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Auction House Online: The Game (Diablo 3) is a MASSIVE decline


May 8, 2003
Hrrmn, this topic is now at 72 pages after a month whereas the skyrim thread is 68 pages after half a year.

rpgcodex 2012 goty
Nov 6, 2009
It's not a RPG by any means. It's a new kind of WOW. "Skyrim"'s a RPG, even if a really boring one. Even "Amalur" is an ARPG of some kind. "Diablo 3" is entirely another kind of beast. It should be in "General Gaming/MMORPG".

Thane Solus

Apr 29, 2012
X-COM Base
Hrrmn, this topic is now at 72 pages after a month whereas the skyrim thread is 68 pages after half a year.

rpgcodex 2012 goty

They are both mediocre games :) so who cares? But yes :decline:

WoW Zed, u played a lot. I guess if you had fun thats all that matters, and not talkin from your ass to defend Blizz, like some people did, and after 20 pages, they started to forget that and become anti-blizz.

Tell us when you gona loose from a disconnect an epic item!

After watching TB playing Torchilight II, i got to say i am interested now in that game.


May 8, 2007
Diablo 3 is a good game. I think it's by far the best game this year. It's better than Risen 2, Kingdoms of Amraldssdrur, Ass Effect 3 and any other PC title this year. PC gaming as an online service sucks, and so do some of the choices Blizzard made with the game systems as well. But even with those flaws, it's fun. Fun fun funfun.


Such a feat. It has gotta be a really great game!
Whose fault is it that we get nothing good?!
Oct 19, 2010

This is true? Damn.

I was reading this thread on and off but this picture certainly sums up the thread for me. I will never go near this game


Feb 29, 2012
Remind me to never try posting on the Battle.net forums ever again.

Point out a legitimate problem with game (shitty instanced bosses that mean replaying 5-minute fights every time you get one-shotted because your cooldown was 0.1 seconds off = replay the entire fight, fucker!) and all you get is waves of morons going "lern 2 play" and "co-op." No wonder Blizzard are so arrogant, for every person who criticizes them they have a hundred who are willing to put up with anything.


Anyway their forums are populated by their target audience, which is obvious.
And yes, even if Blizzard will make total shit (literally), they will still defend it and tell how they enjoy it, gonna bet on this.

They did put up with no LAN, RMT auctions, removing of choices in char development, no PVP, no ladder, SP queue, etc


Sep 9, 2007
Vault City

This is true? Damn.

I was reading this thread on and off but this picture certainly sums up the thread for me. I will never go near this game

It's almost like Blizzard is asking very strongly for a scene crack and for many non-removals from an inventory.

No big deal for sheeple fantards and "Hardcore RPG fans", of course.


Jul 31, 2011
The Desert Wasteland
Diablo 3 is a good game. I think it's by far the best game this year. It's better than Risen 2, Kingdoms of Amraldssdrur, Ass Effect 3 and any other PC title this year. PC gaming as an online service sucks, and so do some of the choices Blizzard made with the game systems as well. But even with those flaws, it's fun. Fun fun funfun.


Yes. Zed's review troubles me in a way that is not easy to describe. Are we wrong in bashing D3, or is a respected Codex mod drinking the kool-aid? o_O

Rpgsaurus Rex

D3 is definitely fun and addictive, though not in the same way, say, a roguelike is fun and addictive.

It's basically killing monsters to get items to kill more monsters and get better items. A simple loop. Add the "social factor" into the mix (how do my items compare to other guys on the server? am I cool enough?), and you got a mixture that's like heroin to male gamers. Blizz will make sure that your best chance of getting the very best items is by using real cash, so that's how they'll profit from it (taking a cut from real $$$ transactions).

Then there are games that are fun and addictive thanks to fun exploration (e.g. Gothic 2 NotR), constant risk of dying and hence the adrenaline rush whenever you're in danger (roguelikes), a good story so you're excited to learn about the fate of your characters (PS:T), challenging combat (JA2), et cetera.

I try to stay away from the first type of "addictive games", the same way I stay away from hard drugs. It's sure FUN! but leaves you empty inside.

^ That's totally, like, just my opinion, dude.
Nov 6, 2009

This is true? Damn.

I was reading this thread on and off but this picture certainly sums up the thread for me. I will never go near this game

It's almost like Blizzard is asking very strongly for a scene crack and for many non-removals from an inventory.

No big deal for sheeple fantards and "Hardcore RPG fans", of course.

I don't give a shit about being considered a "Hardcore RPG fan" my good sir, for me it's as empowering as "Best Virginia Locust Breeder" but well, you can't understand that, you cling too much to your shitty online credit. To each his own I'd say.


May 21, 2011
wall of assumptions and armchair game design
You get off writing huge walls of text about how Blizzard fails game design yet can't realize you didn't have enough hp/defensive stats or were too slow on the defensive abilities (in some of your example that's actually the case)?

Game is too easy I can't die -> shit design (like 2-3 days ago).
I die and have to restart boss fight -> shit design.

You're just a moron, the type of moron that wants the game to stroke his fucking ego. It must seem REALLY hard yet he beats it because he is AWESOME, if possible without any practice, he's just NATURALLY AWESOME.


inXile Entertainment
May 3, 2011
(I'm a gigantic fucking moron)
Wow, it's much easier to argue with people when I can just paraphrase everything they say in such a way as to avoid having to respond to anything they've actually said! Bonus points to my ego if I can insult them in the process as well! I should start doing this all the time.


Sep 9, 2007
Vault City

This is true? Damn.

I was reading this thread on and off but this picture certainly sums up the thread for me. I will never go near this game

It's almost like Blizzard is asking very strongly for a scene crack and for many non-removals from an inventory.

No big deal for sheeple fantards and "Hardcore RPG fans", of course.

I don't give a shit about being considered a "Hardcore RPG fan" my good sir, for me it's as empowering as "Best Virginia Locust Breeder" but well, you can't understand that, you cling too much to your shitty online credit. To each his own I'd say.

Neither do I, actually, But I do give a shit about a product I buy and the company it produces were they to start treating me like shit with something as ridiculous as what is shown by the screenshot above, which apparently you don't at all(even more, I never bought any game that requires always-online DRM to play). Of course, considering I didn't like even the previous ones of this series, this is of no relevance to me other than the enjoyment of looking at the fanboys raging and drooling between mouthbreathes on this thread to defend their beloved corporation. I'm shocked there are so many people willing to endure so much frustration for the sake of playing an at best mediocre game. And to even acclaim it as best 2012 game despite this ridiculous MMOISPG* thing and its obvious inferiority to previous ones in the series. Even more because this is no IGN forum or GameFAQs, although except for a minority and for being freer for the expression of conflicting opinions, it is not so far from them.

*Massively Multiplayer Online Isolated Single Player Game
Nov 6, 2009
Cassidy, to be frank with you, I never did give a shit about Diablo or Diablo 2. Only pirated them and never did finish them, even on normal difficulty. I'm playing in a high level guild in WOW and only bought Diablo 3 as part of a WoW subscription pack that I was going to get nevertheless. I tried it to see if I would find it amusing and in fact found it great but in a totally twisted Blizzard kind of way. It plays on the same addictive quality that WoW does but without the subscription model, it's quite interesting. I wonder where they'll take this experiment. Blizzard is Blizzard: at one time they were a great designer studio before growing into a weird monster with WoW. Diablo 3 has nothing to do with any kind of RPG definition, it's a weird hybrid created to hook 10 million people to a new business model, WoW getting old (I'm pretty sure that Mists of Pandaria will be the last expansion before the collapse).
Nov 6, 2009
Everybody knows that a lot of their staff is working on a new full fledged MMORPG. I think Diablo 3 is a way to bridge the gap between the death of WOW and the birth of their new MMORPG, to allow them to still buy tires for their sports cars, fountains for their mansions and salaries for their servants in the meantime. And frankly they are pretty good at it for Diablo 3 is indeed fun and addictive, you can't deny that if you play it.
Nov 6, 2009
Ha ha ha ha. I just broke up with my girlfriend so, to rebound like a dog that I am, I'm sending messages to all of my ex-girlfriends on Facebook (I know it's pathetic, well let's see how you will manage when you'll be my age). One of them just sent me a return message: "Hey! Long time no see. Now I have a little baby-girl. Say, I know you like video games, do you play Diablo 3?". Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Thane Solus

Apr 29, 2012
X-COM Base
tbh, if it didnt had always online DRM, i would've buy it just for all time sake (d1-d2), but i wont support this business practice.

Anyway, i am glad that those that bought it had/have fun, i am glad that they are many that didnt bought it too. Even if in a few weeks people will forget about this launch and DRM, i dont think on PC somebody will try a DRM Full Online again, even with the huge sales that D3 had/have. Beside Blizzard of course...
Nov 6, 2009
I honestly think that only Blizzard can pull it off. Just as they were the only ones who did manage to have a solid subscription base to a MMORPG for more than 7 years without having to go F2P. It's not even popamole, it's just....another thing. A very greedy and unscrupulous other thing but another thing nevertheless.
Nov 6, 2009
Well I didn't have any deconnection for the time being. But at the same time I haven't been playing since at least one day, I was busy grinding butthurt on the RPG Codex Diablo 3 Thread, so how would I know. Meanwhile Zed is grinding through Inferno and Scottish Martial Arts through Nightmare. My thoughts go with you, I'll keep the barbarians at the gate of the empire.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Tarkovsky is a pretentious douche of highest caliber. "Event Horizon" was a better Solaris movie than his actual "Solaris".

You just rolled a 20 in your *summon Lyric Suite* spell, but i'm not in the mood to derail this thread, so i'll just say that you're a fucking moron and your shit is all retarded.

Out of curiosity, i fired up Titan Quest, which i kept in my Steam library, and the difference is substantial. I mean, in the sense that Diablo 3 is a much better game in almost every sense, except for the lack of a skill three.

Seriously, if the art style had been closer to the original this game would have been a decent sequel. Right now i'd like to think of it more as a grim dark upgrade to Torchlight rather then a true Diablo game.

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