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Auction House Online: The Game (Diablo 3) is a MASSIVE decline


Dec 17, 2008
For a fun challenge, play hardcore mode. I've been playing hardcore along with my co-op softcore character while my group partners aren't around to play. Unfortunately, hardcore is a lot more fun to me and I don't really want to play softcore anymore. :oops:


May 8, 2003

With this new system, Blizzard will take a cut from each item sold, but despite the obvious financial gains, the game's director says the Auction House came from the game designers, not the business side.

"[The new Auction House] came from the design department," Diablo III director Jay Wilson tells Gamasutra in a feature interview, "Here's one of the things that I will say -- that no one in forums will believe me -- but we never make business decisions outside of the game development team. We always make them based on what we think is right for the game."

Wilson explains that designing a system that makes extra money isn't a problem if it provides a real value to the consumer. If the players are happy and Blizzard is making money, it just means the studio can keep making bigger games, he says.

"I don't think it's a bad thing to want to make money. I think it's a bad thing to want to make money off things that are not a good service or product for your customer, and that's our inherent belief, is that it's okay to make money on a service we provide for our customers that we think is a good service worth paying for." Wilson explains.

"Do we want to make money off it? Of course we do, because we want to continue to make games, and we want to be successful. But we also think it's a good service. We think it's a thing players want, and want to do, and they want to be able to do it securely and easily, and they want to be able to make some cash off of it if they want. They want to be able to recycle that back into getting more items."

The new Auction House made particular sense to the design team, Wilson adds, because Diablo II eventually developed its own consumer-run item economy, where players would buy and sell items through eBay or other third-party websites.

"The whole trade economy of Diablo II was a really interesting element of the game, but the game didn't support it hardly at all. And so we looked at that and said that's a real failing, and something we need to fix," says Wilson.

Thus, the team built the Auction House directly into Diablo III, giving players the opportunity to sell their items in a secure environment that aims to limit scams and other illicit behavior.

good to know that our friends at blizzard are still pro-consumer game developers and just want to improve diablo 2


Jul 15, 2010
I thought the storytelling was better in D1. It was very minimalistic, which suited the bleak and hopeless atmosphere.
Jan 7, 2012
So if the real reason for the auction house is for the good of the players, surely Blizzard won't have any problem with players communicating outside of the game to exchange money through Paypal or w/e and then trading the item in-game without the Blizzard cut, right?


Apr 27, 2012
I wouldn't mind if the dialogue wasn't so horribly written. Some of the lines don't even fit together properly, probably because they ran out of ways to rephrase "I will do that" one too many times. The plot holes and disrespect for lore also aren't really a great trade in my opinion. They really improved the presentation of the storytelling, but the story itself isn't especially good, and it actually ends up being kind of a liability because it just draws even more attention to all the problems inherent in the plot or setting that you could shrug off before in simpler times.
Point well taken. And I agree with you one hundrer percent. But complaining about story in a blizzard game, feels a little like complaining about fallout being to light on platforming sections or FPS elements: Blizzard never set out to, or have claimed to, make great stories. And whoever says that any game of blizzard that did not have an extremely cheesy story have been made in the past, is only fooling himself. That being said, the story is awkward and some moments are rather embarrasing and others are nosalgia callbacks that are just a little too obvious (the boss at the end of act 1 was cringeworthy), even more so (though not much) than in diablo 2 and 1.

As for my own first impression, I'm having tons of fun. Which is more than I can say about most of the games I've played the last couple of years. So that's an astounding accomplishment by itself. I think I am at the end of act 2, and I must say that I am really impressed by the textures in this act. The whole act is not just radically different in look, but also in look, as the whole thing looks hand painted beautifully, which I did not get the impression from in act 1. It also has some incredibly beautiful and dramatic backgrounds.


inXile Entertainment
May 3, 2011
Point well taken. And I agree with you one hundrer percent. But complaining about story in a blizzard game, feels a little like complaining about fallout being to light on platforming sections or FPS elements: Blizzard never set out to, or have claimed to, make great stories.
I dunno. Diablo had a solid lore foundation and the story made sense in its own way. it was very minimalist but got the job done, and more importantly tied in with the atmosphere. Diablo III is like a big stupid cinematic thrill ride, new things to see and do, set pieces where the focus isn't on the why but on the thrill of the moment. Just as it's fair to critique a Michael Bay film because it spends $100+ million on special effects and yet has a juvenile and moronic script, it's also fair to critique Blizzard for pouring millions over the course of a decade into a game where they clearly took pains to build the story and lore extensively, yet failed spectacularly at it.

Again, I want to stress: I like Diablo III. It's fun, like a good action game is, is well balanced, and has a good feature set. It's also gorgeous and has so much detail that I'm afraid to think about how long it took the artists to put together. But it's also basically the Call of Duty of RPGs. I can have fun with big, dumb games like anyone else, but it won't stop me from nagging it over all the stupid crap the whole time.


Apr 27, 2012
I agree. And it would probably not take much effort to make the story better, or even more coherent. And on a game with such a big budget, I have no idea why they didn't do it.
Jan 7, 2012
You act like they could have made it good but decided not to. WC3/WoW/SC2 and the respective fanbase's cocksucking have all poisoned them to the point that no amount of money, manpower, or managerial decree could have produced a setting of a caliber similar to their earlier games.


Apr 13, 2004
I like this mod a lot:


Just a simple desaturation/sharpness filter, but especially the sharpness makes this otherwise blurry game much better looking.
Apr 18, 2009
Gameplay-wise, the wizard is a treat. I like it how they managed to take the old system and actually improve upon it rather than sticking with the stupid system which had casters run out of mana constantly and being unable to defend themselves.

It's a perfectly acceptable game, and the only reason why I think the Kodex hates it is because it's kkkool to hate on the Activision around these parts.


Jul 15, 2010
I agree. And it would probably not take much effort to make the story better, or even more coherent. And on a game with such a big budget, I have no idea why they didn't do it.

They haven't written anything decent in 10 years, so it's safe to say they're incapable of writing anything decent.


Jan 28, 2006
Twilight Zone
Enjoying this. Toward the end of Act 2 after a couple of hours. Playing a Monk. Have died several times. Seems more difficult than the beta.


Aug 30, 2008
So worth a purchase? My friend keeps bugging me to get it but I want the Kodex Konsensus first. Seems a lot of genuine anger towards it even from regular gamer types.


Oct 1, 2004
Equality Street.
Gameplay-wise, the wizard is a treat. I like it how they managed to take the old system and actually improve upon it rather than sticking with the stupid system which had casters run out of mana constantly and being unable to defend themselves.

You'll hate torchlight 2's embermage then.
Point well taken. And I agree with you one hundrer percent. But complaining about story in a blizzard game, feels a little like complaining about fallout being to light on platforming sections or FPS elements: Blizzard never set out to, or have claimed to, make great stories.
I dunno. Diablo had a solid lore foundation and the story made sense in its own way. it was very minimalist but got the job done, and more importantly tied in with the atmosphere. Diablo III is like a big stupid cinematic thrill ride, new things to see and do, set pieces where the focus isn't on the why but on the thrill of the moment. Just as it's fair to critique a Michael Bay film because it spends $100+ million on special effects and yet has a juvenile and moronic script, it's also fair to critique Blizzard for pouring millions over the course of a decade into a game where they clearly took pains to build the story and lore extensively, yet failed spectacularly at it.

Again, I want to stress: I like Diablo III. It's fun, like a good action game is, is well balanced, and has a good feature set. It's also gorgeous and has so much detail that I'm afraid to think about how long it took the artists to put together. But it's also basically the Call of Duty of RPGs. I can have fun with big, dumb games like anyone else, but it won't stop me from nagging it over all the stupid crap the whole time.

They expanded upon the EXACT same storytelling mechanisms that diablo 2 had. NPC block of text in town, one liner quips every now and then from your character (now with companions). Quests that lead up to end of act set-piece boss battle. Difference here is that the production values aren't pulled straight from beelzebubs arse and out in the world you come across little story telling events and quests, some of which are pretty cool and/or amusing.


Apr 7, 2005
So worth a purchase? My friend keeps bugging me to get it but I want the Kodex Konsensus first. Seems a lot of genuine anger towards it even from regular gamer types.

If you are okay with the game having almost no RPG elements, then yes the game is fun.

In my opinion it is a really well made action game. Nothing more.

It is fun, but very, very shallow. As long as you don't go in expecting more than that then the game is lots of fun.


Dec 12, 2009
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
So worth a purchase? My friend keeps bugging me to get it but I want the Kodex Konsensus first. Seems a lot of genuine anger towards it even from regular gamer types.
Definitely. The launch day has been a disaster but I suppose that's bound to get fixed.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
I still have no interest in this. Pre-Ordered Torchlight II though.
Jesus, you don't have to pop in every page to spout a one-liner about how disinterested you are; it only makes you seem unreliable. Especially when you'd combine with "ordered Torchlight II" instead, which is the same game, but faster, with a different skill system and more corridors and cheaper and a smaller playerbase.

Same shit.


Apr 7, 2005
Also, the game isn't a cakewalk.

The game gets much harder once act 2 of normal difficulty starts... I am playing with my left hand (I am right handed) and perhaps that is making the game more difficult, but I have run into some killer boss monsters in Act 2.

There was one monster in particular that I simply could not bring down at all. He was healing faster than I could injure him. It was nuts. I had to leave the room or I was going to die. It took about 5 or 6 tries before I figured out a way to take him down. Was tough as nails.

In D2 when I played hardcore I always died from internet failures, but I think d3 hardcore could be deadly from regular play. If the servers ever go up I hope to eventually get to try out nightmare, though not for a day or so. I am exploring every single nook and cranny on my first play through (the only time I will do that).

The demo/beta was a joke, so the difficulty came as a pleasant surprise.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
So what are you all playing as? I have a Barbarian and a Monk, both just before the Skeleton King. The Barbarian tears through things at an insane speed but the Monk's mobility and crowd control are very helpful (I play with friends).


Jan 8, 2009
Yeah, I should point that out - playing mostly solo, or with 2/3 people, the Beta was really really easy; playing with 4 players and getting into Act 2, it's brutal in ways that really is reminiscent of D2. Not quite as bad, because there aren't elemental summons and you can't run out of mana potions, but definitely frantic.


Fabulous Ex-Moderator
May 14, 2004
Seattle, WA USA
I still have no interest in this. Pre-Ordered Torchlight II though.
Jesus, you don't have to pop in every page to spout a one-liner about how disinterested you are; it only makes you seem unreliable. Especially when you'd combine with "ordered Torchlight II" instead, which is the same game, but faster, with a different skill system and more corridors and cheaper and a smaller playerbase.

Same shit.

I'm Disinterested in Diablo 3?


inXile Entertainment
May 3, 2011
What's the online like?
It's fine when it's working. Small amount of lag but it has nice usability features, like being able to teleport to any player's location from town, and the classes have some good synergies with a few of the abilities even at low levels. I jumped into a game at level 1, with the host at level 9, and I could still survive and do some decent damage, but I was still drinking a lot of potions - there's a chance there might be some damage scaling going on to make sure that players at high or low levels can still keep up/won't overpower everything.

Biggest downside is the lack of in-game voice chat, pretty sure other Blizzard games have had that (though I could be wrong). It wasn't a huge deal, but it's hard to coordinate things via text quickly, and I don't find the numpad commands to be a great substitute (especially since I have yet to memorize them).

Also, I was fighting the Skeleton King with a friend just now (his first time playing), we got him down to literally about 1 HP... and the server crashed. God fucking dammit, Blizzard. It's like you're just messing with me now.

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