BG3 does a lot of things tremendously well but it is has some seriously bad flaws.
There were moments when listening to Raphael's dialogue (and his VA performance) where I was floored by how good it was. As a sometime-DM, my thoughts were something along the lines of 'damn, I need to up my fucking game next time a voice a BBEG'.
But then on the other hand you have Karlach. It's seriously jarring.
And the lack of challenge in this game is honestly fucking shameful, especially considering that, as someone else in this thread IIRC pointed out (or maybe it was on Discord I can't remember), the encounter design is honestly quite good, especially compared to the copy paste trash we get in games like Kingmaker or Wrath. But as Lacrymas points out, the AI is really, really fucking terrible at times (although I will give them some credit for slowly improving it with patches), and it's so godamn easy once you get a handle on the gameplay systems.
So ultimately it's a real mixed bag, and that's before we address Act 3 at all.