Now, a good DM, or CRPG writer can explore this themes, but making them a) subtle and b) relevant to both setting, and the theme and the mood of the campaign. But both theme and the mood of original BG (especially the first one) wasn't about exploration of class oppression, gender equality and gender politics, LGBTQABBQ rights and complexes, money distribution among downtrodden and so on. So SOD rubs most players in wrong way not because of "leftism", but because the authors' approach was something like this: imagine you playing an epic campaign in a span of a few years. You have your favourite NPCs, DM provides kick-ass dungeons, sweet loot, great combat, somewhat retarded, but enjoyable NPC drama and nice overreaching story. And then, out of the blue, this campaign goes to another DM, who proceeds with imposing on a bewildered party his view on women rights, importance of pronouns and battling transmisogyny, insists that your sweet loot should be distributed among underprivileged classes, etc, etc. Most tabletop players would quit in such circumstances, only minority, which shares the new DM views, will remain. And that's basically what we're seing here.