A bit of an extreme outlook for video games, no?
Regardless I'd hate to see Beamdog do anything to PST. On the subject of BG3, I'm hoping that if they do actually make it that they decide to start fresh, new characters, setting, plot, everything. I'd hate to see another Bhaalspawn entry honestly, and beamdog needs to prove that they can create something solid when handed a blank slate, because clearly giving them pre-established stuff to work with isn't such a good idea.
There's more room to work with with games and we'll have to see how future "remastering" culture goes, but if it becomes like what they plan with these games, then it's effectively rewriting those games and not offering people the change to play the originals.
Video games already have a problem staying relevant in history given being tied to their platforms that is making things difficult for many to be reproduced even a decade down the line (like the problem with Homeworld) without people actively changing them.
Unless you preserve and rip your original CDs and pass them along, do think anyone is going to be able to play the original BG 50 years from now (assuming it could even even run on a computer by then)?
What are you trying to achieve with your comment? This is a highly polarizing subject, people who care about it are taking extreme opposite sides on this issue and think it is a big deal. It's not like your level headed middle-of-the-road argument is going to dissuade them.
WTF do you think?
It's also empowering to be the voice of reason, especially if you are a Cassandra people ignore and scorn.
But it seems that no, you can't simply have your diversity - this is much bigger. This is just a stepping stone for a perfect liberal world, free of haters and bigots. And that can only be achieved by name-calling others on the internet:
Like fuck it's about stamping out hatred and bigotry, it's only allowing the "right" kinds of hatred and bigotry while claiming that that's not the case.
So much fixation in the modern world and the Left is over remaking society and Mankind, when all that's happening is people doing the same things in different way and not realizing it.
Things change, but they remain the same.
I think you quoted the wrong name on that line.
Unrelated edit: They even made Viconia's portrait blurry. Seriously, what is it with the blurring of everything?
Yeah I thought I did, dunno how that happened.
The writer really doesn't care, she admitted that she adds "diversity" to her writing just for "diversity's" sake, and not because it serves the story being told. The inclusion is hamfisted.
I don't get it. You don't like it because of the SJW stuff, right? Don't tell me that if none of this SJW stuff had ever happened, you wouldn't have been playing the shit out of this game, remarking at every opportunity at how better it is than PoE.[/QUOTE]
I don't get it. You don't like it because of the SJW stuff, right? Don't tell me that if none of this SJW stuff had ever happened, you wouldn't have been playing the shit out of this game, remarking at every opportunity at how better it is than PoE.
TBH the biggest turn off are the bugs like the difficulty one fucking stuff up, but I'm in no hurry to play this, I've yet to complete either of the other games and wouldn't consider buying this one a year or more down the line when it's fixed, I've played them and it's a Steam sale throwing it out for $5 or less.
I have to agree with the minority here. What a moronic discussion.
Anti-SJW's being triggered harder by an apparently badly-written NPC than most self-proclaimed SJWs is kinda ironic, though.
It actually gives insight into how severe drama is on the internet.
I'm posting in this thread to relax while I do other shit, I'm willing to be we all are as are others on other forums.
As annoyed as many might be, I doubt if confronted RL and asked about it we'd give much of a shit. It, and most internet drama, comes off as a big deal because the internet is a concentrated dumping ground for people casually letting off hot air that presents things as being more important than they actually are.