Farewell into the night
Why they didn't show the gameplay? What are they hiding?
Wow that video was totally awesome! Very funny and let's you know that the humor in this game will be so fierce! Larian SLAYS! This will probably being the best Baldur's Gate game ever, sis!
I hope they were atleast forced to complete bg1 - 2 ToB 25 times.
SV: The previous Baldur's Gate games were based on Dungeons & Dragons 3.5.
Maybe not even trialling for 30 minutes.
why is it just totally acceptable that every few years people are just dumber and dumber and that we should just always just accept this as some sort of inevitable evolution?Well obviously it would be modernized and adapted for casual audiences... what the fuck else would they do? Nobody could have honestly believed it would be like an IE game... right? I'm not saying that this is good or bad, it's merely a statement of fact. It was legitimately impossible for it not to be modernized. They have the business sense to try to make this game for everyone to play, not just BG fans. Statement of fact.
What's the only link in the post you're currently replying to?Where did Sven say that? Which article?
well when you start to say you dont like the hit chance and you are going to change that , it doesnt bode well. it certainly does not mean roll a D20 and add modifier, certainly does not mean faith ful to pnp anymore....I am starting to think we may see something like dragon dogma at best.Why they didn't show the gameplay? What are they hiding?
have never done action combat
Both Divine Divinity and Divinity 2 are action RPGs.
What's funny about this is, for Larian making an action RPG could be considered going back to their roots.
Because fucking E3 is happening in 2 days and you have to time you marketing right. Teaser trailer first, then interviews, then gameplay. They announced the game yesterday FFS! Are they supposed to show everything in the first day? What gaming company in the history of gaming did ever do this?Why they didn't show the gameplay? What are they hiding?
Vincke: What are the demands from WotC for Lairian/Vincke to make Baldurs Gate 3?
WotC: Got to be:
Vincke: Okey, "Player agency"
- True to D&D lore
- Choices have to feel like they are real. No fake choices.
Then some verbal nothing WotC: It also gots to be the bestest shiniest most creative game EVVAH!
Later later:WotC: *Something uninteresting about the process of imploding into a squid*
Vincke: We love WotC and they live us!! *Single player, co-op play and some fluff-talk*
because stadia means it will get a gnu/linux release or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.Why Stadia, they didn't need the money from Google, so WHY
why notWhy Stadia, they didn't need the money from Google, so WHY
Paraphrasing/copying/dictate from the video above:
Vincke: What are the demands from WotC for Lairian/Vincke to make Baldurs Gate 3?
WotC: Got to be:
Vincke: Okey, "Player agency"
- True to D&D lore
- Choices have to feel like they are real. No fake choices.
Then some verbal nothing WotC: It also gots to be the bestest shiniest most creative game EVVAH!
Later later:WotC: *Something uninteresting about the process of imploding into a squid*
Vincke: We love WotC and they live us!! *Single player, co-op play and some fluff-talk*
Why are both WotC and Larian painfully avoiding talking about the combat system? True to D&D lore is an obvious avoidance of (what should be) TRUE TO D&D RULES.
Very strange...
Also, the whole thing with Vincke stealing a WotC employee to symbolize WotC's aprovement, is more like Swen taking WotC hostage with the promise of lotz of exztra loot for them if they agree to his terms.
Vincke really duped them to think WotC would look tough and strong against Vincke with their baby.. but NO, that's not the way these WotC fools are presented in the video.
They areies
because stadia means it will get a gnu/linux release or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.Why Stadia, they didn't need the money from Google, so WHY
I didnt read too much into Stadia, but AFAICS it's basically a retarded deported client aka We go back to the 80's.why notWhy Stadia, they didn't need the money from Google, so WHY
Poor writting ?
3rd person view ?
You know what you should really be afraid of ?
BG III E-Sport