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Auction House Online: The Game (Diablo 3) is a MASSIVE decline


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
:lol: Skyway has a way to generate a shitstorm for good or ill, notice he hasn't even posted anything recent in this thread yet the flames of rage still burn on and on?


:hero: Until Diablo 4 is out!


Feb 22, 2011
Draq said:
Pretty derp, if so.
Blizz were masters of cinematics for quite some time.

The way Tyrael and the head honcho angel interact could be compared to the way Megatron and Starscream interact: they disagree over something, immediately fly into gratuitous combat mode and then exchange a few blows until Megatron wins. It's basically just a meaningless, generic fight scene thrown in for the kiddies.

As for the rest, it seems to be Blizzard's new thing considering SC2 did it too. They blow their wad as soon as they can by showing all of their cutscenes in trailers, then when the game comes out it turns out you've already seen everything.

And yeah they used to do great cutscenes.

Are...are you rubbishing the eternal awesomeness of the rivalry between Megatron and Starscream? I know this is the Codex, but fuck this hurts bro.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin



Dec 18, 2006
:lol: Skyway has a way to generate a shitstorm for good or ill, notice he hasn't even posted anything recent in this thread yet the flames of rage still burn on and on?
I'm sure if not for skyway Codex would totally ignore this game.


May 8, 2003

"This is absolutely degrading..." Starscream grumbled darkly to himself as he walked down the dark, gloomy corridor that lead to Megatron's throne room, holding a tray that held a barrel filled with premium-grade oil and two small cubes of energon. "I mean, who does that fragger think he is, ordering me to wear this appalling thing?" The seeker glared down at himself, eyeing the frilly black french maid outfit he wore with evident disgust. Apart from the white apron and maid's cap that he wore on his helm and the white ruffled wrist and ankle laces he wore upon his servos and pedes, he wore a large, pink ribbon around his waist, which was tied of into a bow at the back. More pink ribbons held his maid's cap and laces in place, and if that hadn't been bad enough, he had also been ordered to bedeck his wings with ribbons as well. Primus, now that had been a real pain in the aft to do, to try and intertwine those ribbons neatly over and under before tying them off into a neat bow upon his wingtips. He had been required to ask Blitzwing to help him in that matter, and the German triple-changer's Random side had almost laughed himself offline at the sight he had made, dressed in overwhelming amounts of white frilly lace and pink girly ribbons and bows. Why had he ended up in such a laughable state to begin with?

"Oh yes, that's right, it's because of him..." Starscream growled, thinking of the mech who had ordered this supreme humiliation upon him. Megatron, that pompous, arrogant scrapheap, had gotten the idea that verbally chastening him and dealing out the obligatory physical blows upon his fine seeker self for daring to make some cutting comment about how one of his oh, so brilliant schemes would fail to come to fruition was not doing a single thing in teaching him to keep his vocalizer shut, so his warped processor came up with the idea to degrade him by ordering him to wear this, this dress for a whole Primus-damned deca-cycle to teach him a lesson. The very nerve of that insufferable fragger! His pride wouldn't stand for this, by the AllSpark it wouldn't! He swore he would find a way to get revenge on that Mega-fool, even if it took him offline in the process.

By the time Starscream had plotted out half a dozen possible ideas for his revenge against Megatron, he had arrived at the tyrant's throne room, where he knew that Megatron was waiting for him inside, ready to heap more humiliation upon his helm by ordering him to do menial chores like some dratted cleaning-drone. He paused to take a deep intake, gathering himself up for the unavoidable confrontation, then with his helm held high he entered the throne room, the serving tray and its contents balanced upon one servo as he dipped an impudent curtsy to the gray mech seated upon his throne. "Your oil and energon, as you requested, my Lord..." Starscream announced, laying a sarcastic emphasis on Megatron's title.

Megatron made no comment on the seeker's obvious insolence, though when he spoke his voice did hold a warning edge to it. "Bring it here, Starscream. And don't be all day about it."

"As you wish, my liege." Starscream replied with the same sarcastic air, keeping his nasal sensor held high as he approached the Decepticon leader. Just look at him, all smug and superior, thinking that he was better than him just because his word was practically law around this rotten place. Starscream longed to knock him down a peg or three dozen, and as he sauntered over with the tray of oil and energon, a wicked idea sprang to his meta. Oh, he'll show that insufferable fragger that it never payed to humilate a seeker...

When Starscream was two feet away from Megatron with his tray laden with oil and energon, the seeker suddenly appeared to trip over nothing; he let out an over-dramatic 'Oh!' as he tumbled and the oil and energon went flying, and it took all of Starscream's willpower not to laugh with malicious delight as the contents of the barrel and cubes spilt themselves all over Megatron's chassis. Black oil mixed with bright pink energon and dripped down the Decepticon tyrant's frame towards his pelvic region, and a few black and pink drops decorated Megatron's face-plates, making him appear as if he had some weird form of space-plague.

"Oh! I am so sorry about that, my Lord. I must have tripped over something!" Starscream fought to keep his tone apologetic in the face of the hilarious sight before him. "How terribly clumsy of me! I shall fetch you a towel so that you may clean yourself off!"

As Starscream turned to leave, fully intent on running off so he could give vent to the laughter that was threatening to escape him, Megatron's voice hissed out from behind him, freezing him in his tracts more effectively than Blitzwing's ice-cannons. "Stay right where you are, Starscream. Now turn around and face me." Swallowing hard, fighting to keep the fear that had risen in his spark upon hearing that dangerous hiss, Starscream turned to face Megatron. The Decepticon tyrant had made no move to rise from his throne, but his crimson optics were flat and filled with menace as he growled, "You did that on purpose, you insolent little upstart. You just never learn your lesson, do you?" Narrowing his optics, Megatron crooked a finger at Starscream, beckoning him forward. "Your punishment has now been extended to five deca-cycles for this little stunt, and if you ever get the idea to do anything like this again, I shall make your punishment far more physically damaging and permanent. Do I make myself clear?"

"U-Understood, Megatron..." Starscream stuttered. Megatron's mouth set itself into a dangerous scowl, and the seeker was prompted to correct himself. "Understood, Master Megatron..."

"That's better. You're starting to learn your place, my little maid." Megatron smirked as the seeker swelled with indignation upon being addressed in such a manner, then beckoned Starscream with his finger again. Wondering what the dangerous warlord wanted of him, the seeker hesitantly moved closer, and he had to bite his lip to stifle a startled shriek as Megatron's servo shot out with the speed of a striking cyber-viper and seized one of his delicate wings in a forceful grip, dragging him in close until their face-plates were nearly touching. "Oh, and one other thing, Starscream...since you made this mess all over me, I order you to clean it up with your glossa. Now get to it, my little maid, before I tear those pretty beribboned wings off of your back and leave you to crawl around like an Autobot on your pedes for the rest of the millenia."

Starscream's optics bulged as he spluttered wordlessly, his spark hammering with panic. No, no way! He couldn't do that, lick off that mess that stained Megatron's chassis and pelvic region! He just couldn't! He considered his chances in making a break for it, but the servo that held his wing tightened its grip ruthlessly, making him whimper with pain. Running was definitely out of the question; Megatron would be upon him like an astro-cheetah at the throat of a turbo-gazelle, and then he would have to kiss his beloved wings goodbye. He cringed at the mere thought of that scenario taking place; he would do anything to keep his wings intact, even...even this degrading act to keep them safe.

"As you wish, Master..." Starscream growled out, restraining himself with a huge effort to keep from clawing out Megatron's gloating optics as he dipped his helm lower and hesitantly extended his glossa to lap up the spilt oil and energon off of the tyrant's chassis. The tangy oil mixed with the sweet energon left an interesting taste upon his glossa, though he could hardly sit back and enjoy it much due to the fact that Megatron still held his wing in a death-grip, ready to inflict damage if he missed a spot or tried to bite him. Keeping that in mind, the seeker kept himself in line for the time being and steadily licked up the mess on Megatron's chassis, hoping that nobody would find out about this and that as soon as he was finished he would be allowed to leave so that he could nurse his bruised pride and scheme up ways to get back at the gray mech for this insult to his dignity.

Of course, he should have known that Megatron would have never given him that much of a break. The eternal Pit would have had a much better chance at freezing solid than for Megatron to be lenient towards him.

"Yes, that's a good little maid, Starscream. Clean it all up and be sure not to miss a spot, otherwise I just might put you over my knee and deal out some punishment to that pert aft of yours." Megatron smirked, watching as the seeker began trembling with suppressed rage at his taunts. "But if you do a thorough job of it, I'll give you a nice little reward."

Starscream had a fair idea on what sort of 'reward' it would be, and he suppressed the urge to cringe. "You are too good to me, Master." He bit his lip hard as Megatron pinched the tip of his wing to chasten him for his continued sarcasm of the warlord's title, and he felt his spark quail when the larger mech hissed into his audio, "Less of your impudence, Starscream, before you truely raise my ire, and you will surely regret that with every ounce of your being."

"Forgive me, my Lord. It won't happen again." Starscream kept his tone as level as possible, though on the inside he was boiling and seething with suppressed fury. Damn that Pit-spawned glitch, damn him for eternity! The seeker went back to his task upon cleaning the tyrant's chassis, sucking out the oil and energon that had seeped down into the seams of Megatron's plating. Megatron loosened his grip on his wing until he was merely cupping it within his fingers, and Starscream shivered as those large blunt digits began stroking and teasing the sensitive edges of his wing. Starscream tried to ignore the feeling as he slipped further down to start cleaning the red-colored plating on Megatron's abdominal region. He lingered there, highly reluctant to travel down any further, but another pinch to his wing forced him to shove aside his reservations, and with a muted groan he trailed his glossa down to the black plating that was Megatron's pelvic region.

Megatron smirked at the sight of his second-in-command, with his face-plates right in his lap and his lips and cheeks stained with a mixture of oil and energon as he lapped at a stubborn patch of oil. What a sight he made, and fact that he was dressed in a maid's outfit and decorated with ribbons made it even better for the warlord. Starscream was far too full of himself, and by doing this to him he would make the seeker learn his place. And he thoroughly intended on enjoying himself while teaching Starscream a lesson in obedience and humility.

"You missed a spot, Starscream," Megatron tweaked the seeker's wing as he made to avoid his interface panel. "Now be a good maid and clean it up."

Starscream glared up at the larger mech, longing with every fibre of his spark to throttle the living slag out of Megatron. Steeling himself, he shuttered his optics as his glossa made contact with the one spot he had been loathe to come near. He was not the least bit surprised when he felt just how hot the panel was, and it disgusted him to know that Megatron had been getting a hard-on while he had been busy licking at his chassis. He chivved himself along, wanting to get this over and done with as soon as possible so he could leave the throne room and rinse his mouth out, but once again Megatron made things difficult for him.

Leaning back in his throne, Megatron allowed the plating that covered his cable to slide back, and the fully tumescent length rose up and almost struck Starscream in the optic. Leaning back as far as Megatron would allow him to, Starscream eyed the cable with a combination of disgust and trepidation; he had never seen Megatron in such an aroused state before, and it didn't take a genius to figure out just what Megatron wanted him to do with it.

"You know what to do, my pretty little maid. But don't even think about trying to bite, for I will rip off your wings and shove them up your aft as far as they can go." Megatron purred darkly, his cable throbbing with eager anticipation for what was to come. Gripping the back of Starscream's helm, he brought the reluctant seeker closer until his cable rubbed against Starscream's angrily pursed lips, leaving a smear of lubricant upon the gray metal. "Now, open wide, my little maid..."

Biting off a barrage of filthy curse words that he longed to hurl at the tyrant, Starscream gripped the base of the large cable to hold it steady as he parted his lips to let the leaking head slide into his mouth. He thanked his lucky stars that his mouth was already slick from a combination of oil, energon and solvent, which made it relatively easy for him to push more of the thick girth into his mouth. His jaw hinges were pushed to the limit as he struggled to take all of the cable in, and he relaxed his throat cables to make the task easier. He moaned around Megatron as the warlord made an appreciative sound and teasingly pinched his wingtip, urging him to keep at it. Keeping his throat cables as relaxed as possible, Starscream began to bob his helm, his cheeks hollowing as he created suction around the tyrant's cable, his glossa stroking against the erect girth and teasing the underside. He knew better than to stint on the oral play, for the sake of keeping Megatron in a good mood.

"Ungh...yes, just like that, Starscream. Put that mouth of yours to good use, nnghh..." Megatron grunted as the seeker deep-throated his cable expertly, and he began rubbing Starscream's wingtip between his fingers to encourage him to greater efforts. "Please your Lord and Master like the obedient little maid you are." Looking down at the seeker, he suddenly smirked. "Oh, but how rude of me. I'm sure you would like to feel pleasure too, isn't that right, Starscream? Why don't you touch yourself while you tend to me? I'll be sure to enjoy the show."

Starscream growled around Megatron's cable, his face-plates burning at the thought of that insufferable fragger ordering him to pleasure himself like some cheap brothel-bot, but he didn't dare disobey, not with Megatron's servo still lingering on his wing, ready to mangle it if he refused. Rolling his optics to express his displeasure of the current situation, Starscream reached down with one servo to slide it underneath his apron and lacy skirt, his fingers brushing against his interface panel. He shuddered as he teased himself for the moment, stroking the sensitive seams with his claws, feeling himself grow hot at his own touch. Another pinch to his wing urged him to get on with it, and he huffed around the cable still sliding in and out of his throat as he made his panel slide back, thus freeing his mech-hood from its housing. He cupped the throbbing length in his servo and began to fist himself slowly, his thumb swiping over the tip of his cable with every pass. Starscream relaxed and moaned deep within his throat as pleasure flickered through his circuits, and Megatron growled as the vibrations of his moans reverberated throughout his cable still within the seeker's hot and wet mouth.

"Nnghh...yes...that's it, just like that, Starscream..." Megatron hissed, digging the fingers of his free hand into the arm of his throne, watching intently as Starscream sucked at his mech-hood while stroking himself in time with the bobs of his helm. The little glitch looked as though he was beginning to enjoy himself...he couldn't have that now, could he?

Starscream was jolted out of his pleasurable half-daze when Megatron suddenly pulled himself out of his mouth and hauled him up, and he coudln't stifle an undignified squeak as he was made to straddle his lap. "M-My Lord...?" His confusion increased as Megatron reached around and untied one of the ribbons decorating his wings, but Megatron's intentions quickly became clear as he took the ribbon and began tying it around the base of Starscream's twitching cable; his cheeks burned to almost the same shade of his armor plating as the tyrant looped the ribbon multiple times around his mech-hood until all of the length was used, and he tied it off in a bow with what remained. His cable was now stuck in that aroused state until Megatron removed the ribbon, and knowing that devious fragger with his devious schemes, that wouldn't happen for a while yet.

Before Starscream could protest over this turn in events, he was suddenly flipped over onto his chassis and drapped over Megatron's legs, and he cried out as his cable became trapped between the tyrant's knees, which he squeezed together to stop him from getting loose. "M-My Lord!" he cried out in a choked voice as his cable throbbed in protest from the abuse, and he struggled briefly before Megatron pressed him firmly back down, holding onto his waist as his other servo lifted up the seeker's lacy skirt to reveal his pert aft.

Megatron smirked at the look of fearful confusion that had clouded Starscream's face-plates, and he made his intentions clear to the seeker by announcing, "Don't look so startled, my little maid. I just intend on preparing that port of yours for when I plug into you. Now open up for me..."

"N-No!" Starscream hissed, his fear being replaced with fury at the thought of Megatron sating himself upon him. "Go frag yourself!"


Starscream shrieked aloud and jerked at the sudden strike to his aft, wincing as his trapped cable was yanked upon. Megatron tut-tutted down at him with an indifferent expression, and he chided the gasping seeker like a mother scolding a sparkling for stealing an energon-cookie out of the cookie jar. "Now now, what a naughty little maid you are, Starscream. I asked you nicely, and this is how you respond? Now, are you going to do as I say, or shall I be forced to hit you again?"

"M-Motherfragging glitch! Go suck a crankshaft--NNNNGAAAAAAAHH!!!" Starscream hollered as Megatron laid another mighty whack upon his aft with his servo. Again and again the large servo descended upon his aft, the harsh metallic clangs mingling with his shrieks and curses of agony, and as Megatron dished out the abuse on his aft he simultaneously began chafing the seeker's cable by rubbing his knees against it, often squeezing them together and adding greatly to his discomfort. There was only so much of this that Starscream could take, and after about a dozen healthy blows to his aft he finally broke down and screamed, "A-Alright! OW!! Alright, I'll do it! AAAARGH!! S-Stop hitting me, M-Master! OWOWOWOW!!"

Immediately the blows ceased, and Megatron smirked in victory. "I knew you would see things my way, Starscream." He rubbed his digits against the seeker's sore aft plating, making him hiss and writhe in discomfort. "Now, let us try this again...open up for me."

"Y-Yes, as you wish, my Lord..." Starscream grumbled, hating to give in so easily to the older mech. Biting his lower lip, he reluctantly slid the protective panel away from his port, exposing it to Megatron's awaiting digits; no sooner than the plating had slid out of the way than did Megatron immediately breach the small entrance with a thick digit, causing Starscream to spasm and cry out at the sudden penetration.

"Nnnnnghhh!" Starscream gritted his dentals, squeezing his optics shut tight as Megatron expertly thrust his digit against a sensor node, triggering a burst of pleasure and a release of lubricant, which made it easier for the warlord to slide his finger in and out of the seeker's trembling port. One finger quickly became two, and Starscream couldn't hold back a moan as his port was stretched and scissored by Megatron's fingers. He almost choked on that moan when a third finger unexpectedly slipped in alongside its companions, and he writhed against Megatron's legs, whimpering as his cable bumped and slid against the tyrant's knee.

"Enjoying yourself, aren't you?" Megatron purred, watching as the moaning seeker began to unthinkingly rock his hips back in time with the thrusts of his digits, trying to push his fingers in deeper. "Do you crave something better? My cable, perhaps? I shall give it to you, if you want, if you ask me for it real nicely, my little maid."

Any attempt to tell Megatron to where he can stick it was cut off as the tyrant's fingers curled inside Starscream's port, making him thrash and cry out in pleasure. "Unnnhh! P-Please...please, my Lord...I need it s-so bad," Starscream panted, partially hating himself for sounding so needy and desperate, while the other half of him was so desperate for release that he squelched aside his inhibitions for just this once. "I n-need...your cable...inside m-me...need to o-overload...please, M-Master..."

Gratified with the seeker's submissiveness, Megatron released Starscream's cable from between his knees and removed his fingers from his soaking wet port, pulling the seeker back upright onto his lap to offer him his lubricant-soaked fingers. Wordlessly, Starscream did as he was expected to do, and he took Megatron's fingers into his mouth and sucked off his own fluids. Once that was done, Megatron eased him around until his wings were pressed against his broad chassis, and when Starscream inclined his helm to look back at him, he smirked and nodded meaningfully. Starscream swallowed hard; Megatron was expecting him to ride his cable. How typical of the fragger, he thought with a mental scowl, making him do all the work around here. If he hadn't been so painfully hard and in need of an overload right now (not to mention worried about what the tyrant would do to his precious wings) he would have gotten up and walked straight out without so much as a backward glance. But now, the throbbing ache of his cable and the tingle in his leaking port spoke for themselves, and begrudgingly he complied.

Lifting his skirt out of the way, Starscream bit his lip to hold back a moan as he shifted his hips into position, feeling Megatron's cable press against his entrance, and with a pinch to his wingtip to encourage him he sank down fully upon the warlord's girth, his port stretching to accommodate the hard length. Once Megatron was fully sheathed inside him, the magenta seeker raised himself up again until only the head of the cable remained inside, then he sank back down again, shivering and moaning softly. He repeated the exercise, and with each rise and fall upon Megatron's cable his slim hips gradually increased their tempo until he was pounding himself up and down, crying out in shameless abandon when Megatron dug his fingers into the ailerons on his wings and began to stimulate the sensitive wiring. His overload began to rapidly approach, but with the ribbon tied firmly around the base of his leaking cable he would not be able to achieve release, and desperately he appealed to the Decepticon tyrant on his behalf.

"AHH!! AHHH!! M-Master! Unnnhhhh!! I n-need to overload! L-Let me over-nnnnghhload, please!!"

"Not yet!" Megatron snarled, crimson optics flashing as he reached around and seized Starscream's trembling cable within his servo, causing the seeker to shriek as he began to mercilessly tease the sensitive tip of the mech-hood, using the lubricant that was leaking out to make his fingers slide against the hard length with ease. "You'll overload when I say so, and not before then, little maid. Now keep at it!"

"M-Master!" Starscream wailed, hips bucking erratically from the overwhelming sensation of his molested cable and tormented wings, his circuits crackling with pent-up energy that threatened to burst out of him if it wasn't released soon. He attempted to slow his frantic pace, trying to ease off the overwhelming sensation, but Megatron was having one of it; one hard squeeze to his cable had him yowling and going back at his former pace. His plating dewed with condensation as his core temperature skyrocketed, and he began to cycle his intake in short, ragged gasps to try and cool himself down. Lubricant dripped down his thighs and stained his skirt, and his body felt as if it was going numb from the intense, overwhelming bliss that bombarded him ruthlessly. He began to think that he was going to go offline from denied release, that Megatron was going to kill him by too much pleasure. Primus, what a way to go...

Just when Starscream thought that he couldn't last one klik more of this, Megatron caught him off-guard by suddenly pulling at the bow on his cable, and the ribbon slipped loose. The unexpected release of tension caused Starscream to tumble into a violent overload; he wailed and thrashed and screamed as his back arched violently, lubricant gushing from his port and cable, the former to soak Megatron's lap and the latter to shoot high at the ceiling, leaving hot, sticky silvery smears that dripped their way down onto the floor. Megatron snarled as Starscream's port clamped down around him like an unrelenting iron fist, and he thrust hard into that incredible tightness, causing the seeker to wail afresh, until a dozen hard jerks of his hips later he achieved his own release, letting out a sharp hiss as his mech-fluid filled Starscream's overflowing port to full capacity.

They remained in that position, their bodies as stiff as marble statues, until they were freed from the almost paralysing sensation of release, and with a whimper Starscream collapsed back against Megatron, who looked none the worse for wear even after his powerful overload. Starscream would have given anything to be allowed to drift off into the warm, comforting embrace of recharge, but a none-too-gentle pat to his face-plates roused him.

"Tired, Starscream? I'm afraid that you can't go to sleep yet. You need to clean up that mess you made on my ceiling and floor, and the one you made on my throne, of course." Megatron smirked at the tired mech. "Now go at it before I decide to 'punish' you again for being lazy."

Starscream didn't even have the energy to huff in annoyance at the older mech. Typical, he should have expected the fragger to do this to him, and after such a processor-frying overload to boot. Not wanting to go through a second round of 'punishment', Starscream shakily rose to his pedes, trying hard not to stumble as his legs threatened to collapse beneath him. Wincing from the soreness within his aft and the sensation of his lubricant-soaked skirts sticking to his plating, he kept his tone as demure as possible as he began cleaning up the evidence of their tryst away. "Your wish is my command, Sire..."

Aware that Megatron was watching him through triumphant, sneering optics, the seeker was careful not to miss a single drop of mech-fluid, knowing that it would be more than enough to give the tyrant an excuse to put him through another round of that torture-session that didn't even deserve to be called an interface. Megatron smiled to himself in satisfaction; he had knocked much of the scrith starch out of the arrogant little upstart, and he fully expected him to be more compliant for the next few days. If he started acting up again...well, Starscream's aft would be the one to suffer the consequences.

"Oh, and before you leave to clean yourself up, Starscream, bring me another oil and more energon to replace the ones you spilled all over me earlier." Megatron called out to Starscream as the other mech made to leave. "And Starscream...be careful not to trip this time around...we wouldn't want to have you punished again, now do we?"

His servo upon the door panel, his back to the Decepticon warlord, Starscream gritted his dentals as his old fiery self threatened to flare up at the smugness in Megatron's tone. With trememdous effort he kept his voice low and his tone humble as he responded, "As you wish, my Lord. I shall see to it at once..."


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
:lol: Skyway has a way to generate a shitstorm for good or ill, notice he hasn't even posted anything recent in this thread yet the flames of rage still burn on and on?
I'm sure if not for skyway Codex would totally ignore this game.

Indeed. M:

Ah, meltdown, you never let me down.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
I prefer to rush through normal and take it slow when stuff becomes more challenging in nightmare at least, in D2. It makes more sense that way. Loot is better too, in higher difficulties.


Feb 29, 2012
Just stop rushing through the game? If you play it like a normal human being, act 1 alone will take you 5 to 10 hours.

oh, wow

Thats what i was talking about.

And what is not rushing in your understanding, exploring every corner of map?


Feb 29, 2012
As opposed to Skyrim, D3's enjoyment expands as you play, not retracts, as you're given solid character build functions, which are in no way perverse.

Looking forward to playing on the harder difficulties with different builds.

Character builds in Diablo3? And what exactly do you build in your character development?

Be sure not to try any of the old (a)RPGs then. Or RPGs in general, I suppose. Most of them have that crappy game mechanic where you have to make choices for you character's development and then live with the consequences, actually forcing you to plan and think and shit. It sucks.



Subscribe to my OnlyFans
Jan 10, 2008
location, location
Bubbles In Memoria
My opinion of D3 has been slightly raised as I maxed out anisotropy and AA in Nvidia driver settings, and forced ambient occlusion. Combined with the darkd3, it really looks passable now.

Also, Monk is a better character than Wiztard. Monk and Barbarian - the two semi-normal classes of D3, it looks like.

Relatively speaking.


Apr 24, 2011
2 million people preordered a single player game with latency lag. What a fucking disaster.

This thread is a depressing read, but great for weeding out retards who aren't aware their minute infatuation with this shitty action game will result in their opinions being discredited later on. Feel free to continue discussing achievement hunting and shit.


Aug 30, 2008
Sort of wish Diablo never happened. Was largely responsible for the action-isation of the RPG genre.
Mar 18, 2009
Except for the plot. It's fucking retarded. Oh my god, is it cheesy or what?

I don't believe you, it's Blizzard. They would never do this.

My opinion of D3 has been slightly raised as I maxed out anisotropy and AA in Nvidia driver settings, and forced ambient occlusion. Combined with the darkd3, it really looks passable now.

I wonder why would they give less graphics options in Diablo 3 than they did in Starcraft 2. Isn't it the same engine?

Multi-headed Cow

Got through act 1 with a bro. Didn't look at clock but probably took around 3 hours including a few long piss breaks. As mentioned by someone else the amount of art and content (Not length) of act 1 is absolutely nuts. Changing enemies and tilesets all the goddamn time. It's great. Enemy types also have a fairly noticeable change in the feel of the combat, how they attack you, how you want to handle them, etc. Difficulty is nice, was normal difficulty and 2 players and we died a few times, and had one group wipe. As was often the case in D2, getting an unlucky mix of named and elite monsters is usually more deadly than the setpiece bosses.

Initial impression is still really good. I think Torchlight 2 will still be enjoyable and I'm looking forward to it, but man. MAN. I CLICKED SO MUCH STUFF AND IT WAS SO FAST.

Commander Xbox

Apr 25, 2011
i dont get the attraction for this game. it seems like a more limited, linear mmo to me. you just play the single player over and over again to get better and better items right? from what ive seen the story is non existant and the gameplay is rapid clicking and spamming of abilities. BOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRINNNNG. masochistic shit for fags imo


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Jan 10, 2008
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Bubbles In Memoria
I discovered the glide-->opengl wrapper for Diablo2. Combined with GPU scaling of Nvidia chipsets, it could make the game look good on modern monitors. Will try soon.


Feb 29, 2012
So picture the rat in his box. Or, since I'm one of these gamers and don't like to think of myself as a rat, picture an adorable hamster. Maybe he can talk, and is voiced by Chris Rock.

If you want to make him press the lever as fast as possible, how would you do it? Not by giving him a pellet with every press--he'll soon relax, knowing the pellets are there when he needs them. No, the best way is to set up the machine so that it drops the pellets at random intervals of lever pressing. He'll soon start pumping that thing as fast as he can. Experiments prove it.

See? Proof.

They call these "Variable Ratio Rewards" in Skinner land and this is the reason many enemies "drop" valuable items totally at random in WoW. This is addictive in exactly the same way a slot machine is addictive. You can't quit now because the very next one could be a winner. Or the next. Or the next.


Feb 29, 2012

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