You could have simply given them the head...Okay now the game's just fucking with me.
Another early-ish game. Things just getting started, got to around level 3 - 4 for my vets, although with some heavy losses on the way. I get a two-skull bandit camp job. There's a boss. I kill him. On my way back, I get mugged by bounty hunters.
That's just not fair man.![]()
Is it me, or do enemy's stats scale with your lvl?
I finally grinded enough, so that certain amounts of certain enemies "should" be no-brainers only for them to really hurt me anyway...
That and some other aspects keep this game from being one of my favourites in recent years. (Still fun and I just wasted a week of vacation on it...)
Now hoping for mods to "fix" scaling (and brigand marksmen and orc charges), increase world sizes and to let me play as orc warbands or to rule the world with necromancy.
Yep. The dev spill some beans recently and explain that enemy bands scale with time(global) and company strength(so probably levels, average levels and backgrounds, dunno what about items).
Game can not be modded. Other than graphic and audio replacement(but its all meh).
All important text game files all locked into .cnut files that you can not do anything. So no modding, tweaking or balancing.
Its not Mount and blade where you can open Notepad++ and change stuff.
So the game has the "most beloved" feature of level-scalling in the worst oblivion-esque way? Hmm well that explains why i never feel like my band is getting stronger- because enemies keep up in pace. That's quite stupid, unless someone wants to play endlessly, which is probably a goal of only a few percent of players.