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Auction House Online: The Game (Diablo 3) is a MASSIVE decline


Jan 8, 2009
D3Dark doesn't seem to work for me at the moment, after just extracting to game folder, but I'll check that again.

Level 23 and in Act 2, dungeons are very big but they're a lot more corridory than D2. Hand in hand, you can't seem to teleport-spam anymore, so it would be more frustrating if they were as sprawling as before.


Jun 7, 2007
Yep, consequences suck.

Consequence is when something happens in the game due to your previous choice from the quest or gameplay and NOT A FUCKING GAME MECHANIC YOU FUCKING MORON.

What blizzard in essence done with skill system compared to d2:

- you don't have to make a new char everytime you want to try something different

- you don't have to lvl to 50 like in d2 just to found out that the skill you wanted to test is useless and you have to start over again (that's not a fucking consequence idiots, that's a fucking bad game mechanic)

- No broken 1-2 builds that everyone will use

- No broken gear skill based build

Idiots who couldn't come up with this by themselves have an IQ lower than 80 compared to for example my Neanderthal superior 120 and over IQ mind. Manboons shouldn't be even allowed near a game mechanic because all that they will leave is smoke and dust followed by dumbfuckery for eons of time.

So idiots ITT pls leave the game mechanics to your overlords at Blizzard.
Be sure not to try any of the old (a)RPGs then. Or RPGs in general, I suppose. Most of them have that crappy game mechanic where you have to make choices for you character's development and then live with the consequences, actually forcing you to plan and think and shit. It sucks.


Jul 11, 2010
Just one question guys: Is there any hope for a warez release or do I have to buy this shit? :hmmm:


Apr 18, 2012
Just one question guys: Is there any hope for a warez release or do I have to buy this shit?

It'll be a while before they get a decent server emulator working and get all the scripting working if it's even possible. You don't have to buy this shit though.


Jun 7, 2007
Yeah, don't see there coming any warez release anytime soon. Maybe a buggy emulator in a year or so. They'll probably have to make most stuff from scratch, like item stats, maps, quests and gameplay mechanics( damage calculations, loot drops, etc.). I think the WoW emulators are still pretty crappy ten years after release.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
Yep if they still haven't mastered WoW emulation/private servers I wouldn't hold your breath on D3.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
Oct 21, 2002
Codex USB, 2014
The game is challenging. I'm now at act 2 in Hell and it's raping my barbarian.
I've had to reload a game simply because a rarespawn is too powerful.


May 17, 2012
I'm pretty much sure SP mode for this asspiece is going to get cracked soon enough. Blizzard's pathetic nausiating attempt to prevent its so called " masterpiece " to get pirated will never ever be successful. One thing that pisses me off ( and lots of other people ) about Blizzard is that how they treat their games like they're something especial. I mean if any other dev used this DRM method, they would get boycotted and trashed like a POS. But because of all of this Blizzard blind fanboys, we have to deal with this kind of stupid idiotic insane unbearable digit rights management and an extra 10$. I mean what makes this POS so different than other PC games that gives it the reason to be more expensive? What reason really.


Aug 12, 2011
Flin Flon
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
So by the sounds of things this is a another round of Starcraft 2: the game can be quite a bit of fun, but the story does nothing other than detract from the experience. At the very least, Diablo doesn't have nearly as much to ruin as Starcraft does.

The difficulty sounds more entertaining than I was expecting, but I don't think I can justify paying sixty dollars for this. The microtransactions and DRM are a huge turn off.
Mar 13, 2012
Lost Hills bunker
I'm not sure who plays Starcraft and Diablo for the story.

Well if the story's not important and if nobody plays Starcraft and Diablo for the story, I'm not sure why Blizzard spends millions and millions of dolars on story elements (cutscenes, cinematics etc.) in every iteration of those games... :smug:

I personally enjoyed Diablo 1 story, because it was an interesting on fantasy setting, without bullshit Orcs, Elves, Dwarves etc., it was interesting because it flirted with Christian mythology, and because of an anti-climactic ending. I enjoyed Starcraft 1 & Brood War story even more.

The thing is Blizzard doesn't even try anymore, they just make cash machines nowadays for mostly brainless audience... :roll:

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
I'm not sure who plays Starcraft and Diablo for the story.

Shit excuse. Starcraft had a very good story for an RTS, and the cinematics were pretty well done. Diablo didn't have much of a story, but what was there fit with the general atmosphere and was not an hindrance to the enjoyment of the game.

Blizzard started to fuck around in the story department only with Diablo 2, which was relatively good up until the big angel guy showed up, which is where the derp started. By the time Warcraft 3 came out, their writing and story telling had degenerated to a point where it actually started to interfere with the enjoyment of the game, and its been like that ever since.

At any rate, a friend handed me a pass key, but so far i found the game to be decent at best. While the amount of detail they poured into the visuals is very good, the style just doesn't do it for me. It really does feel like a mix between Torchlite and Diablo, with a bit of WoW thrown in. The gameplay is smooth and polished but the difficulty appears to be non-existent, though i think they nerfed boss encounters in the start up version, for whatever reason. The skill system may make sense in light of the flaws of the original, but that's just a cop out to me. They should have fixed those flaws, not remove the only thing that made building your character interesting.

Its not a bad game in so far as action RPGs go, but if it wasn't for the fact there aren't many new games to play its not something i would normally spend money on.


Feb 22, 2011
Just beat the Skeleton King and got into the new area, first mobs were definitely tougher and put us to half life in a few hits. Happy about that. Not happy about little bits of lag creeping in, it's especially jarring with the Monk. Seemed to be slightly better last night than at launch though. Is anyone else using a Monk? Did you notice that the first rune of the initial primary skill just like, BLINKS you to where the enemy is standing? It seems really shit I was wondering if it was a bug or something. The skill reads that I should teleport there but fucking hell, just blinking there? It's very off putting, so I'm not using that rune/skill.

I played a WD in the open beta and it was pretty boring, considering gf is playing a wizard. Monk is much more fun and satisfying.

Anyone saying that this is better than Dark Souls is beyond full retard. Dark Souls fucks this game up in so many ways it's not even funny...oh wait actually it kind of is.


Nov 1, 2007
Dans Ton Cul
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin
I played Diablo 3 for 2 hours and watched a video of Dark Souls with bad metal as background music for 2 minutes. This allows me to declare with confidence that Diablo 3 is one of the best games ever made while Dark Souls simply sucks.


Did you notice that the first rune of the initial primary skill just like, BLINKS you to where the enemy is standing? It seems really shit I was wondering if it was a bug or something. The skill reads that I should teleport there but fucking hell, just blinking there? It's very off putting, so I'm not using that rune/skill.
It works as intended. Yeah, i also thought it was lag, but then i actually read the description. It's useful though, especially when you want to catch that little goblin.


Feb 24, 2005
Starcraft had a very good story for an RTS, and the cinematics were pretty well done.

Play it again sometime: you might be surprised to find your memory doesn't match reality. Blizzard has been pretty consistent over the years when it comes to their stories. That is, their stories have consistently been schlocky scifi/fantasy pulp that appeals to your inner 12 year old boy. And honestly, if you can put yourself in that mindset -- of a 12 year old boy -- Blizzard stories work pretty well as light entertainment. To my knowledge, Metzen, unlike Gaider, has never claimed to be telling the "story of the human condition". In all honesty, I don't think Metzen is even aware that writing can be a medium for such ideas, which is good because it's completely out of place in bog standard sci-fi/fantasy plotting and characterization.This shit isn't Shakespeare, but unlike Bioware, I'm not wincing every time a character opens his or her mouth either.

Finished Act II a few miinutes ago. I've played now for 12 hours and 20 minutes, and am totally loving my level 25 Demon Hunter.


Jan 8, 2009
Anyone telling me any Blizzard game had good story... I have no idea. They were always crap, its just that the presentation was balanced in the earlier generations. Now it's all overboard.


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
Remember in Diablo 1 where angels didn't exist at all outside of legends? Was pretty nice. From discovering seemingly ancient knowledge from books that were lost beneath the monastary in D1, to plot dispenser NPCs and meeting angels (but they totally can't help you outside of cutscenes even though they are lvl 100 and you start the game at lvl 1) in D2/D3.
I actually quite liked the portrayal of angels in D2, but overall yeah.

They really fucked up the angels in this. I'd expect them to be uncaring, alien and reserved in their manners. But in the first cinematic they're already behaving like butthurt children pointlessly fighting each other over the first minor conflict they have.

Also the cutscenes were underwhelming in general. There were only about 3 of them, 2 of which were shown months, if not years ago.
Pretty derp, if so.
Blizz were masters of cinematics for quite some time.

The DRM was probably very wise. Many people want to play as soon as possible and can't be bothered to wait for a crack- so this way they give in and buy the game. It does appear to be quite the sales hit.
That's the case for weaker, not stronger DRM.

If your target wants to play the game right fucking away, to the point they wait in gigantic queues before the stores, you don't need anything more than a speedbump for crackers, because hours matter for your players.

Going strong DRM and then having it fuck up and deprive those players of opportunity to play may scare quite a few off and will generally work in favour of crackers.

Why the fuck do I have to be connected to a server to play single player? Not even Steam requires that 100% of the time.
Steam can be used in offline mode indefinitely. if you don't need new patches/MP, or any of this newfangled community e-penis meters, you don't really need to ever go online with it.

The Diablo serie never had much of an interesting world, and that's mostly because it never had great characters.
That's bollocks.
Take TES - very interesting world, but most characters are hahahaohwow.jpg in terms of memorability.

Sure, it has a darker theme for a fantasy story, long before grim and dark was fashionable like it is now, and it was fun to see it deal with the themes of corruption and end of the world, but it was there mostly to give some background to the action and nothing else.
Sure, there is no denying that Diablo lore was painted with precious few strokes, but it was pretty cool.

The portrayal relied strongly on parallels with RL christian mythology, so most of the lore was implicit. Only key differences (like stuff going beneath the facade - things being quite manichean, secret war between agents of heaven and hell, powerful mortal mages in secrecy aligning with either side; and stuff explicitly different - magic, Horadrim, Dark Exile, etc.) were explicitly invoked.

Yeah, it was just a background, but atmosphere was a big part of the first Diablo and this definitely helped create this atmosphere.

that's diablo for you...
Well, no, that's not "diablo for you".

Diablo for me is that game where when you opened that square room full of gore on dlvl2 a fat fuck with huge cleaver ran out and sodomized every fucking part of your body with this cleaver.

Diablo, for me is that game where you could get volleyraped by acid puking abominations in catacombs and later by fire/lightning/lava spewing monstrosities in caves.

Diablo, for me is that game where you can't predict what enemies you'll meet and what resists you will need often meaning you go ridiculously underprepared.

Diablo, for me is that game where despite all the simplicity and gameplay consisting of clicking shit to death you sometimes have to think because just running forth with sword in hand will get you fucked to death, often before you'll even reach the enemy.

Also, Diablo for me is the game where all this happens on normal, and higher difficulties merely serve as game++, kept interesting by randomness of the game, not the only proper game modes you're kept from playing by several obligatory full-length tutorials.

Consequence is when something happens in the game due to your previous choice from the quest or gameplay and NOT A FUCKING GAME MECHANIC YOU FUCKING MORON.
Builds are the original choice in cRPGs, whileconsequences of those builds the original consequence.

Get out of my sight, cretin.

- you don't have to lvl to 50 like in d2 just to found out that the skill you wanted to test is useless and you have to start over again (that's not a fucking consequence idiots, that's a fucking bad game mechanic)
Of course having useless skills is bad mechanics. Problem?
- No broken 1-2 builds that everyone will use

- No broken gear skill based build
You forgot "no builds in general".

Also, argument about people looking up overpowered builds and aping them can be compared to argument about people looking up cheat codes as justification for removing HPs and putting in obligatory godmode.

As opposed to Skyrim, D3's enjoyment expands as you play, not retracts, as you're given solid character build functions
Such as?

You know when 20 mill monkeys would connect the same day, then after a week they would turn off, it's much larger load than in a MMO. In addition it has different structure. One of possibilities how to deal with this is to temporally lease servers to help with initial load...

-2 points for lack of technical competency.
You know, when you force 20 mil monkeys to connect to your servers even though it's in no way relevant to the gameplay model your game uses, then you shouldn't be surprised when they do.

If you do act surprised it's not them who are technically incompetent.

Yeah but guns need player skills while Diablo 3 doesn't.
So, no player skills, and no character builds - what does that leave us with?


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Heh, that's what i told my friends who asked me to get the game "SO WE CAN PLAY TOGETHER"
By their definition playing together means gimping yourself within each other levels so one won't be a deadweight/uberpowerful in co-op games.

Of course, mentioning Torchlight 2 when they complained of shitty 4 hour queues to get their boxed preorder set got me a funny stare. "Are you stupid?" "That isn't Diablo. It's kid's stuff."
Whatever. I wont get enough mileage out of D3 to justify the jacked up price.


Dec 17, 2008
If you're an achievement fag, the game has some major issues with the achievement system. Almost every player has lost achievements they once earned, and this results in situations where it's impossible to regain them again. For example you can lose the achievement for crafting 10 items but keep the one for crafting 20 items, and since it goes on a counter you can never regain the first one again.

Awesome. :retarded:


Lunacy of Caen: Todd Reaver
Aug 2, 2011
I crafted my wizard a wand as soon as the options became available and now I'm too too black and too skrong. My exploding lightning magic clears a room in like 3 seconds. It's just like Diablo!


Jul 15, 2010
Draq said:
Pretty derp, if so.
Blizz were masters of cinematics for quite some time.

The way Tyrael and the head honcho angel interact could be compared to the way Megatron and Starscream interact: they disagree over something, immediately fly into gratuitous combat mode and then exchange a few blows until Megatron wins. It's basically just a meaningless, generic fight scene thrown in for the kiddies.

As for the rest, it seems to be Blizzard's new thing considering SC2 did it too. They blow their wad as soon as they can by showing all of their cutscenes in trailers, then when the game comes out it turns out you've already seen everything.

And yeah they used to do great cutscenes.


Jun 4, 2009
Great Pacific Garbage Patch
No, this is just one of these anti blind fanboy threads.
One of those where you see something "casual" and have to hate it for all sorts of arbitrary reasons that don't matter to those who like it.

Criticizing Diablo 3 for having a 10 hour campaign on Normal is like telling an Indian that their food is too spicy. They don't care. They like their food spicy. When they bought their food they knew it would be spicy. They knew it'd hurt coming out. That is what they like. That is what they wanted.

Codex is great when it comes to RPGs but as soon as we stray into the territory of action games, half of you turn into bumbling morons that understand nothing of game design and mechanics, or what makes an action game or a hack & slash great. For proof I'd like to point to the various jRPG, Dark Souls and this thread where ignorance about what makes these games great is constantly displayed.

For reference, this is like walking up to a dog-owner and saying "this breed is terrible, get rid of him" when you only own cats and know nothing about dogs. RPGs and Diablo 3, RPGs and Dark Souls, those are distantly related but completely different worlds and you can't use your standard RPG expectations to judge them.

Would you judge a comedy on its merits as a horror movie?

Edit: That said, shihonage raises some very valid points. How much they detriment your own experience is, however, dependent on your priorities.
You have got to be shitting me. So just because I hang out on a primarily RPG forum, I shouldn't know shit about action game mechanics or have no critique of shitty business practices. It's hilarious that you're assuming that the typical codex forum visitor is somehow locked into playing one type of game, when the thousands of threads pertaining to action/strategy gaming show otherwise.

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