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Auction House Online: The Game (Diablo 3) is a MASSIVE decline


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
*Passes Average Manatee a broken off bar stool's leg.*

Go for it, Bro.
Nov 6, 2009
Diablo 3 is more close to WOW than to Diablo 2. It's clearly an online experience and a Blizzard business model. Nobody can pull it off like Blizzard nevertheless. If you hate WOW you won't like Diablo 3. It has nothing left to do with the days of "Lost Vikings", "Starcraft", "Warcraft" or "Diablo". It's totally another thing. I agree that Blizzard are treating their customers as morons and blind fanboys but I still like their WOW/SC2/D3 model. Call me a stupid idiot as much as you want, I still like it and it doesn't stop me from enjoying great games of yonder or expecting with panting breath "Wasteland 2", "Dark Souls" or the MCA crowdfunded game. I also love to play WOW in HM with my guildies and that has nothing to do with me enjoying replaying "Hard Nova" or "Wizardry 7" through Dosbox: again, don't compare apples to oranges.


Sep 9, 2007
Vault City
Wow, that is really a textbook example of trying too hard to justify yourself to the Codexia loyalists as if that was relevant.

"Guys I played Skyrim 7 times but I finished all Wizardries but 4, I swear!"
Nov 6, 2009
When "Wasteland 2" comes out we'll be able to compare it to "Skyrim" or whatever the fuck the newest Bethesda game will be at the time, or to the latest stupidity from Bioware. But "Diablo 3" is not at all the same, it's fucking WOW for god's sake.
Nov 6, 2009
Wow, that is really a textbook example of trying too hard to justify yourself to the Codexia loyalists as if that was relevant.

"Guys I played Skyrim 7 times but I finished all Wizardries but 4, I swear!"

First I didn't finish "Skyrim" and even if I did I wouldn't be ashamed, secondly: have you finished "Wizardry 7"? If not, shut the fuck up.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Diablo 3 is more close to WOW than to Diablo 2. It's clearly an online experience and a Blizzard business model. Nobody can pull it off like Blizzard nevertheless. If you hate WOW you won't like Diablo 3. It has nothing left to do with the days of "Lost Vikings", "Starcraft", "Warcraft" or "Diablo". It's totally another thing. I agree that Blizzard are treating their customers as morons and blind fanboys but I still like their WOW/SC2/D3 model. Call me a stupid idiot as much as you want, I still like it and it doesn't stop me from enjoying great games of yonder or expecting with panting breath "Wasteland 2", "Dark Souls" or the MCA crowdfunded game. I also love to play WOW in HM with my guildies and that has nothing to do with me enjoying replaying "Hard Nova" or "Wizardry 7" through Dosbox: again, don't compare apples to oranges.



Sep 9, 2007
Vault City
"Over ten years ago I went to a live Iron Maiden concert but now I mostly listen to pop. I'm still a metalhead rite?"

Replace Iron Maiden with 80s CRPG and pop with popamole. It is a perfect picture of a significant part of the Codex active userbase.

Problem? Stop being a poser if you don't be called as one.


P. banal
Aug 14, 2009
Third World
Well, folks, servers are always unstable during the first week of an MMO release. Should be happy enough you aren't having rollbacks and losing all your phat loot. Man I wish that would happen...:lol:

"Over ten years ago I went to a live Iron Maiden concert but now I mostly listen to pop. I'm still a metalhead rite?"

Replace Iron Maiden with 80s CRPG and pop with popamole. It is a perfect picture of a significant part of the Codex active userbase.

Problem? Stop being a poser if you don't be called as one.
If he was an Iron Maiden fan he was a poser all along.:troll:
Nov 6, 2009
Diablo 3 is more close to WOW than to Diablo 2. It's clearly an online experience and a Blizzard business model. Nobody can pull it off like Blizzard nevertheless. If you hate WOW you won't like Diablo 3. It has nothing left to do with the days of "Lost Vikings", "Starcraft", "Warcraft" or "Diablo". It's totally another thing. I agree that Blizzard are treating their customers as morons and blind fanboys but I still like their WOW/SC2/D3 model. Call me a stupid idiot as much as you want, I still like it and it doesn't stop me from enjoying great games of yonder or expecting with panting breath "Wasteland 2", "Dark Souls" or the MCA crowdfunded game. I also love to play WOW in HM with my guildies and that has nothing to do with me enjoying replaying "Hard Nova" or "Wizardry 7" through Dosbox: again, don't compare apples to oranges.


What fucking decline? I've played WOW since "Burning Crusade" and RPGs since fucking "Ultima III". That doesn't overlap, it's like saying watching a movie or a sports games on TV is the same for they are moving images with sound. Well, good for you, personnally I don't give a shit about your drooling stupidity.
Nov 6, 2009
"Over ten years ago I went to a live Iron Maiden concert but now I mostly listen to pop. I'm still a metalhead rite?"

Replace Iron Maiden with 80s CRPG and pop with popamole. It is a perfect picture of a significant part of the Codex active userbase.

Problem? Stop being a poser if you don't be called as one.

Iron Maiden is a shitty band, my good mate. "Yeeahhhh, the trolls at the gates of dawn with my big aaaxe" (guitar solo). And then you shit on "Diablo 3". Are you a total moron or what?

EDIT: Sorry Cassidy, don't like to shit on other people tastes even on the Codex. No harm intended.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
Oct 21, 2002
Codex USB, 2014
Well, folks, servers are always unstable during the first week of an MMO release. Should be happy enough you aren't having rollbacks and losing all your phat loot. Man I wish that would happen...:lol:
If the server drops you, you can get rollbacks. I've had two rollbacks. Once I lost one step of quest progression and some loot, and the other time fucked me over big time. I was in act 3 hell with nephalim valor x5 and just about to hit azmodan, and I got dropped. Lost some items and the nephalim valor buff.
Those drops were during prime time hours though.

I just beat Leoric on Inferno. I don't know how much harder the later acts will be but I can do act 1 without too much hassle it seems. Got a pretty nice 1h sword that deals over 500dps, so that helps a lot. Now I just need to find some life leech/life on hit items...

EDIT: LOL at the "I play old games as well!" crowd in this thread. No-one thinks you're cool just because you played some old game. Only if you collect them and take pictures like Luzur. Then you're cool.

Diablo 3 is a good game. I think it's by far the best game this year. It's better than Risen 2, Kingdoms of Amraldssdrur, Ass Effect 3 and any other PC title this year. PC gaming as an online service sucks, and so do some of the choices Blizzard made with the game systems as well. But even with those flaws, it's fun. Fun fun funfun.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
On the codex, if you like classical music and rap equally you are a classical music hating rap-fag.


P. banal
Aug 14, 2009
Third World
Well, folks, servers are always unstable during the first week of an MMO release. Should be happy enough you aren't having rollbacks and losing all your phat loot. Man I wish that would happen...:lol:
If the server drops you, you can get rollbacks. I've had two rollbacks. Once I lost one step of quest progression and some loot, and the other time fucked me over big time. I was in act 3 hell with nephalim valor x5 and just about to hit azmodan, and I got dropped. Lost some items and the nephalim valor buff.
Those drops were during prime time hours though.
Wow, that sucks.
Nov 6, 2009
Well, folks, servers are always unstable during the first week of an MMO release. Should be happy enough you aren't having rollbacks and losing all your phat loot. Man I wish that would happen...:lol:
If the server drops you, you can get rollbacks. I've had two rollbacks. Once I lost one step of quest progression and some loot, and the other time fucked me over big time. I was in act 3 hell with nephalim valor x5 and just about to hit azmodan, and I got dropped. Lost some items and the nephalim valor buff.
Those drops were during prime time hours though.

I just beat Leoric on Inferno. I don't know how much harder the later acts will be but I can do act 1 without too much hassle it seems. Got a pretty nice 1h sword that deals over 500dps, so that helps a lot. Now I just need to find some life leech/life on hit items...

WTF? You're already in Inferno? I haven't finished it on normal yet. You're a fucking crazy killing clown machine. Are you doing it in MP or are you just trolling us?
Nov 6, 2009
On the codex, if you like classical music and rap equally you are a classical music hating rap-fag.

Exactly! And I do in fact like as much NWA as Beethoven or as the Velvet Underground, just not for the same reasons. Call me poseur or decline as much as you want, assholes, I don't give a damn.
Nov 6, 2009


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
On the codex, if you like classical music and rap equally you are a classical music hating rap-fag.

:lol: I still like you even if you like D3, it's just that I don't like your game. That's all.

@Beautiful Clown Painting

:oops: Sorry, I must've struck a nerve somewhere. It's just that...how - ..do you put it...you just ...went all out man. I'm sorry for making you feel this way. It wasn't a personal insult of sorts. It's just that, some cynical fella told me that this is what it'll come down to. I didn't believe him. Now I'm completely shocked that it's true.

Take care bro, enjoy your game for what it is. If it's fun, you're not wrong to play it.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
Oct 21, 2002
Codex USB, 2014
WTF? You're already in Inferno? I haven't finished it on normal yet. You're a fucking crazy killing clown machine. Are you doing it in MP?
MP - Multiplayer? I play solo. I did one boss co-op though, just to help a friend out. I'm a lonewolf when it comes to online games, which is a little ironic and sad I guess.
Nov 6, 2009
On the codex, if you like classical music and rap equally you are a classical music hating rap-fag.

:lol: I still like you even if you like D3, it's just that I don't like your game. That's all.

@Beautiful Clown Painting

:oops: Sorry, I must've struck a nerve somewhere. It's just that...how - ..do you put it...you just ...went all out man. I'm sorry for making you feel this way. It wasn't a personal insult of sorts. It's just that, some cynical fella told me that this is what it'll come down to. I didn't believe him. Now I'm completely shocked that it's true.

Take care bro, enjoy your game for what it is. If it's fun, you're not wrong to play it.

@RK 47

Lol, I'm fucking drunk, that's all.


Well if you can solo Inferno only a week after the game's out, Blizzard's indeed got a problem on their hands. Or it seems like they'll definitely go the WOW way: issuing patch after patch after patch with other instanced tiers of loot. But at the same time there's no monthly fee and they sure do like money. So it seems possible that they really do not give a fuck but it seems unlikely for everybody will hate them if they do that and their whole business model will crash. Time will tell.


Fabulous Ex-Moderator
May 14, 2004
Seattle, WA USA
Diablo 3 is a good game. I think it's by far the best game this year. It's better than Risen 2, Kingdoms of Amraldssdrur, Ass Effect 3 and any other PC title this year. PC gaming as an online service sucks, and so do some of the choices Blizzard made with the game systems as well. But even with those flaws, it's fun. Fun fun funfun.



Thread Incliner
Apr 5, 2008
Your ignore list.
Diablo 3 is a good game. I think it's by far the best game this year. It's better than Risen 2, Kingdoms of Amraldssdrur, Ass Effect 3 and any other PC title this year. PC gaming as an online service sucks, and so do some of the choices Blizzard made with the game systems as well. But even with those flaws, it's fun. Fun fun funfun.


Such a feat. It has gotta be a really great game!


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Diablo 3 is a good game. I think it's by far the best game this year. It's better than Risen 2, Kingdoms of Amraldssdrur, Ass Effect 3 and any other PC title this year. PC gaming as an online service sucks, and so do some of the choices Blizzard made with the game systems as well. But even with those flaws, it's fun. Fun fun funfun.


Such a feat. It has gotta be a really great game!

But does it have over 75 perfect score reviews?
Nov 6, 2009
They don't give a shit about reviews. If they play their cards right they'll have 10 million customers and a new WOW on their hands. No monthly fee but ingame advertising: "The Humongous Axe of Generalist Motors". Without counting the money coming from their Real Money AH model. Still, as Zed says: it's a tremendously fun game.

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