, and to be honest I'm impressed at the production values, and even the loot balance is something they totally nailed without going overboard like Diablo II, but everything else about the game somehow seems rushed and cobbled together despite the fact that it obviously wasn't.

It's Blizzard. As I said, no one really works hard over there. Of course people are going to say 'YOU DONT UNDERSTAND THE GAME INDUSTRY AND WHAT DEVELOPERS DO BWAAAAAAA' -- well, that might apply to indie developers or smaller projects but Blizzard has been coasting on their brand for years now. No one works hard over there, it's basically a casual/college like atmosphere. The fact that this mediocre crap is all the have to show for three or four years (or more?) of development with the kind of money they have backing them is pathetic.

$60 is a decent price for a new game, you can wait until there's a sale if you're broke at the moment.
The in-game store is an auction house, and the real money part is optional (won't open until next friday either).
I don't know about you, but I'm never offline when I'm on the computer.

1) No, it isn't. What $60 is, is the standard bloated price for AAA crap that usually delivers half (or less) of the content of games you can get for a third (or less) of that price. Moreover, Blizzard games don't go on sale with the exception of WoW expansions (which make up for the revenue from subscription fees). How long has SC2 been out? And it's never dropped below $60. Up until about two years ago they still wanted $40 for the Diablo 2 battle chest. Yep, $40 for a ten year old game.

2) The AH is more decline/rise of the microtransaction but there's no escaping that and, yes, you can simply ignore it.

3) So am I... most of the time. The problem lies in what we've all been seeing: Blizzard servers overloaded/down for maintenance/whatever = you can't even play single player. That is utter fail. Never mind the fact that even the best of net connections occasionally experience outages. Why the fuck do I have to be connected to a server to play single player? Not even Steam requires that 100% of the time.


Village Idiot Zionist Agent Shitposter
Jan 2, 2012
To be fair to Blizzard, the installation was part of the difficulty of the game.


Lunacy of Caen: Todd Reaver
Aug 2, 2011
Video games have made it so that people are now dropping $60 for something that "might work."
Jaesun's Best Post Ever

Bronze it, slap it up on a marble slab inside the Smithsonian. This is the climax of the decline.

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