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Incline Battle Brothers + Beasts & Exploration, Warriors of the North and Blazing Deserts DLC Thread


Jun 4, 2015
La Font del Gat
Do I need to start a new game for the DLCs to work?

No but yes.

That is, if you add the DLC and continue an old save, some of the features will work, but other, like legendary sites, will not, because they need a new map generated to exist.

I'd recommend starting anew.


Mar 24, 2017


We’re back with another dev blog to take a closer look at what the upcoming ‘Blazing Deserts’ DLC for Battle Brothers brings to the table. As we’ve established last time, the world map will be expanded with new lands to the south. Even though the focus of the DLC will be on fighting human opponents, those new southern deserts wouldn’t feel quite complete without their own bestiary loosely based on middle-eastern mythology. The Ifrit is one such beast that you’ll soon be able to face, so let’s delve in!

The Ifrit

The south is a harsh land, and the southern city states do not tolerate dissent. Criminals, expended slaves and bothersome political rivals all may find themselves expelled to the blazing deserts without a drop of water. There, so folklore claims, the sun shall burn away their impurities and distill their spirits to their very essence. Forged by fire and tempered with heat, every once in a while, an Ifrit is born. A cursed creature, if folklore is to be believed, a spirit saved by basking beneath the gilded shine of the eternal sun, if the priests speak true, and a strange and alien creature in any case. Made not of flesh and blood, but of rock and stone, of shifting sands, it roams endlessly where the blistering heat of the sun has baked the land into endless barren wastes that stretch between the horizons.

In battle, the Ifrit comes in three sizes of living rock. The larger, the more dangerous. Unique among all creatures in Battle Brothers, several smaller Ifrits can assemble into one larger one, and several larger ones can assemble into one gargantuan. These shuffling behemoths are slow, but they can strike powerful blows in melee, and they can also rip out parts of themselves and fling them at enemies. Not only is getting a living rock thrown at you a dangerous ranged attack, but whether the attack hits or misses, the rock thrown is itself a small Ifrit that can attack in melee once it has crashed at its destination – which may well be at your backline. Worse yet, if there’s three or more smaller Ifrits being thrown around, they can then assemble again into a larger one elsewhere!

If your men manage to destroy an Ifrit, it will crumble into two smaller parts with one part lost, until it is down to the smallest size where destroying it will end its existence permanently. If there happens to be a third part around of a fitting size, however, the Ifrit can again assemble itself to a rocky monstrosity, so fighting it is as much about dealing damage as it is about smart positioning and denying access to tiles. While large Ifrits are too heavy to be pushed around, smaller ones can be both pulled and knocked back to your advantage.

The Ifrit is a powerful opponent best taken on by experienced companies towards the later parts of a campaign. There’s a new contract dealing with Ifrits, but there’s also incentive to challenge them on your own terms, and perhaps even earlier in a campaign. Ifrits drop rare and expensive ingredients which can be used to craft some of the powerful alchemical contraptions that are coming with the ‘Blazing Deserts’ DLC – including one shown in this wallpaper.
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Zionist Agent
Mar 9, 2019
Insert Title Here
don't listen to naysaying ninnies, paranormie contracts are fun and a great change of pace

we're still missing the opportunity to be contracted by a village to eliminate not-Dracula in his castle, tho


Sep 4, 2015
Not that different from schrats and schrats are not hard if you are prepared. I don't know how difficult they are to kill, but at least it straight killing time and not some alp fuckery.


Zionist Agent
Mar 9, 2019
Insert Title Here
schratz are an exercise in not putting squishie bros behind tankie bros

alps are fun, but they throw sleep dust on your bros and then give him nightmares in the same turn, waking them up? meaning their AI has hands tied behind their backs by design and the combat scenarios boils down to a whackamole (still, a fun distraction) - I guess weighing their priorities any different would result in party wipes every time they outnumber you


Dec 13, 2019
Not that different from schrats and schrats are not hard if you are prepared. I don't know how difficult they are to kill, but at least it straight killing time and not some alp fuckery.
They can be thrown to mess up your battle line, as well as form and reform into Megazord.


Jul 1, 2012
Shaper Crypt
- Gets Barb King quest
- kk, it's the second one I get in this playthrough, they pay well and are amusing to do
- Hey it's just like 11 barbs and the King, this one is going to be easy
- Wait, why I get a choice
- "Are you willing to go with us to kill Ancient Undeads, then we're going to dump this place"
- "ok"
- and now it's me and a shitton of barbs against 30+ Ancient Undeads, a Priest, and several Honour Guards

I'll never complain again about all missions feeling samey


Aug 18, 2018
They made the ifrit/efreet look like some random earth elemental instead of depicting him as an evil fiery spirit.


Teut Busnet

Dec 31, 2016
Codex Year of the Donut
- Gets Barb King quest
- kk, it's the second one I get in this playthrough, they pay well and are amusing to do
- Hey it's just like 11 barbs and the King, this one is going to be easy
- Wait, why I get a choice
- "Are you willing to go with us to kill Ancient Undeads, then we're going to dump this place"
- "ok"
- and now it's me and a shitton of barbs against 30+ Ancient Undeads, a Priest, and several Honour Guards

I'll never complain again about all missions feeling samey
I had this happen once when the King only brought 18 thralls with him.

We wandered for days into the middle of the wilderness, far away from civilization. In the fight, all the thralls were quickly slaughtered, trying to block pikes and crypt cleavers with their bare chests. The king didn't do much either, so my company took a heavy beating, most suffered wounds and my armor was destroyed.

When we finally made it back to a settlement, all my Bros were angry because they didn't eat for two days and the whole mess cost me three times more than what the contract was worth. Yay!


Jul 8, 2017
I just met my first band of goblins (4 archers, 4 cavalry and 4 infantry) and holy fuck were they annoying. On the bright side I was finally able to kill off one of my filler bros.


Apr 29, 2011
They made the ifrit/efreet look like some random earth elemental instead of depicting him as an evil fiery spirit.

Yeah, its uninspired. Here's what wikipedo says about them:

The word ifrit derives from the Quran, but only as an epithet and not to designate a specific type of demon.[2][4] The term itself is not found in pre-Islamic Arabic poetry, although variants such as ifriya and ifr are recorded prior to the Quran.[4] Traditionally, Arab philologists trace the derivation of the word to عفر (ʻafara, "to rub with dust" or "to roll into dust").[3][5] It is further used to describe sly, malicious, wicked and cunning characteristics.[6] Some Western philologists suggest a foreign origin of the word and attribute it to Middle Persian afritan which corresponds to Modern Persian آفريدن (to create), but this is regarded as unlikely by others.[4] In folklore, the term developed into a designation of a specific class of demon, though most Islamic scholarly traditions regard the term as an adjective.[5][4] These popular beliefs were elaborated in works such as in Al-Ibshihi's [ar] Mustatraf. They became identified either as a dangerous kind of demon (shayatin) preying on women, or as spirits of the dead.[4]

In Islamic folklore the afarit became a class of chthonic spirits, inhabiting the layers of the seven earths,[13][14] generally ruthless and wicked, formed out of smoke and fire. But despite their negative depictions and affiliation to the nether regions, afarit are not fundamentally evil on a moral plane; they might even carry out God's purpose. Such obligations can nevertheless be ruthless, such as obligation to blood vengeance and avenging murder.[3] An ifrit can further be bound to a sorcerer, if summoned.[8]
A desert spirit preying on women and avenging murders, this thing is boring. More like a merchant's golem.


Jul 1, 2012
Shaper Crypt
I had this happen once when the King only brought 18 thralls with him.

I was lucky, the retinue here was all Reavers and Chosen. They pretty much blew a hole in the undead line while I was desperately trying to keep up and keep their flanks clear, while the King beelined for the Undead Priest. When a Ancient Undead formation collapses it's done for good.


How I am supposed to take barb contracts after this?


Zionist Agent
Mar 9, 2019
Insert Title Here
I've done the mission thrice and the last two times all presented the option to go ruin an undead gang's day

I like to think the barbs learned from the death of their first kang and have been coming up with a plausible lie so I wouldn't kill them again, leading me on for days and praying that they'll find a band of roaming undead to sell it to me

Darth Canoli

Jun 8, 2018
Perched on a tree
Not that different from schrats and schrats are not hard if you are prepared. I don't know how difficult they are to kill, but at least it straight killing time and not some alp fuckery.

If you are prepared, not much is really hard.
I find new Alps quite easy to deal with, 2H bros and fencers 1 shot them almost all the time (the seer from legend too with his missile attack) but it might be just me barely (or not at all) using shieldbros.

Aside from the Kraken, here's my painful encounters list :

Lindwurms > Schrats > Orcs Warlords > Chosen/Orcs Warriors > Wieldergangers (it's endless, they bore me to death)

Legends Mod

By the way, the legends mod now add a lot of Boss monsters for each races, like a white wolf, a demon alp (summoning some kind of area napalm cloud and some shadows inside), a redback spider (didn't fight this one) and so on, even fought a bear which was a hexen familiar (unhold amount of health but with 2H sword attacks)

The mod is stable, didn't have any bug (events bug and ambitions fixed, perks too), they also "fixed" the random skill trees so there is one common part for each background and some random traits (agile, light armor, etc. ) adding their own perks.

It's still slightly annoying (i like to have berserk and pathfinder on every bro) but manageable.

The additional content makes the game fun even after hitting level 11 and you still gain perks (every 5 level and every 2 for your main character) which helps against the increased difficulty.
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Angelic Reinforcement
Dec 28, 2013
In your face
Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. My team has the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit. Pathfinder: Wrath
So, am I blind or is there no way in combat to show what any of the many applied status effects actually do?

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