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Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate 3 RELEASE THREAD

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
He's not as much a character as he is a lore dispenser.
Just because he was too 'boring' to be in the cast of The Avengers: Guardians of Faerun, or never solicited The Nameless One for gay sex, doesn't mean he wasn't a character.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009


Aug 20, 2023
One thing that I find shocking is how Larian has managed to drum into the public the idea that BG3 has created and/or reinvented role-playing games.

After talking to some people I noticed some percieved as if they were totally revolutionary concepts things like branching quest trees, interparty banter and relationships, an applied ruleset where you can see dice rolls and things like that which are the bread and butter of many many RPGs.

At one point someone whose experience in RPGs is WOW, DDO and Neverwinter Online said that hopefully this is the path that RPGs are going to follow from now as if everything made BG3 was just primitive garbage made for simple people when they have been like this for 35 years.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Does anyone know how to edit companions (hirelings at best) or how to play with custom characters?
Maybe some mod or something? I can't seem to find it.
I mean some *other* way than the one with running 4 instances of the game.
There isn't one. Even the 4 instance trick seems hit or miss, depending on if patches have broken it again.
Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
There isn't one. Even the 4 instance trick seems hit or miss, depending on if patches have broken it again.
I have honestly no idea what they were thinking with this convolute, unnecessary "hirelings" system, frankly.
I'm not even someone who cares that much about "custom party from the start", but it's pretty clear this isn't what people were asking for.


May 8, 2007
After the worst callback to Dak'kon I've ever seen out of fanfiction.
99% of the people playing this game have no fucking clue who Dak'kon is, and what you're referring to.
i know him. he's that guy who gives lots of free shit for solving some shitty puzzle.

He's not as much a character as he is a lore dispenser.
It's true, he didn't try to fuck you when asked about the Unbroken Circle of Zerthimon. What a non-character.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
I have honestly no idea what they were thinking with this convolute, unnecessary "hirelings" system, frankly.
They were probably thinking "Gosh, we really don't want to have to add multiple character creation to D:OS2's framework. Let's just give a bunch of premade NPCs because Early Access taught us that people hate our characters."


Mar 23, 2015
If you pick up the Act 2 big bad's journal from his bedroom, where he reveals what the Absolute is, and his plans are...nothing happens. :outrage:
You can also find enough about it out just by sticking your arm through a crack in the wall, which lets you contact the Elder Brain and (potentially) gets you pulled into the mind flayer colony below.

It really doesn't matter if you know his plans or what the Absolute is at that point. You already realize that he's invincible, and dealing with that invincibility is the issue you need to tackle.
If you encounter Jaheira afterwards it makes for a very awkward conversation, since she's asking you about stuff you know.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
If you encounter Jaheira afterwards it makes for a very awkward conversation, since she's asking you about stuff you know.
Never met her in my playthrough.

I agree that the journal was a heavy-handed lore dump, and it *should* have some effect. I'm just saying that I can see why it doesn't necessarily change the course of the game at that moment.


Sep 6, 2022
Many people commenting on BG3 and the Forgotten Realms generally seem to be under the misapprehension that the Forgotten Realms was ever a serious attempt at creating a fantasy version of pseudo-medieval Europe
Eh. Yes, FR had a bunch of different settings crammed into one world, but the general expectation of medieval fantasy, particularly along a pseudo-European geography like this part of the SC, is that there's going to be a kingdom there and that kingdom, if it has traditional knights and such, is probably going to be European. Not even necessarily pasty white men, but something vaguely like Europe, since you're borrowing so much of the culture, and since other areas are home to races that are specifically black or Arab, implying that the areas that aren't are probably different.

And even if you want to make a different race there, even though this is specifically a sequel to Baldur's Gate, a game that showed at least a sizable amount of white people there in typical Medieval dress, go ahead. But there's going to be some distinct group of people there, or even groups, and they're going to have distinctive characteristics, since travel isn't that easy. They're not going to be a mix of random races slapped together so much so that you can't tell who the locals are at all. At least if you want an ounce of believability.

This isn't something I'm saying Wizards or TSR did on purpose, or wanted to have. This is an assumption players are going to naturally have, since the setting isn't suited to creating abject melting pots. Sure, you're going to have lots of races in a specifically mercantile city - merchants, refugees, what have you. But it's not going to have zero distinctive demographics for the local humans, which lore-wise are supposed to be a majority.

But BG3 takes it a step further. Not only is there no distinctive human culture, but humanity itself looks to be a minority. This just makes the setting feel preposterous. It's a city less cohesive or homogeneous than any large modern city. And in a modern city, travel is so easy that you can go from the other end of the world to LA in a day.

You're correct that Forgotten Realms had its problems and that there are better settings, but even with those problems, BG1 was at least playable without wandering around slapping your forehead in amazement at how the worldbuilding couldn't be more trash if they tried. Not that I'm praising BG1's simplistic world specifically, just saying that it was tolerable. But then, I doubt there was anyone looking over their shoulder at the time, making sure they added enough Diversity.

Also, hat's off to the Murder In Baldur's Gate authors for naming the negro duke "Ravengard". He's black and he was a guard. Real subtle.
Even in FR, humanity is the most numerous race. Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter, Amn, all major kingdoms are comprised of an overwhelming majority of humans.
Looks like Larian forgot that...


Mar 23, 2015
If you encounter Jaheira afterwards it makes for a very awkward conversation, since she's asking you about stuff you know.
Never met her in my playthrough.

I agree that the journal was a heavy-handed lore dump, and it *should* have some effect. I'm just saying that I can see why it doesn't necessarily change the course of the game at that moment.
At least an update on 'Embrace your Potential' quest would be nice.

Where is that wall you mentioned?


Sep 6, 2022
FR is chock full of elves and other races and their shitty kingdoms who no one cares about.
Chad Greyhawk vs Virgin Forgotten Realms. Elven and dwarven kingdoms were more secluded and insular, not easily accessible by everyone. That's the way it should be.
Gygax believed in humanity.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Where is that wall you mentioned?
You need to climb up a ladder and onto to the rafters on the first floor. There's a glowing crack in the wall in the room to the left of the front entrance to the tower. It's surprisingly hidden given that it triggers a scene I didn't see anywhere else.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Chad Greyhawk vs Virgin Forgotten Realms. Elven and dwarven kingdoms were more secluded and insular, not easily accessible by everyone. That's the way it should be.
Gygax believed in humanity.
You don't even have to believe in humanity. You just have to want to keep mythical races mysterious and interesting.

"I want to become an adventurer!"
"To explore! To see the elven tree cities! To visit the depths of the Dwarf fortresses!"
"But we have dwarves and elves here..."
"Oh. Well, also to fight orcs, goblins and trolls! To slay devils and--"
"Woah! Cool it with the racism, buddy! My wife is an orc. You're sick!"


Mar 1, 2021
There isn't one. Even the 4 instance trick seems hit or miss, depending on if patches have broken it again.
I have honestly no idea what they were thinking with this convolute, unnecessary "hirelings" system, frankly.
I'm not even someone who cares that much about "custom party from the start", but it's pretty clear this isn't what people were asking for.
In all honesty, many, if not most RPGs don't allow for companions to be edited. However, not that many RPGs have so many annoying, samey characters :/


Village Idiot
Aug 17, 2023
Codex+ Now Streaming!
Chad Greyhawk vs Virgin Forgotten Realms. Elven and dwarven kingdoms were more secluded and insular, not easily accessible by everyone. That's the way it should be.
Gygax believed in humanity.
You don't even have to believe in humanity. You just have to want to keep mythical races mysterious and interesting.

"I want to become an adventurer!"
"To explore! To see the elven tree cities! To visit the depths of the Dwarf fortresses!"
"But we have dwarves and elves here..."
"Oh. Well, also to fight orcs, goblins and trolls! To slay devils and--"
"Woah! Cool it with the racism, buddy! My wife is an orc. You're sick!"
10 min into the game you meet a caravan of tieflings. I don’t give a shit about the “welcome refugees” excuse it’s boring shit. Exotic races being presented as common as the trees around you turns them into humans but with red skin.

This is right after escaping a mindflayer ship that was attacked by teleporting dragons and you encountering a mysterious friendly undead in a tomb that contains necromonicon 2.0 btw.


Mar 23, 2015
Buffs from items seem to last even if you unequip them, e.g. you can equip Shapeshifter's Mask and Ring of the Shapeshifter on someone, shift, then unequip both and have permanent +1d4.

Sure there are way better ways to abuse this.


Mar 1, 2021
Hirelings are one extra basic NPC of each class in case someone permadies and you want a new wizard. There's not much else to it.
Hopefully, some mods will appear. I discontinued and stopped talking to all but two companions. It's much more bearable like that :D And I can enjoy what this game does well; combat, finding a "treasure behind the waterfall", and different approaches to quests.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Buffs from items seem to last even if you unequip them, e.g. you can equip Shapeshifter's Mask and Ring of the Shapeshifter on someone, shift, then unequip both and have permanent +1d4.

Sure there are way better ways to abuse this.

Go to the tips and tricks threads Para. Nice and comfy game talk and less incelposting


Nov 29, 2018
Reading through Larian forums is hilarious. So much stupid shit that went into the game and cool stuff that got cut.

Apparently Sven promised, less than a month before the release, a fully explorable Baldur's Gate with opulent upper districts and a complex relationship system with your companions lol you can't make that shit up


Jun 27, 2014
One thing that I find shocking is how Larian has managed to drum into the public the idea that BG3 has created and/or reinvented role-playing games.

After talking to some people I noticed some percieved as if they were totally revolutionary concepts things like branching quest trees, interparty banter and relationships, an applied ruleset where you can see dice rolls and things like that which are the bread and butter of many many RPGs.

At one point someone whose experience in RPGs is WOW, DDO and Neverwinter Online said that hopefully this is the path that RPGs are going to follow from now as if everything made BG3 was just primitive garbage made for simple people when they have been like this for 35 years.
Larian didn't invent anything gameplay-wise (other than multiplayer) but they managed to make CRPGs cool and sexy without having to dumb down the gameplay to console action game levels.

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