Not enough deaths, by CromAnd the goddess of magic die every edition of the game.Fearun has already had TWO separate empires based on magic and look how that turned out.
Yep. When 3 witches almost destroyed one of the biggest barbarian tribe on pathfinder, barbarians started to hate magicians.
Curse of strahd dont have many good magic items, gulthias staff ,one cursed wizard staff then one regal +2 plate armor , one +2 sword at the very end. Even getting a silvered weapon is already a feat . Then it has artefacts , the holy symbol of ravenkind and the sunsword, not evena ttunable for everyone and only a counterpart to strahd godly powers.5e is balanced so you can play without any magic items.
Strahd is SO WEAK on 5e that a mob of peasants can kill him. He is no longer immune to ultra rare +2 weapons on Barovia, with contingency of spells and dozens of high level spells per day.
Anyway, i an really interested on seeing the story of BG3. The idea of being a victim of a weird mindflayer experiment is honestly more interesting and original than being one of the Bhaal children. I an not saying that it will be good as BG2 BTW. Only that the original premise seems good.