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Auction House Online: The Game (Diablo 3) is a MASSIVE decline


Nov 1, 2011
ITT: fucktards gonna fucktard.


There are 4 levels of difficulty, you can 'claim' to have finished diablo when you are lvl 60 at inferno with best gear. Playing diablo for story is like watching porn for story.


I have 4 hours and am at 1/3 of act 2. My 'story' game will last me for atleast 10 hours.


Nov 1, 2011
Yep, consequences suck.

Consequence is when something happens in the game due to your previous choice from the quest or gameplay and NOT A FUCKING GAME MECHANIC YOU FUCKING MORON.

What blizzard in essence done with skill system compared to d2:

- you don't have to make a new char everytime you want to try something different

- you don't have to lvl to 50 like in d2 just to found out that the skill you wanted to test is useless and you have to start over again (that's not a fucking consequence idiots, that's a fucking bad game mechanic)

- No broken 1-2 builds that everyone will use

- No broken gear skill based build

Idiots who couldn't come up with this by themselves have an IQ lower than 80 compared to for example my Neanderthal superior 120 and over IQ mind. Manboons shouldn't be even allowed near a game mechanic because all that they will leave is smoke and dust followed by dumbfuckery for eons of time.

So idiots ITT pls leave the game mechanics to your overlords at Blizzard.


Feb 8, 2010
Is it the case that not all quests show up unless one re-plays the game?


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
It should be obvious too most people by now that Blizzard hasn't put effort into a game since Warcraft 3.


Feb 8, 2010
Finally got it to work! Either something was wrong with the server, I had to delete the beta and reinstall the game, or both.
Mar 18, 2009
I never really noticed much difference apart from needing to whack the fuckers a few more times and use some powers and drink potions a bit more.

in hell you got instablitzt to death if your resistance was low. you can't stand in the middle of a horde if your block chance was poor. this all boils down to hp and damage bloat as difficulty changer but that's how it always was. for sure the whole difficulty drops down to a cakewalk and becomes obsolete the better your equip is. still the challenge ain't relatively the same.

What the fuck? This makes me doubt you people even played it. How about pretty much every single enemy having at least one type of immunity? Some of them even two or three? How about a lot more unique monsters with more abilities?


Apr 16, 2007
What has me confused is the (possible?) change in direction of hack and slash your way to the big bad at the end to some pedestrian sightseeing tour around Sanctuary.

I hear about dungeons on the side being skipped, IIRC in Diablo you could skip content once you found the stairs down, in D2 you could bypass most of the underground dungeons (Some quests were required, Horadric Cube Sewers Act2, Maggot Lair/Snake temple for horadric staff, Arcane Sanc for Magi portal, that act 3 flail thing) but even by skipping the ones that were not required it didnt add that much padding to the game (act 3 nonwithstanding, that place is a fucking hole) that would see such a discrepancy of people taking twice or even three times as long instead of just shooting for the MQ.

Is it padding or are people just dawdling around for the story, once completed breeze through Normal in sub 4 hour runs with twinked alts?


Apr 16, 2007
Yep, consequences suck.

Consequence is when something happens in the game due to your previous choice from the quest or gameplay and NOT A FUCKING GAME MECHANIC YOU FUCKING MORON.

What blizzard in essence done with skill system compared to d2:

- you don't have to make a new char everytime you want to try something different

- you don't have to lvl to 50 like in d2 just to found out that the skill you wanted to test is useless and you have to start over again (that's not a fucking consequence idiots, that's a fucking bad game mechanic)

- No broken 1-2 builds that everyone will use

- No broken gear skill based build

Idiots who couldn't come up with this by themselves have an IQ lower than 80 compared to for example my Neanderthal superior 120 and over IQ mind. Manboons shouldn't be even allowed near a game mechanic because all that they will leave is smoke and dust followed by dumbfuckery for eons of time.

So idiots ITT pls leave the game mechanics to your overlords at Blizzard.

I used to use ATMA and a skill trainer to test out gear and builds for D2. Sure it was against ToS, but thats what Realms were for, for legitimate play (apart from dupe/maphacks)

If Blizz were to offer a test realm, where characters created on that realm had max level for the difficulty (which you could also pick, Normal 20, NM 30, H 40 In 60 or whatever it is) with a full skill tree that you could invest points into and a training dummy/monster room/arena with deployable mobs to test your build with, then people wouldnt have to reroll if they invested poorly due to not knowing what skills did. Much easier to just gut the system rather then develop solutions that would benefit players AND balance testers.


The Last Marxist
May 12, 2010
Where one can weep in peace
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
I never really noticed much difference apart from needing to whack the fuckers a few more times and use some powers and drink potions a bit more.

in hell you got instablitzt to death if your resistance was low. you can't stand in the middle of a horde if your block chance was poor. this all boils down to hp and damage bloat as difficulty changer but that's how it always was. for sure the whole difficulty drops down to a cakewalk and becomes obsolete the better your equip is. still the challenge ain't relatively the same.

What the fuck? This makes me doubt you people even played it. How about pretty much every single enemy having at least one type of immunity? Some of them even two or three? How about a lot more unique monsters with more abilities?

So? You try one thing, it doesn't work so you try the other and click your way to VICTORY!!! Jeez, there's nothing deep to Diablo, no matter the difficulty. It's just a click fest potion guzzler...that's all. Some creatures in Arcania also had immunity to certain things so that makes it OMFG greatest combat evah?

You like it, good for you. Power to ya. I've no problem with that. There's no need to make it out that Diablo has JA2 style depth though.


Nov 1, 2011
You can, with elective mode.
Thank you a thousand times, you made mine and all my friends game fun again.

But WTF this shit is hidden and never mentioned?

So do you mean that BEFORE playing you don't tweak settings to your liking like a proper PC oldfag? Goddamn newfags.

ITT: We learn that codex is 99% of retards, idiots and dumbfucks. The 0,01% thinking population has a hard time like always coping with idiots, and diablo 3 is a massive incline.

So, is the game any fun? The local Saturn is flogging it for a mere 29 euro.

Diablo 3 = Diablo 2, and i'm speaking purely gameplay and mechanics (not story, writing etc). Don't believe anyone who says otherwise.

ps- health is NOT regenerating even on normal.


So, is the game any fun? The local Saturn is flogging it for a mere 29 euro.
Yes, it is. I find it way more fun than most H&S, especially Diablo 2. And i'm no Blizzard fan. The combat is meaty and fun, the monsters are varied, so you have to watch out if you find a new one. I died on my first tree demon, simply because i rushed in mindlessly. Those damn poisonous plants of his... ffs! And the new skill system is ok actually. Plenty of room to experiment with fun skill combinations. I don't miss the old persistent skill trees. I wouldn't want to roll dozens of alts just to make a new build. Yeah, i know it sounds less hardcore, but seriously, this encourages you to mess with your builds more, without the consequences of spending tens of hours on a build that might end up really wrong. I'd love to see more passive skills though. Oh, and health orbs. They work. You no longer can spam your potions like crazy. Drink one and a cooldown kicks in. So if your health drops significantly, with no options to drink another potion, you either decide to run away (running on foot won't work) or to continue fighting with hopes of getting a health orb. If anything, this makes the game harder, not easier.

By the way, monks are fucking sweet. Fist of the North Star Diablo 3 style, fuck yeah.

Diablo 3 = Diablo 2, and i'm speaking purely gameplay and mechanics (not story, writing etc). Don't believe anyone who says otherwise.
You're a gigantic moron. And you're lying.


Nov 14, 2007
Project: Eternity
So, is the game any fun? The local Saturn is flogging it for a mere 29 euro.

Fun? For some it is. I'll just say that equipping a sword as a mage makes your lightning bolt more powerful in this game.
Mar 18, 2009
So? You try one thing, it doesn't work so you try the other and click your way to VICTORY!!!

Is there a single computer game you cannot apply this statement to?
I didn't say it was deep either, I was merely pointing out that there are more differences between difficulties than you implied, in other words, correcting you.

Anyway, so regarding these complaints about lenght. Other codexer, Humppaleka, and me just did the session of D2. We ran through act 3 and 4 in a little less than 2.5 hours, on Nightmare and /players 8 mode. Pfffft, what a short-ass game.


Jan 28, 2006
Twilight Zone

"So I installed the game last night, logged in about 4am EST, and finished it up about an hour ago on normal. Now what?

Do I just play the same stuff over and over increasing the difficulties? If so, that cant be all there is? Is there end game or something I am totally missing????

Im so bummed out thinking all the hype and 60 bucks was for about 6 hours of a good time (which it was). Now I can just farm gear for a single player game? I cant even show it off like in WoW?

Can someone clarify what I am missing"

p.s. According to wiki, Development on Diablo III began in 2001.

Yep, you start over in Nightmare and try to successfully battle through it again. That's why the campaign is short. You will play it 4 times in total, with each play more difficult and introducing new stats, monster AI, and items. No different than the previous games.

Item and skill choice will become more important moving forward too. These games are glorified loot, whoring at it's finest. That's the entire point, making ultimate characters via gear selection.


Feb 29, 2012
ITT: fucktards gonna fucktard.


There are 4 levels of difficulty, you can 'claim' to have finished diablo when you are lvl 60 at inferno with best gear. Playing diablo for story is like watching porn for story.

To "finish" game you should have best equipement possible, even with 1 out of 10 millions chance to drop or something?

I said said in another thread, 5.5 hours and only had finished act 1 earlier. Now 10+ hours and still act II.
I pity people who rush through games.

This game is not about killing enemies fast but about enjoying scenery views for you?

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