no u
All I'm saying that without ANY information
This is exactly my point, you have information. You just don't like what it indicates.There are no clear cut information. We have basically nothing which you extrapolate and make up shit that this will be Mass Effect or DA: Inquisition.We have information, you just decide to ignore it.
And this thread devolved into complete and total stupidity.
Old news. It’s for brand recognition and WOTC probably did it for money, which isn’t surprising.Honestly I don't really understand the point of making "Baldur's Gate 3" at this point. That ship has sailed long ago and since they're using the new ruleset and it's set like 100 years after the originals and probably will have very little connection with them, why not just do a completely new D&D game? Or something else entirely. Larian has their Original Sins now and a lot of people like them so just make a new one.
Making a sequel to a 20 year old series that not that many people know about will leave most modern gamers indifferent (or rather, as excited as they would have been for any other new Larian game) while the fanboys of the original games will want to burn Larian at the stake for making even the slightest changes to the formula even if said changes are objectively good.
Personally, I'm interested in seeing what they come up with but I'm kinda expecting something on the level of Dragon Age that was also supposed to be the "new Baldur's Gate" n shiet but ended up pretty mediocre.
Seems unlikely to be an action game if it's going to be a Stadia flagship title. Input lag doesn't go well with reflex gameplay.
You miss a lot in D&D—if the dice are bad, you miss," he says. "That doesn't work well in a videogame. If I do that, you're going to review it and say it's shit. Our approach has been implementing it as pure as we can, and then just seeing what works and what doesn't. Stuff that doesn't work, we start adapting until it does.
This is supposed to be at the E3 PC show, right? Do we think they will show something other than the teaser trailer?
I used to play OnLive
Steam forumThere's an official Baldur's Gate 3 forum? The Larian forums don't have one:
Sawyer reads this thread for sure
Steam forumThere's an official Baldur's Gate 3 forum? The Larian forums don't have one: