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Auction House Online: The Game (Diablo 3) is a MASSIVE decline


inXile Entertainment
May 3, 2011
Unability to troughfully look through options. -2 points for being dubm.
I'm "dubm" for expecting a game that claims itself is an RPG to allow for character customization without having to turn on "not-an-idiot mode"?

Lack of personal initiative. (or lack of curiosity, a 14 year old girl would try it.) -2 points.
When the game gives a billion stats (most of them useless), shouldn't it be expected that it also lists something as basic as the damage your spells and skills does?

-2 screwed up by tooltips.
Actually, the tooltips are ambiguous. They say "increases damage by X% for class Y" but they word it to make it sound like a fixed percentage (so the formula is something like DPS * (attribute * .30) instead of one that changes as your attributes go up. And once more, it's my fault for expecting an RPG to explain its mechanics properly without having to turn on the "advanced tooltips" option?

You know when 20 mill monkeys would connect the same day, then after a week they would turn off, it's much larger load than in a MMO. In addition it has different structure. One of possibilities how to deal with this is to temporally lease servers to help with initial load...

-2 points for lack of technical competency.
Blizzard Entertainment
  1. Have the largest MMO in the world
  2. Have the most advanced server infrastructure in the world
  3. Have done multiple game launches like this in the past and have had more than enough chances to work out the kinks
  4. Specifically did a lengthy beta test and a stress test in order to determine how many servers to allocate and work out bugs
  5. Have been making Diablo III for over ten years
  6. Apparently have no problem with making their users wait for potentially days to play the game they already purchased
  7. Apparently also have done this solely out of penny-pinching as not renting some extra server space for a few days would cut into their undoubtedly mass profits
  8. Have no apparent intention of apologizing or trying to make it up to fans
  9. Have a reputation for being one of the best if not the best PC developers in business (reputation, not necessarily truth)
  10. Seem content to contribute negatively to that reputation, without making attempts to change those perceptions even though if it keeps up it could have ramifications to their bottom line down the road (since Blizzard are a company whose entire business model only works because they can expect to sell millions on reputation alone)
But yeah, I'm a moron for expecting Diablo III to, you know, actually fucking work when it comes out. How silly of me.
You know considering you are claiming to be a reviewer you capabilities are quite low. -8 points under 6 posts...
For someone with such a sense of smug superiority you're kind of a colossal idiot.


Jun 15, 2009
I think a tiny fraction of all that cash really go into game development , so no surprise that their games have the exact same problem has any other game studio, yesterday plenty of my friends had trouble even to install.
Apologies ? you will never get any, vivendi is a big corproration customers are worthless to those, any customer support with them is completely deshumanized. Its fun game but way overrated as everything blizzard produced.


Subscribe to my OnlyFans
Jan 10, 2008
location, location
Bubbles In Memoria
I break the self-imposed silence with quick impressions after a few hours of gameplay (as said earlier, I pre-ordered D3 weeks ago because it's the only game I will get to play with my siblings in years).

Art style, you say? This game is an eyesore. Literally, I have chronic dry eye syndrome, and it was starting to make my eyes hurt, trying to focus on the blurred outlines of shit.

I would even be fine with it if it had WoW art style, but it has none. WoW had environments that weren't blurry and murky. It had a sharp cartoon look (ironically more like Torchlight 2).

D3's environments are but a texture covering the barren gameplay grid underneath - both visually and in terms of layout. Half of Diablo is the presence of the environment, but Jay Wilson's "artistic vision" involved blurrying shit out so characters "stand out more".

I installed darkd3.com filter, which is a MUST for retaining a semblance of sanity, but there are two problems:

1) Sharpening unsharpened images is like zooming into a police photo expecting CSI-like enhancement. It works better than I thought, actually, but there's no free lunch.

2) When you're running through a monochromatic dungeon and your character is lit up with the dungeon's "color theme" (SICKLY GREEN), no post-processor will fix it. This is why I signed the color petition in 2008, among 64000 others to be summarily laughed at and dismissed by Jay Wilson and the rest of "NU DIABLO" team. If character are to "stand out more", why is my screen all green? Why is my character green as I run through the dungeon? Am I running this on a monochrome monitor from the 70's?

Remember when I said that Torchlight 2, a low-budget indie game will be able to compete with Diablo3 graphics-wise? Well, from the latest videos of T2, it looks exactly that way. Not only it has environments that actually come together as a whole, it has a dungeon generator that is more expansive, it has skill trees, it has characters that don't look like ass.

My male Wizard looks like an Elf of ambiguous gender, by the way. His voice is what I'd expect from a mage, and it completely mismatches his appearance.

The attacks... feel passable (better than Titan Quest, which was awful), and look mediocre. Demon Hunter has a chaingun at level 6 or something, and Wizard has a spell which looks like a bitmap of THE UNIVERSE, rotating and expanding. And a giant laser. There seems little rhyme or reason to the nature of these attacks. Like the game's dungeons, they're a thin overlay over DPS mechanics, designed to make you feel like you're doing something important, rather than having any semblance of strategic weight. Or just plain old "oomph" for that matter. None of my attacks match the Sorceress' fireball in pure feel. Instead, it feels like using an overpowered wand in WoW.

This feeling of immediate feedback between what you do and what happens to enemies, is crippled by the obvious use of WoW engine, in a lazy way. Major parts of code had to be rewritten for it to work as a Diablo game.

They clearly weren't changed enough.

The WoW stench is all over the game - from hearthstone, to the spell bar, to strangely instanced bosses, to the lack of single-player mechanics (why did you think they left them out? Because WoW had none to port over).

When my cousin Barbarian runs, his animation doesn't finish before looping. If the animation is X frames, it goes somewhere to X*0.7, then back to the first frame. That's right, the animation/network engine is doing that in a Blizzard game in 2012.

With all their focus on coop mechanics and simplicity (they removed distance limit for party XP gain, after all), Blizzard somehow managed to fuck that up anyway by introducing items which boost XP gain. Eventually this is bound to unhinge the progress of various party members from one another, and I have no idea of how the game will handle a level 30 fighting alongside a level 36. Blizzard completely ignored the ingenious party scaling "sidekick" mode from City of Heroes (2004), and somehow I don't think it's in Diablo 3. It sure as hell wasn't in WoW. Pun intended.

The game looks like something terrible happened in 2008-2010, and they restarted completely from scratch, in emergency mode. Or maybe they just wasted a lot of time. They took code from WoW team, used Raven Cemetery and Darkshire as template, combined it with Warcraft3's "in-game storytelling mission cutscene corridor design", and off they went.

Jay Wilson is the Blizzard's version of George Lucas. Destroying a franchise for money, by trying to appeal to lowest common denominator, which, luckily, happens to align with the apex of his own imagination and taste.

Diablo 3 is not a "bad" game. It's better than many Diablo-alikes out there (like Titan Quest). But, whatever the reason, there's no "Blizzard touch" to be felt. Not even close. The sanctity of the franchise has been fouled.

Thane Solus

Apr 29, 2012
X-COM Base
Unability to troughfully look through options. -2 points for being dubm.
I'm "dubm" for expecting a game that claims itself is an RPG to allow for character customization without having to turn on "not-an-idiot mode"?

Lack of personal initiative. (or lack of curiosity, a 14 year old girl would try it.) -2 points.
When the game gives a billion stats (most of them useless), shouldn't it be expected that it also lists something as basic as the damage your spells and skills does?

-2 screwed up by tooltips.
Actually, the tooltips are ambiguous. They say "increases damage by X% for class Y" but they word it to make it sound like a fixed percentage (so the formula is something like DPS * (attribute * .30) instead of one that changes as your attributes go up. And once more, it's my fault for expecting an RPG to explain its mechanics properly without having to turn on the "advanced tooltips" option?

You know when 20 mill monkeys would connect the same day, then after a week they would turn off, it's much larger load than in a MMO. In addition it has different structure. One of possibilities how to deal with this is to temporally lease servers to help with initial load...

-2 points for lack of technical competency.
Blizzard Entertainment
  1. Have the largest MMO in the world
AND? Its kiddie MMO for non gamers. It was decent in Vanilla after that it turned into Hello Kitty Online!
  1. Have the most advanced server infrastructure in the world
Rights, thats why u have queue on single players games.
  1. Have done multiple game launches like this in the past and have had more than enough chances to work out the kinks
  1. Specifically did a lengthy beta test and a stress test in order to determine how many servers to allocate and work out bugs
  2. Have been making Diablo III for over ten years
Apparently the good, or promising version from Blizzard North were canned, due to not being "accesible" lol
  1. Apparently have no problem with making their users wait for potentially days to play the game they already purchased
  2. Apparently also have done this solely out of penny-pinching as not renting some extra server space for a few days would cut into their undoubtedly mass profits
  3. Have no apparent intention of apologizing or trying to make it up to fans
  4. Have a reputation for being one of the best if not the best PC developers in business (reputation, not necessarily truth)
They had, no they just have a few drones, and lots of Asians fanboys.
  1. Seem content to contribute negatively to that reputation, without making attempts to change those perceptions even though if it keeps up it could have ramifications to their bottom line down the road (since Blizzard are a company whose entire business model only works because they can expect to sell millions on reputation alone)
But yeah, I'm a moron for expecting Diablo III to, you know, actually fucking work when it comes out. How silly of me.

Yes u are, u payed 60$ for single player game that requires you to be online, so they can have more sales. Objectively if you have fun with it, thats great, but dont try to apologize for Blizzard's Greed.

I wont even talk about Auction Whoring or Dumbing the mechanics.

You know considering you are claiming to be a reviewer you capabilities are quite low. -8 points under 6 posts...

For someone with such a sense of smug superiority you're kind of a colossal idiot.

This thread if full of non sense from you. First Blizz is dead since Vivendi bought them, second the only thing the keept from the old Blizzard brand is polished, the rest is business a usual. Dumb casual mechanics, Cartonish graphics, story for molested childrens, and same but dumbdown mechanics on sequels, since they are incapable of creating something good and news, SINCE most of the people that created the good games from Blizz left long time ago.

And since you "journalist" when you will learn that quality > quantity will receive a bonus from me.

Are u trying to get a PR at Blizz, since i really dont know how you can act like this.

Its nothing wrong or un-codex to like the game and have fun for whatever it is, but stop apoligizing and inventing shit for Blizzard, defenders of Status Quo, or fanboys i guess.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
No, this is just one of these anti blind fanboy threads.
One of those where you see something "casual" and have to hate it for all sorts of arbitrary reasons that don't matter to those who like it.

Criticizing Diablo 3 for having a 10 hour campaign on Normal is like telling an Indian that their food is too spicy. They don't care. They like their food spicy. When they bought their food they knew it would be spicy. They knew it'd hurt coming out. That is what they like. That is what they wanted.

Codex is great when it comes to RPGs but as soon as we stray into the territory of action games, half of you turn into bumbling morons that understand nothing of game design and mechanics, or what makes an action game or a hack & slash great. For proof I'd like to point to the various jRPG, Dark Souls and this thread where ignorance about what makes these games great is constantly displayed.

For reference, this is like walking up to a dog-owner and saying "this breed is terrible, get rid of him" when you only own cats and know nothing about dogs. RPGs and Diablo 3, RPGs and Dark Souls, those are distantly related but completely different worlds and you can't use your standard RPG expectations to judge them.

Would you judge a comedy on its merits as a horror movie?

Edit: That said, shihonage raises some very valid points. How much they detriment your own experience is, however, dependent on your priorities.


Dec 17, 2008
The game is fun, but I agree with many of the detractors. It's by no means perfect or even close to that and many of the design decisions are actively bad. I don't see what the hell took them 6 years of development, unless it was the repeated gutting and recreation of the character/skill system, and even that shouldn't have taken years of time. The game doesn't look much different than it did in the first images released in 08.

The graphics are an absolute eyesore without using the DarkD3 mod. I've been using it while playing, and at one point I disabled it and couldn't believe how awful it looked. Apparently there is a Lord of Bloom lurking in the world because it looks like someone took a bloom shit all over every map. The DarkD3 mod isn't perfect either, but it's much superior to the standard graphics.

The game has definitely been "touched" by the MMORPG disease and it's not exactly for the better. The matchmaking has worked well in my opinion, but the rest of the stuff is gross. Achievements are okay, but I hate how the game flashes shit in your face like a Call of Duty game, and why are developers so keen on giving achievements for arbitrary or trivial goals? You clicked "join random game" button - ACHIEVEMENT! You picked up 100 piles of gold - ACHIEVEMENT! It's just stupid.

I'm not going to hold the server errors against the game, but it was pretty shitty admittedly.

On the upside, I still hold the opinion that the skill system is a lot better than D2's system simply because you are constantly changing your active skills rather than using a passive and 1-2 others through the entire game like D2. I also still get that happy feeling when a rare item drops - that's one thing they managed to get right that many other D2 clones failed at.

All in all, it's a fun game, but when it comes down to it, it doesn't feel like Diablo. It feels like a good D2 clone, but I don't think it feels like I would have expected a D3 to be like, if that makes sense; it's hard to put into words. If it wasn't for Cain/Tristram and the other characters it would feel like a completely different series. D1 and D2 feel very similar but something is lost with the 3D and bloom shit. At least they kept it isometric.

Having said all of that, there are some absolute dumb fucks in this thread. No one is claiming that the game is perfect and the epitome of ARPGs and some of the anti-D3 rants here are fuckin' dumb.


Aug 9, 2008
you guys are fucking faggots, diablo 3 is shit bam i just said with one post what you most of you tards couldn't in 59 pages


Lunacy of Caen: Todd Reaver
Aug 2, 2011
you guys are fucking faggots, diablo 3 is shit bam i just said with one post what you most of you tards couldn't in 59 pages
Aside from the horrendously offensive DRM scheme they've got going the actual game itself seems p. good, if I had one of those guest passes I'd give it to you.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
With all their focus on coop mechanics and simplicity (they removed distance limit for party XP gain, after all), Blizzard somehow managed to fuck that up anyway by introducing items which boost XP gain. Eventually this is bound to unhinge the progress of various party members from one another, and I have no idea of how the game will handle a level 30 fighting alongside a level 36.

Both Torchlight and Torchlight 2 have these type of items/random item stats.


Dec 17, 2008
I don't think +XP items are going to do anything like create a 6-level gap between party members. Unless you completely deck yourself out in +XP gear, and you probably won't because you always get better equipment, the bonus is pretty small. +1XP per kill (a common attribute) or even +1% XP is probably barely enough to create a 1-level gap at level 30 let alone a 6-level gap. You need to more than double your XP from level 30 to reach level 36, for example; almost 2,000,000 to go from 30 -> 36.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
Pretty much. Most items I've seen of this variety (at least in the TL's) are limited to 1-3% point boosts.
Apr 18, 2009
Gameplay-wise, the wizard is a treat. I like it how they managed to take the old system and actually improve upon it rather than sticking with the stupid system which had casters run out of mana constantly and being unable to defend themselves.

You'll hate torchlight 2's embermage then.

Yup. For the same reason I hated the Alchemist.
Apr 18, 2009
Yeah, and whoever said that the game is linear? Yeah, that... but then again, Diablo 2 was a succession of large areas strung together by linear corridors too (except for Act 3 in Diablo 2. That fucking jungle was amazing).


Dungeons in d2 weren't linear at all, you could almost never know which direction you should head.

I am also rejoiced to see another Codexer who likes act 3. Most of the hivemind hate it, but I always found it the most interesting of all acts of d2. Exploring a jungle with fetish villages containing pots with boiling humans, now this is an adventure!


Dec 17, 2008
Whoever says the game is linear/straight hallways is outing themselves as someone who hasn't even played it. Some of the first areas you go to are wide open outdoor areas with optional mult-floor dungeons, etc. And there isn't a single linear dungeon that I've seen so far; every one has dead ends. Hell, the Cathedral area, one of the first you go to, is like 5 floors deep and massive, where you can take a turn at a crossroads and fight through for 10 minutes only to find that the stairs down aren't in that direction at all.

Compare that to shit like Skyrim where the dungeons unfold like a fucking large intestine. Diablo 3's randomly-generated dungeons put their "hand-crafted" ones to shame.

Bruma Hobo

Dec 29, 2011
Codex is great when it comes to RPGs but as soon as we stray into the territory of action games, half of you turn into bumbling morons that understand nothing of game design and mechanics, or what makes an action game or a hack & slash great. For proof I'd like to point to the various jRPG, Dark Souls and this thread where ignorance about what makes these games great is constantly displayed.

This is exactly why our mods should move those threads to GG.


Dec 12, 2009
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2

"So I installed the game last night, logged in about 4am EST, and finished it up about an hour ago on normal. Now what?

Do I just play the same stuff over and over increasing the difficulties? If so, that cant be all there is? Is there end game or something I am totally missing????

Im so bummed out thinking all the hype and 60 bucks was for about 6 hours of a good time (which it was). Now I can just farm gear for a single player game? I cant even show it off like in WoW?

Can someone clarify what I am missing"

p.s. According to wiki, Development on Diablo III began in 2001.
Just stop rushing through the game? If you play it like a normal human being, act 1 alone will take you 5 to 10 hours.


Dec 17, 2008
I'm playing with a group slowly and clearing every area, we're about 6 hours in and not even done Act 1 yet.

Yes you can rush through the game, but if someone new to the series played D3 and completed it in 6 hours they clearly clicked through the dialogues/movies and didn't explore any optional areas whatsoever. Doing that and then complaining is like putting your dick on a hot stove and complaining when you burn it.

And I can't stress it enough: hardcore mode is vastly more fun than regular mode. Cooperative normal mode with friends is pretty damn fun too, though.


Feb 11, 2012
United States of America
At least D3 is way better than that piece of shit Dark Souls.

As opposed to Skyrim, D3's enjoyment expands as you play, not retracts, as you're given solid character build functions, which are in no way perverse.

Looking forward to playing on the harder difficulties with different builds.


inXile Entertainment
May 3, 2011
Whoever says the game is linear/straight hallways is outing themselves as someone who hasn't even played it. Some of the first areas you go to are wide open outdoor areas with optional mult-floor dungeons, etc. And there isn't a single linear dungeon that I've seen so far; every one has dead ends. Hell, the Cathedral area, one of the first you go to, is like 5 floors deep and massive, where you can take a turn at a crossroads and fight through for 10 minutes only to find that the stairs down aren't in that direction at all.

Compare that to shit like Skyrim where the dungeons unfold like a fucking large intestine. Diablo 3's randomly-generated dungeons put their "hand-crafted" ones to shame.
Kinda. Some of the dungeons are good but a lot of the ones on the critical path seem very short and straightforward, with only very small diversions. It's the optional ones that seem to be the biggest. Even in the dungeons where you have a lot of paths like the spider lair in act 1, you still can usually figure out where to go just by traveling as far opposite the entrance as you can.

Compare that to the veritable mazes in act 3 of Diablo II... nowhere near as complicated. Pretty sure that was a conscious choice so the casual players can run through the game quickly while the more obsessive players can have hours upon hours of gameplay. One thing that makes me wonder is if XP rewards are scaled. Seems like everyone is level 30 after completing the game, even the ones that rushed straight through.

Mind, that's not a bad thing all the time because shorter, straightforward dungeons can also be fun. The Cathedral in act 1 of Diablo III is actually pretty mind-numbing because of how boring and straightforward it is. But even so, the largest dungeons in Diablo III aren't anywhere near as labyrinthine as the ones in Diablo II, most likely owing to them having to make all the 3D graphics fit together rather than working with tilesets.

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