Wich makes this event not a 'Choice' anymore, once you know that. Who takes the injury healing potion?Body heals exhaustion&all (non-permanent) injuries, spirit gives a veteran level up (+1 to three stats of your choice).
i never use axes because their icons are ugly as shit
The autism mod has been updated to WotN and the latest patch: https://www.nexusmods.com/battlebrothers/mods/60?tab=files
Enhanced Enemies
- Low level enemies added for single character starts.
- Increased variety of spawn options in the mid game.
- Scaling extended out for larger parties and longer games
- Powerful new enemies like hulking orc behemoths
- Legendary versions of all enemies in legendary difficulty mode
- More blood on all damaged enemies, more particle effects
Absolutely not.what this game needs is a sequel turning it into a cRPG
It is a cheat because the limitations are put in place from the devs for the sole reason of being a time sink. I'm not saying it's a bad idea to use the mod because I don't think many of the dev's decisions make for interesting gameplay, they're there to pad the time you spend with the game.Apparently it is a hot debate whether the mod that basically doubles your cart's inventory space is a QOL or a "cheat".
Autismists know no limits.
The autism mod has been updated to WotN and the latest patch: https://www.nexusmods.com/battlebrothers/mods/60?tab=files
Enhanced Enemies
- Low level enemies added for single character starts.
- Increased variety of spawn options in the mid game.
- Scaling extended out for larger parties and longer games
- Powerful new enemies like hulking orc behemoths
- Legendary versions of all enemies in legendary difficulty mode
- More blood on all damaged enemies, more particle effects
It's appealing, although what this game needs is a sequel turning it into a cRPG and why not managing a faction ?
never ever got this before
Make sure to bring along a monk if you do go for a knightly group.