Good.SOD is down to page 5 of Steam global top sellers. Not a good place to be less than a week after release.
Like any full time twitterer, these pink haired dykes are able to control the online conversation and recruit their white knights to draw attention away from the criticism of their hack writing.
The conversation instead become 'do you like D&D, or are you are tranny hating BIGOT WHITE MALE?'
Getting more awkward by the minute.
These people just don't get that we don't want this shit in fantasy games.
The EEs were made with the condition that nothing would be touched from the original games, content wise. That's why the only thing they could do was adding stuff on top of them, not changing anything. If I understand what you say correctly, doing what you suggest implies the whole introduction segment would have to be changed. Beamdog couldn't do that.
I can't even understand from this text - is he pro or versus tranny?
Well, I'd be tempted to say yes, but after all I'm fine with these people venting their stuff somewhere.
Getting more awkward by the minute.
These people just don't get that we don't want this shit in fantasy games.
Or anywhere.
SOD is down to page 5 of Steam global top sellers. Not a good place to be less than a week after release.
SOD is down to page 5 of Steam global top sellers. Not a good place to be less than a week after release.
Apparently Beamdoge are still prepping a statement.
Meanwhile the usual suspects like Polygon are supporting the SJW narrative, A single 4 line conversation tranny caused undeserved bad reviews and general discontent in current year, just wow!?!1!1!!
Microsoft is said to be considering inserting a tranny in the next Windows version just to act as a critic-deflector.
You publish a huge article saying gamers are intolerant CIS white bigots, they publish huge articles saying that the developers are agenda-pushing SJW hacks that can't write...
All this name-calling does is fan the flames, turn this into an ideological war were the least important thing seems to be the game itself. And the biggest losers are the developers. It's easy to say "ignore the whining bigots", but for a small company like Beamdog a controversy like this can lead to them closing doors. We're talking about a game so niche that it still only has one review on Metacritic, so it's not that simple...
Anyway, my 2 cents is that you simply should be tactful. Dragon Age: Inquisition had Krem, a trangender character that plays a huge role, and there was no drama, no outrage. Why? Because he was just there - BioWare didn't came out calling beloved games "sexist", antagonizing gamers or making jokes on GamerGate.
This is the internet, when you do that it's quite obvious you'll get a reaction. That's what this is really about, Mizhena is just the convenient scapegoat.
Steven Stadnicki said:Isn't "This is the internet" just a modern version of "Boys will be boys"? No, nobody is surprised that this behavior exists. That doesn't make it appropriate and it doesn't mean that it shouldn't be called out when it's encountered, because silence and an unwillingness for people to speak up and say "no, this is not an appropriate way to behave" is largely responsible for such behavior having become normalized in the first place
It's 2016, the year where Trump is a serious presidential candidate - you're not going to "clean" the internet by calling out people for bigotry. I think it's fairly clear by now that doing so will fan the flames and rally the opposition.
BioWare simply did what they wanted - they added an important transgender character in Dragon Age: Inquisition and didn't have a single problem.
Beamdog was confrontational from the start and got a huge shitstorm push-back for a very minor character in Siege of Dragonspear.
I'm just being pragmatic - you can achieve more by simply ignoring the "other side".
And I'm 110% sure I'll just get a "YOU'RE VICTIM BLAMING!" reply.
What he doesnt get is that most of us complain about the way it was implented in Siege of Dragonspear.
Polygon weighing in:
Surprisingly they do actually mention the bugs and technical issues. I was expecting a "IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF THE TRANS NPC".
First released in 1998, Baldur's Gate is widely regarded as one of the best role-playing games ever made.
Polygon weighing in:
Surprisingly they do actually mention the bugs and technical issues. I was expecting a "IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF THE TRANS NPC".
First released in 1998, Baldur's Gate is widely regarded as one of the best role-playing games ever made.
It's not like your level headed middle-of-the-road argument is going to dissuade them.
I like to argue. I think the best way to understand people is by poking them with a stick.What are you trying to achieve with your comment? This is a highly polarizing subject, people who care about it are taking extreme opposite sides on this issue and think it is a big deal. It's not like your level headed middle-of-the-road argument is going to dissuade them.
I like to argue. I think the best way to understand people is by poking them with a stick.What are you trying to achieve with your comment? This is a highly polarizing subject, people who care about it are taking extreme opposite sides on this issue and think it is a big deal. It's not like your level headed middle-of-the-road argument is going to dissuade them.
You guys even know who Ed Greenwood is? Telling him you dont want stuff you dont like in ADND is like telling the pope that you dont like that jesus stuff in the bible and it shouldnt be in there.
And he kinda has a point partially. Those themes have been part of ADND for decades. Thing is, it worked, because it was first and foremost a world created for entertainment, for world escape fantasies, and as little sidedish there have been some elements of social commentary.
What he doesnt get is that most of us complain about the way it was implented in Siege of Dragonspear. Heavy handed, poorly written, in your face preaching that rips you out of the immersion of the world. Its like you own a restaurant and people complain that the food they got was oversalted and you proceed to lecture them that salt has always been an important part of cooking.
You guys even know who Ed Greenwood is? Telling him you dont want stuff you dont like in ADND is like telling the pope that you dont like that jesus stuff in the bible and it shouldnt be in there.
And he kinda has a point partially. Those themes have been part of ADND for decades. Thing is, it worked, because it was first and foremost a world created for entertainment, for world escape fantasies, and as little sidedish there have been some elements of social commentary.
What he doesnt get is that most of us complain about the way it was implented in Siege of Dragonspear. Heavy handed, poorly written, in your face preaching that rips you out of the immersion of the world. Its like you own a restaurant and people complain that the food they got was oversalted and you proceed to lecture them that salt has always been an important part of cooking.
You guys even know who Ed Greenwood is? Telling him you dont want stuff you dont like in ADND is like telling the pope that you dont like that jesus stuff in the bible and it shouldnt be in there.
I've never seen any evidence that Ed plays computer games at all. Tabletop - yes, probably still occasionally does but not CRPGs. So most likely a second-hand account from someone else.You guys even know who Ed Greenwood is? Telling him you dont want stuff you dont like in ADND is like telling the pope that you dont like that jesus stuff in the bible and it shouldnt be in there.
And he kinda has a point partially. Those themes have been part of ADND for decades. Thing is, it worked, because it was first and foremost a world created for entertainment, for world escape fantasies, and as little sidedish there have been some elements of social commentary.
What he doesnt get is that most of us complain about the way it was implented in Siege of Dragonspear. Heavy handed, poorly written, in your face preaching that rips you out of the immersion of the world. Its like you own a restaurant and people complain that the food they got was oversalted and you proceed to lecture them that salt has always been an important part of cooking.
Yeah, he missed the point. More than likely because he got a second-hand account by an SJW friend.