Is it good? Worth reading? I glimpsed at the
wikipedia entry and had a WTF I am reading moment:
The amoral villains of the novel, both 'The Trio' and 'The Island Club,' are often portrayed as harboring some level of racism and sexism, and often in extreme cases such as ex-SS officer Willi and Melanie Fuller's background in pre-war Austria and the segregationist south of the United States.
It was written a while back when nobody cared about minorities trangenders snowflakes feelings.
It's a kind of "horror"-fantasy novel using history as a background.
It's really dark. I think it's really good and it's way more focused than Hyperion and its sequels, for instance.
It isn't a book all about vampires but vampires are part of the plot and it's an original and interesting take on vampires.
If you find it offensive, don't read Iron Dreams...
Don't believe his lies. It's not a vampire novel and it's shit.
Go read Vampire of the Mists if you want the D&D vampire flavor, it's not a bad book, despite being written by Christie Golden, it even has THE vampire poster boy Strahd in it.
Well, Dan Simmons certainly don't write DnD shit...
Remind me, which D&D book you read was actually good ?