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Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate 3 Early Access Thread [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]


May 4, 2020
Belgium, Ghent
Everyone who doesn't post on page 1000 of this thread is gay!!!


Dec 4, 2019
I like thinking that some person from outside quickly get into page 1000 and see this conversation.

Friendly reminder to that imagined outside person and, in fact, any and all lurkers in this thread: If you're a guy and roll with a female character or a pure caster (spiritually female character), get an AIDS test, bro.


Jun 7, 2015

Depends on how they implement it, but going by 5e description the feat seems worthless:

  • You ignore the loading quality of crossbows with which you are proficient.
  • Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t impose disadvantage on your ranged attack rolls.
  • When you use the Attack action and attack with a one handed weapon, you can use a bonus action to attack with a hand crossbow you are holding

There is no ammo or reloading function/penalty in this game. You can already dual wield handcrossbows and use a bonus action to make an offhand shot. You get two-weapon fighting style for free as a ranger and add your dexterity to offhand weapon attack.

So ITT you can pew pew double handcrossbows without spending a feat.


Repressed Homosexual
Jul 10, 2017
Make the Codex Great Again! Pathfinder: Wrath
Picture this if you will. You are "adventuring" with your party of assorted non-binary rainbow coloured faggots and this guy comes up to you and tells you to hand over your best gear.

What do you do?



RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Picture this if you will. You are "adventuring" with your party of assorted non-binary rainbow coloured faggots and this guy comes up to you and tells you to hand over your best gear.

What do you do?


ask him

"hey fagget

why u playing the gay ees"

La vie sexuelle

Jun 10, 2023
La Rochelle
I like thinking that some person from outside quickly get into page 1000 and see this conversation.

Friendly reminder to that imagined outside person and, in fact, any and all lurkers in this thread: If you're a guy and roll with a female character or a pure caster (spiritually female character), get an AIDS test, bro.

Remember lurker - real man roll male barbarian who spends time with his male friends and do male things all time, without this all girly shit like heterosexual sex.
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May 5, 2012
Oh come on surely there is more than 20 pages of shitposting in this thread?


Dec 4, 2019
What do you do?

Hand over the level 1 gear I'm still using 20 hours into the game because I'm bad with bartering.

Remember lurker - real man roll male barbarian who spends time with his male friends and do male things all time, whiteout this all girly shit like heterosexual sex.

Don't be silly. You can bring Shadowheart along. Obviously somebody has to do the dishes.

Filter out the degenerate crap, the pointless speculation and the Infinishilling and we're at what, 20 pages?

21. Swen's posted some pretty dope memes.


Jul 30, 2013
Strap Yourselves In Pathfinder: Wrath
I'm probably going to try goolock first because I'm curious to see how they implement a great old one patron, especially since they suggested there would be some sort of patron interactions, although I suspect that fiendlock will end up better fleshed out in that regard

I'm not confident they will add much in the way of patron interactions. They have made it clear you will be able to invoke your patron for help during some checks and such, but I doubt there will be much more than that.

I would bet serious money for instance you won't be able to pick a specific patron or physically interact with it in any way(i.e: the patron won't actually show up in the game or change anything of importance). They have a lot of resources but not that much. It will be just a voice in your head on some specifc interactions you can ask for help and that is it. Won't even have a name or specific identity beyond "archfey" or "fiend". The exception is the Wyll origin off course.

Plus it will be very schizo having another noncorporeal entity interacting with your mind besides the tadpole. Convoluted even.
I have to dig up the interview, but I am confident someone confirmed that there would be ample patron interactions; probably not to Wyll's extent thought.

To processdaemon post, Goolock could be good/neat if there was a reliable way to crit. Mortal reminder is an AOE, 2-turn frighten now I think, which is yet another advantage for the next ability/hit roll. It wouldn't surprise me if someone finds a cheesy ranged-build, like that one warlock EA build dedicated to use of Fly and hand crossbows.
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Jun 7, 2015
Snowflake races now are drow and maybe gith. Tieflings have become trivial.
You forgot dragonborn. The very special snowflake trio - drow, tiefling, dragonborn.

I raise your snowflakiness to another level. Albino Drow("Szarkai"):

Szarkai were the result of a very rare mutation, appearing in only 0.01% of the drow population. They were relatively more common among the noble houses than among lower castes, though it was unknown if this was the product of inbreeding or meddling by the goddess Lolth. The birth of a szarkai was viewed as the blessing of Lolth upon a family, and thus they were dubbed szarkai, or "ghost spiders". Other drow looked on them in awe. They were far too valuable to risk in the cutthroat politics of drow society, or to be murdered by chance in the streets.[2]

Thus, their existence was kept a secret from all, known only to the highest-ranking members of a family and those who had a vital need to know. Kept apart from everyday drow life, szarkai were sequestered and lived much safer than many other drow, though no less harsh or corruptive. They tended to receive personal attention and training from the very cruelest of priestesses and the most duplicitous of nobles. Almost from birth, they were trained as spies and saboteurs and readied for a life undercover on the surface, living among elves and in human cities where elves were common, where they could operate without suspicion. When they'd completed their training and had the necessary skills, szarkai were sent on deep-cover, long-term assignments to the surface, to advance the plots of their houses and of the Spider Queen.[2]

"Good" drow became so commonplace they had to raise the bar I guess.


Jun 7, 2015
I'm probably going to try goolock first because I'm curious to see how they implement a great old one patron, especially since they suggested there would be some sort of patron interactions, although I suspect that fiendlock will end up better fleshed out in that regard

I'm not confident they will add much in the way of patron interactions. They have made it clear you will be able to invoke your patron for help during some checks and such, but I doubt there will be much more than that.

I would bet serious money for instance you won't be able to pick a specific patron or physically interact with it in any way(i.e: the patron won't actually show up in the game or change anything of importance). They have a lot of resources but not that much. It will be just a voice in your head on some specifc interactions you can ask for help and that is it. Won't even have a name or specific identity beyond "archfey" or "fiend". The exception is the Wyll origin off course.

Plus it will be very schizo having another noncorporeal entity interacting with your mind besides the tadpole. Convoluted even.
I have to dig up the interview, but I am confident someone confirmed that there would be ample patron interactions; probably not to Wyll's extent thought.

To processdaemon post, Goolock could be good/neat if there was a reliable way to crit. Mortal reminder is an AOE, 2-turn frighten now I think, which is yet another advantage for the next ability/hit roll. It wouldn't surprise me if someone finds a cheesy ranged-build, like that one warlock EA build dedicated to use of Fly and hand crossbows.

Not going to happen bro. You can't possibly expect anything remotely as developed as the interactions with tadpole or the dark urge "butler".

It will be some(or perhaps many) dialogue options and that is it. I mean some races already have hundreds of unique dialogue interactions...not unlikely for wlock, but that is mostly flavor. But you won't have any deeper plot interaction with your patron as say Wyll origin.

La vie sexuelle

Jun 10, 2023
La Rochelle
Snowflake races now are drow and maybe gith. Tieflings have become trivial.
You forgot dragonborn. The very special snowflake trio - drow, tiefling, dragonborn.

I raise your snowflakiness to another level. Albino Drow("Szarkai"):

Szarkai were the result of a very rare mutation, appearing in only 0.01% of the drow population. They were relatively more common among the noble houses than among lower castes, though it was unknown if this was the product of inbreeding or meddling by the goddess Lolth. The birth of a szarkai was viewed as the blessing of Lolth upon a family, and thus they were dubbed szarkai, or "ghost spiders". Other drow looked on them in awe. They were far too valuable to risk in the cutthroat politics of drow society, or to be murdered by chance in the streets.[2]

Thus, their existence was kept a secret from all, known only to the highest-ranking members of a family and those who had a vital need to know. Kept apart from everyday drow life, szarkai were sequestered and lived much safer than many other drow, though no less harsh or corruptive. They tended to receive personal attention and training from the very cruelest of priestesses and the most duplicitous of nobles. Almost from birth, they were trained as spies and saboteurs and readied for a life undercover on the surface, living among elves and in human cities where elves were common, where they could operate without suspicion. When they'd completed their training and had the necessary skills, szarkai were sent on deep-cover, long-term assignments to the surface, to advance the plots of their houses and of the Spider Queen.[2]

"Good" drow became so commonplace they had to raise the bar I guess.

They said is some video that had had so many drow reactions so they needed to divide "Lolth" and "Not Lolth" options. Of course, Good Drow is a stupid idea, but I prefer to have two separate species than making normal drows into "Drizzt Race".


Jul 4, 2010

Will weapon maneuvers even make sense when you can just boink stuff 9 times per round as a hasted fighter?
Haste is supposed to be fixed at launch. That's still a hefty 8 attacks though!

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