No? Ninde is better than most of the BioWare NPCs. Party banter is good for pacing, and with the amount I've played BG2, I know the dialogue of the decent BioWare NPCs too well, and there's no chance in hell I'm taking Aerie or similar NPCs along.
I'm sure is covered somewhere in the 30 pages, but do these all work with the EE editions? I bought them on sale because having Baldurs Gate on steam was easier than installing it from my ancient boxed copies.
No? Ninde is better than most of the BioWare NPCs.
I'm sure is covered somewhere in the 30 pages, but do these all work with the EE editions? I bought them on sale because having Baldurs Gate on steam was easier than installing it from my ancient boxed copies.
I'm sure is covered somewhere in the 30 pages, but do these all work with the EE editions? I bought them on sale because having Baldurs Gate on steam was easier than installing it from my ancient boxed copies.
Grunker so starting off from your install order i adjusted it to the shit i wanted to install as goes: (feel free to correct any errors, you or anyone else)
1. BGW fixpack
2. G3 fixpack (incompatible with oversight - "alignment corrections" component)
3. 1pp 4.1
4. Ascension
5. Unfinished Business
6. Quest pack
7. Wheels of prophecies
8. Ninde
9. Tower of deception
10. Back to Brynnlaw
11. Assassinations
12. The sellswords
13. item upgrades (and maybe ruad)
14. underrepresented items
15. tactics (new encounters components only)
16. Wizard Slayer Rebalancing (install without HLA, install refinments, install wizard slayer hla after)
17. Rogue Rebalancing (install without thief/bard hla, install refinments, install thief/bard hla after, see
18. Oversight
19. Refinments
20. SCS
21. G3 tweakpack
22. atweaks
23. level 1 npc's (after atweaks because recommended, after G3 tweakpack because i may screw arround with weapon proficiency rules and if i do it says i should install it after)
24. Almateria's Restoration Project (without component g)
25. Banter pack.
Main differences:
-Read that Unfinished goes better before Quest pack, not sure if relevant, you put it after.
-Read that level 1 npc's should go after atweaks/g3 tweakpack if you change proficiency shit, you did it before, not sure if relevant.
-Random quest mods/content (8. to 15.) should technically be able to go anywhere before scs/tweakpack/atweaks in whatever order, right?
-if Nande turns out to be another Sarileth i will find out where you live gronker
Grunker L1NPC is awesome, yes. I actually don't like the idea of changing NPCs' classes too much, though, probably only because I'm so used to them now.
From what I remember, Ascension should be installed as early as possible, post ToBex and pre-fixpack. Granted, I haven't done a big BGT install since 2011. The reasoning behind installing Ascension before the fixpack is that the fixpack patches anything fucked up, including what ascension touches, so at worst you'll get some vanilla stats for creatures but nothing will break due to Ascension's bugs. Also, this is assuming you're using the vanilla ascension mod and not the BP series one. If you aren't using the BP series AI, you also don't want to use that version of Ascension as it's buggy and installs more AI scripts for other monsters than it should (circa 2011, v180 something).uaciaut: All tweak mods last, basically. I also recommend Generalized Biffing to kill lagzorz (it goes at the very end of everything else). I think Ascension has to be installed in a specific slot and is incompatible with a ton of shit, but I never use it so I don't know 100%. Rest looks fine.
Quest/content mods should be installed before tweak mods like SCS and atweaks, yes. I don't see anything wrong with your order, but I'd probably install Almateria's Restoration Project earlier. Or is there a specific reason it's so late in your list?
Where is it recommended to install L1NPC after aTweaks? I never did that and never had no problemz![]()
From what I remember, Ascension should be installed as early as possible, post ToBex and pre-fixpack. Granted, I haven't done a big BGT install since 2011. The reasoning behind installing Ascension before the fixpack is that the fixpack patches anything fucked up, including what ascension touches, so at worst you'll get some vanilla stats for creatures but nothing will break due to Ascension's bugs. Also, this is assuming you're using the vanilla ascension mod and not the BP series one. If you aren't using the BP series AI, you also don't want to use that version of Ascension as it's buggy and installs more AI scripts for other monsters than it should (circa 2011, v180 something).
It is pretty hard(as in I'm fairly sure dude is stronger than Demogorgon or Amelyssan and you are facing it before Irenicus) but I've seen worse.Only one of those I've tried is Tower of Deception, which is pretty decent. Just a short dungeon crawl. Don't install the optional fight though, it's stupid and basically impossible
I would recommend playing a bit first to make sure that everything is smooth. I've found that mod-added items tend to have fucked up restrictions (or other problems) that you'll want to fix with NearInfinity and drop in the override folder. Once you've played it a bit and are content, then run the biffing routing.Just remember that if you choose the supar c00l ultra-zero lag version of Generalized Biffing (chosen when you install), you can't go fuck about with most of the resources in the BG directory while playing.
@echo off
mode con:cols=80 lines=25000
rem col is char number of columns, lines is buffer
del *.debug
rem deletes old debug info
del WeiDU.log
rem deletes old WeiDU log
Setup-TobEx.exe --language 0 --force-install-list 100 102 103 106 107 108 109 111 114 115 116 117 118 120 121 122 --skip-at-view
rem 101, concentration check on dmg, is bugged as of v20, 105 disable 0 dmg interrupts buggy
SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.exe --language 0 --force-install-list 0 1000 1 3 100 101 102 103 104 106 107 108 110 111 112 113 114 --skip-at-view
rem component 2 removed
Setup-BDToBv168.exe --language 0 --force-install-list 0 2 3 6 7 --skip-at-view
rem setup-1pp_hq_music_II.exe --language 0 --force-install-list 0 --skip-at-view
type _custom-game\l1npc1218-ajantis.txt | setup-level1npcs.exe --language 0 --force-install-list 1218 --skip-at-view
type _custom-game\l1npc1219-alora.txt | setup-level1npcs.exe --language 0 --force-install-list 1219 --skip-at-view
Say, can you just uninstall mods after you installed them or are the game files often still screwed up afterwards?
I know Refinements, for one, hasn't been ported to BGEE, unfortunately.I'm sure is covered somewhere in the 30 pages, but do these all work with the EE editions? I bought them on sale because having Baldurs Gate on steam was easier than installing it from my ancient boxed copies.
BigWorldSetup does all that and more. You select what to install in its GUI, configure mod settings, let it check for incompatibilities and dependencies and once you're happy with your config just hit go and come back to a finished modded BGT (or just BG1 or BG2) install.Also, and this might interest uaciaut as well as anyone else installing a lot of mods, you can write a general .bat file to automate the installation of every single one of your mods.
The only difference being, you can be sure it's exactly what you want.BigWorldSetup does all that and more. You select what to install in its GUI, configure mod settings, let it check for incompatibilities and dependencies and once you're happy with your config just hit go and come back to a finished modded BGT (or just BG1 or BG2) install.Also, and this might interest uaciaut as well as anyone else installing a lot of mods, you can write a general .bat file to automate the installation of every single one of your mods.
There's really no reason to manually download and install a gazillion mods or to read through ancient forum threads to figure out install orders.