Oh, you are. Tell me, as a DnD build autist, are you familiar with JaronK's class tier list?
It's a universally accepted amongst optimizers list that divides every base class into 6 categories, with tier 1 being the top tier, and tier 5 being the bottom one as far as classes anyone actually plays are concerned. Monk occupies the latter.
It's very adorable that monk can do jump kicks across the room at level 20, but that stopped being relevant quite a while ago - on level 20, casters have infinite clones on their private demiplanes. You're saying "can do more damage with his hands than just about anything in the game"? At level 5, Warshaper can kill anything in the game in one turn, as long as he can potentially hit the Armor Class. You're saying that monk can be a stealthy scout and a trapfinder? That role is made obsolete by some extremely basic spells. Monk has high attack bonus from all the spells that's been cast on him? That's great. Wizard could also use those spellslots on himself, and achieve far more than monk could ever do. Monk can trip? Horizon Walker can do it a thousand times better, without any spells whatsoever or a single magic item - or a single splatbook being used for character building.
You can give monk all the magic items and spells in the world, but in the end, it's like putting a lipstick on a pig.
It's not too late to apologize for claiming that I have no idea what I'm talking about.